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Star Wars coming to Blu Ray (UPDATE: August 30 2011, No! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!)

Anchorhead said:

metaender said:


 we have every right to take whatever we feel like. ...its about taking whats rightfully ours...

We don't have every right to take whatever we want and none of it is rightfully ours.

Fan preservation of the original versions is one thing, and I'm very much in favor of it.  However, being deprived of a high quality version of the original films doesn't make it ok to steal.

As you mentioned yourself, people gave money to Lucas for the inferior versions - versions they knew were inferior when they bought them.  Lucas didn't go into their homes while they were at work, take the money, and leave SEs on the kitchen counter.

Back in the 2004 I didnt know what I bought until it shipped and once I saw the horror on the internet it was too late. I bought GOUT willingly but I was still being forced to buy it with 2004. If it wasnt for the leaks you wouldn’t know what you are getting before hand with this set. They even bluntly lied about what you are getting (fixes they said have been done but havent been). I wasnt going to buy this blu ray anyways because theres  no UOT and these movies are unwatchable(now even more so) but somebody may expect to get 2004 version of the film and was duped again. All Im saying is that fans need to grow some balls and sometimes break the law if the law  is a way one street that is letting a person with power abuse it.  Nobody with any integrity  should support this crap and shouldnt have to be forced to spend this much money for deleted scenes. If everybody thinks Im a thief because Im going to download deleted scenes then so be it. Let me ask all of you this lets say Georgie boy wants to fuck around with fans some more and releases for example ROTJ with Jabbas palace restored from the GOUT but leaves the rest of the movie with the new changes would you buy it again so you could use the restored first act of the Jedi. If that is true then he has you by the balls and can play you like a puppet. I rather be a thief( I don’t think I am) then this kind of sheep.