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<strong>4K77</strong> - Released

Harmy’s post earlier about the comparison between the 4k and the 1080 being only more detailed in the dirt and scratches had me digging around for resolution information. I know for example that the theoretical information contained in a 70mm film frame is around 6K. So, the question is, how much resolvable information is actually in a film print, like this 35mm IB tech print? What I found is a suggestion that the negative is very high resolution and then each subsequent generation from the negative (interpositive, print) loses resolution and therefore information. This would be like taping a tape of a tape - analog loses signal over generations. So, 4k might actually be overkill for this print in terms of resolution, but a UHD version of the 4K could really show off the color space where 1080 just can’t. Anyway, just thought I would post the relevant link, etc. https://www.quora.com/Does-4K-resolution-approach-the-resolution-of-a-35mm-film-print

By the way, I love this print. Projected it last night…