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Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring - Extended Edition - 4K Dremastered

3laws said:

I’m guessing we are not far from a Part II release, can someone PM Part I in the meantime please? 🤗

I wouldn’t assume we’re not far from Part II to be honest. Dre is very busy and spare time to work on these things is clearly limited. I’m holding off on a proper rewatch of FOTR until part two comes but when it will, no one knows. Just got to keep those fingers crossed!

Star Wars Saga 3D Conversion (* files are password protected - no known password *)

murdavs said:

The movie has been released and is available for download!

If you prefer to receive the links directly by private message, please feel free to ask. I hope you enjoy the 3D experience!

I’d love a link to watch in my quest 3 please 😃 Quick question, is this the original star wars or the special edition version?


Star Wars DVD Covers

CatBus said:

In anticipation of the official ROTJ DeEd 3.1 4K release, I created some UHD artwork (DVD versions also available).

UHD (4K) Blu-ray: https://drive.google.com/file/d/130M9JMoRdT6oYjM3Dvm22sNgpkifrJuK/view?usp=drive_link
HD (1080p) Blu-ray: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1glb8XnVxqJstm_FOE11EsGmeCgS6HBQ4/view?usp=sharing
DVD: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rcddg4WCtAqhiOhyaLPqw_1UCww4d050/view?usp=sharing

Just wanted to say thanks for making these, they look excellent! I’ve done my own artwork for a double case of the 4KXX and D+XX versions but now I will make another set for the DeEd version with your artwork and I think it’ll look great on the shelf 😃

Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI Despecialized Edition HD - V3.1

CatBus said:
I use tsMuxerGUI to make the folder structure, and ImgBurn to make the ISO. Using that, I can get the video and one lossless 5.1 track at 43.4GB. Add three more 384K stereo/192K mono lossy tracks and you’re at 44.5GB. You can fit a few more 192K stereo/96K mono lossy tracks and subtitles after that and get in under the wire, just barely.

Thanks very much for your reply! I just tried your method with only 1 ac3 audio track (190mb) and I still get a BDMV folder at 44.54GB - I wonder if it’s because I’m on a mac?

Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI Despecialized Edition HD - V3.1

CatBus said:

Verified, I burned this to a BD-50 and played it back in a hardware player. It’s glorious.

Also, burning discs beyond BD-50 capacity is probably asking for trouble. Stick to BD-50 and avoid worries.

Hi CatBus, quick question, how did you manage to burn this without re-encoding it? Did you just use small audio files and avoid the DTS tracks? 46.57GB is (as far as I can tell) the limit for burning an iso and I can get a bunch of files that under this limit but when I use tsmuxer or any other authoring software to create an iso it adds like 3GB extra onto the file size. What authoring software do you use?

Query: Panic Room Restoration? (Not a project, though I'd love to...)

Hi all, just wondered if anyone had any idea if there has ever been a fan restoration of the excellent ‘Panic Room’ by David Fincher? It’s one of my favourite films my DVD set is not up to par anymore and no BD or UHD are forthcoming for some reason.

If I could buy a print and get it scanned I’d start saving up but I have no idea how to go about that or where I could try to purchase one. I’m definitely not adverse to putting in the work myself if it’s possible but part of me wonders if anyone else has done anything or has a really good copy they would be willing to share with me via PM.

Thanks for reading

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

Hi CatBus, thanks for the reply 😃 I managed to find Harmy’s on usenet and amazingly it downloaded over night so I ripped the audio (I was after the commentary tracks to mix into 4k77) and all is good. I’m currently trying to find the no-DNR version of 4k77 but the nzb files I searched for on a.b.starwars were broken and the files won’t unzip after downloading, gutted. I’ll head over to the other forum and see if I’m missing anything. Thanks again for replying!