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GAME OF THRONES - FILMS I-X // & HOTD [Community Thread]

Have now watched the first 5 films, and all I can say is I tip my cap to Anjohan. These edits are fantastic. Following up from my last post, Film II was right up there with Film I. There were a few scenes that you could tell there was an edit, but as I said earlier they were few and far between. The narrative is greatly spun together. Films 3 and 4 were fantastic in that I don’t think I noticed a single edit. Yes, I recognized that there were scenes cut due to my familiarity of the series, but the editing was top notch. I just finished Film V and I loved how much of the Dorne plotline was cut. What was retained made sense and didn’t drag down the story. Can’t wait to watch the remaining films! At this point, I can pretty confidently say that these films will be how I revisit this franchise in the future.

GAME OF THRONES - FILMS I-X // & HOTD [Community Thread]

Just finished Film I and wanted to leave a review while it is fresh in my mind. To start, this was a fantastic, and time saving, way to revisit Game of Thrones. Thanks to the quality and budget of the show itself, it really does feel like you are watching a movie, and not a “TV movie”. The story flows very well and maintains a consistent narrative, which speaks to the quality of the editor. There are a handful of scenes in the movie that you can tell there was a cut, mainly due to the position of the characters, but they are easy to look past. Also, with the amount of footage cut, there are some scenes that feature characters that didn’t get a proper introduction. So a first time viewer might get a little lost trying to understand who is who. However, as someone who has had multiple rewatches of the series, I wasn’t bothered by it, and fully understand why it was necessary in this edit. I will note that this is my first rewatch since the series ended, as I did not like how the ending was executed, and couldn’t bring myself to rewatch. However, after watching this first film edit, I am actually looking forward to watching the rest of the series and am very eager to see how those last seasons are tightened up. Overall, I would give this edit a 9.5/10, great job!

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Hal 9000 said:

That’s… weird. Not sure about that one.

And hey, if you’d like to make more subtitles for other languages, feel free! Once Burbin is done I’m sure he’ll let me know and can make them available for that.

I feel like an idiot. I was able to download from the original link and didn’t get the “exceeded…” message. When I played it on my PC, it still didn’t have dialogue. Knowing there was nothing wrong with the file, I changed the audio to stereo and all audio was restored. Curious, I checked my copied one, and it too worked fine. Oh well… looking forward to watching the latest workprint!

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Hal 9000 said:

Copy the workprint to your own Google Drive, and then copy it again within your Drive. That should be enough to fool it into bypassing the limits.

And thanks; I like Kerr’s LOTR edits a great deal. 😃

Thanks for the help. I was able to download the copy, however once downloaded, it only had the audio for the score, and now dialogue. I checked in VLC and it only had a single audio track to select from. Very strange.