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J. Williams &amp; LSO, The EMPIRE STRIKES BACK <em>AUDIOPHILE EDITION</em> - Restored &amp; Remastered Score (Released)

Hey ABC, your PM's aren't working so I'll post here:





Words cannot express how amazed I am by your work. I downloaded Part 1 yesterday, and I was just amazed by the beautiful mix and sound that you've achieved here. The EQ's are fantastic, and you have done a superb job with the pitches/speed. Listening to this just accentuates the warm sound that Williams/LSO created, and this very nearly has brought tears to my eyes.

I cannot thank you enough for your dedication, research, and months of hard work you put into this, and I would like to say that this is completely worth it. I will download Part 2 right now and give it a listen. My graduation was yesterday so I haven't had too much time to listen to it at length yet, but I will write a longer reply of my complete thoughts within just a few days. Again, I am so grateful for your work, thank you.




¤ THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK ¤ The &quot;OPTIMUM EDITION&quot; <strong>Score Reconstruction, Remixing &amp; Restoration</strong> Version 3 (Released)

Sorry for the lack of response... I've been very busy and I haven't had a chance to be on my main computer very much.

I will check those tracks you posted and let you know soon.

Off the top of my head, I remember that "The Rebel Fleet/End Titles (Film)" is off pitch, not sure the track number, sorry.

I'll get back with you soon on the tracks you posted, and then I'll have a listen through the others to see which are off pitch. Thanks for your awesome dedication as always!

¤ THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK ¤ The &quot;OPTIMUM EDITION&quot; <strong>Score Reconstruction, Remixing &amp; Restoration</strong> Version 3 (Released)


Awesome, glad you had a chance to check the pitches out! Sure, if you send me the files I can check it out and see if it sounds more like the correct pitch. Keep in mind, however, that I can only help out with the intonation, not the exact correct pitch. The exact pitch (like the key; e.g "E flat")  can only be determined with the sheet music score itself...

BUT, considering you listened to the movie and corrected it that way, I'm sure that it will be good/accurate ;)

Let me know what I should listen to and I'd be glad to check it out

¤ THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK ¤ The &quot;OPTIMUM EDITION&quot; <strong>Score Reconstruction, Remixing &amp; Restoration</strong> Version 3 (Released)

I just wanted to say, that this reconstruction has absolutely changed my thoughts on this soundtrack!

I purchased the ESB soundtrack from iTunes a few years ago, and I was impressed, but a few things were lacking for me. I just didn't like some of the cuts, such as some obnoxious horn parts, or weak brass, and then some cuts that just ruined the score in my opinion.

Then, I saw a forum post on a different forum about your work with the Optimum Edition. I downloaded it, and this has absolutely become my favorite soundtrack of all, thanks to your superb work.

Last year, I had the amazing opportunity to play with the London Symphony Orchestra in concert (I'm a horn player myself), and I was astounded and blown away (quite literally!) by their huge powerful sound, especially when they played some Star Wars music! Your work on this score has really captured that sound, and that same energy and feeling that the Star Wars soundtracks are so famous for! So again, thank you so much for your excellent work, and I eagerly await the next version whenever you come around to making it!

P.S.- I think my favorite change that is extremely apparent to me, is the "The Rebel Fleet/End Titles." I love the different cue used at the beginning, and also the horn solo is actually very good, as opposed to the album release I had, where it was out of pitch, and poor quality.

Also, one more note: I was playing around with some of the solos on horn, and I noticed that the pitch is actually pretty far off for most of the tracks on here (it seems torn directly between two pitches the whole time), so I was wondering if you have done anything to change the pitch of the score as a whole, or if it is just merely coincidence, or simply due to the materials you have to work with. However, this is just a minor thing, and it is nothing big to worry about, just a thought ;)