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The Empire Strikes Back - Expanded Edition (Work in Progress)

I have now seen you edit Bobson Dugnutt and I must say I’m impressed how you could manage to keep the old school vibe even though I’m a fan of newer versions of Star Wars movies (Adywan etc).

  • You have successfully managed to make the deleted scenes blend in well with the original movie.
  • I also dig the fill in scenes that manage to bridge some scenes that miss some stuff that were not released to the public.
  • The deleted scene with the Probe droid and Luke’s training on Dagobah were my favorites.
  • The overall sound must be fixed in several places and the sound is out of sync here and there but I’m sure you are aware of this as this is version 1.0 of the movie. 😃
  • Some of the hue of the video is almost green instead of white (don’t know if this is intentional as the original was this way? It was very long time ago I saw the originals). One example is the planet Hoth.
  • I believe you have inserted the deleted TIE Bomber scene too early as the original scene when they first bomb the asteroid field comes much further down the line.
  • The still shot of the Bounty Hunter looked odd. See if it can be solved in any other way? I know that one second is missing in the original clip but this unfortunately didn’t work for me.

Overall I dig you edit Bobson but personally I dig the newer versions more. But it’s a personal taste. 😃

Return of the Jedi Renewed (released)


All the VFX enhancements
All the compositing shots (the Shield Bunker etc)
The idea with Boba Fett flying away from Book of Boba Fett
The blue force fields in the hangars
Endor visible in many space shots.


Endor behind the Emperor in his Throne Room
(I think this scene gives too much light and the Throne Room should always be dark. But it’s visually impressive)
One shot of the Death Star orbiting Endor didn’t look complete yet. Maybe it was really hard to pull off because I see that the original Death Star is of bad quality in this scene.
All the scenes with Palpatine is too dark and black. I prefer the blueish tint over this. But as I said, it’s a personal preference. 😃
Some scenes look too polished because some AT-STs for instance look bad. They were bad from the beginning but too much touching up in some scenes give them more presence.