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The Thief and the Cobbler: Recobbled Director's Cut (Released)
First time I see clips from this film....As I've said earlier to you (I'm the Lynch afficionado ), the film doesn't seem to have been distributed in my country (France).

But after seeing this trailer, I'm totally hooked...Graphically stuninng,and provoking (in a land dominated by cute Disney style at this time, I understand why executives were afraid by this kind of art).

It won't be a surprise for anyone but it seems that the Garret has done it again ! ...With the help of Mr Williams and his fellow animators.
The Last Of The Mohicans NTSC (Original Version) (Released)
If I remember correctly, the two DVDs (R1 extended version and R2 UK) have a completely different soundtrack when Hawkeye is chasing Magwa and his men (with their captives) at the end of the movie.

In the R2 DVD (International DVD) we hear a somewhat new age melody (maybe an orchestral version of "I will find you") but in the extended cut, the beautiful score by Trevor jones is played.

In my memeories, here in France, I've always seen the movie with the Jones music attached to it but I could be wrong.So whic version has the appropriate score: another mystery?
Info: OT Bootleg DVDs
Hi everybody,

it's my first post here but I've been a regular visitor of this forum. For today, I wanted to thank Rikter for his great offer on the Original Trilogy DVDS. (I'm talking about the Anamorphic set).

All in all, it's a very good set: the picture has some minor flaws (hey, you can't expect a TPM or AOTC DVDs for this kind of stuff: after all, it's "only" a LD rip). I was just a little surprised that the picture was not 2:35 scope (maybe 2:20) so you lose a little bit of image on each side of the screen. On the contrary, the Dolby surround mix was awesome (i've heard that the non-amorphic set has a better sound but I'm pretty happy by how the discs sound: especially ROTJ). The supplements are good but far from perfect: not enough footage from the shooting of the films (only on the SFx). I still miss the original making-of from 78, 80 and 82 (another story about originals ).

I come from france and Rikter sent me the pack as soon as he received my message (Is he be the fastest man alive to sent DVDs?).And his covers are just awesome.

So thank U man for this set. And to everybody: be grateful to have a fan like Ritker on your community, he can spread the good word faster than anyone.