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Info: 'Dungeons & Dragons TAS' : The Requiem Project
Devilman-1369 said:i saw this on DIGG & thought it was such a great idea, that it was worthy of a thread...

Apparently, this dude is going to create a final episode of the Dungeons & Dragons Animated Series since it was cancelled way before its time

here's a snippet from the site:

Dungeons and Dragons: The Requiem Project

The Requiem Project is my attempt to create the true final episode of the cartoon series, Dungeons and Dragons.

Why? Because while there have been some attempts to do this, no one has done it yet, and near as I can tell, it will not be done.

While it may seem an impossible task. I assure you with todays technology it is very possible.

But, I'm unable to do this alone. I do not posses the correct voice to imitate the characters voices to be acceptable.
I do not posses the ability to create background music as good as others can.

I have been drawing for a long time and have extensive knowledge in creating and animating characters (and objects) in a
3D environment. I am asking for people with some talent in drawing/computer animation, voice artists and those who can create a
clean score to volunteer their time and efforts. I'm not asking for anyone to give up their "day job." Just to help out however you can

he then goes on to list more specific types of help he'll need.

I figured with the wealth of talent her at O.T, there might be a few of us who would be interested in helping out on this guy's project

the official site for this project is http://www.requiemproject.org/

     Bring on that talent, I could use the help.  www.requiemproject.org is back up and running.  At least it should be, some links don't work (yet.)  I'll be restarting my project, soon.