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team negative1 - star wars 1977 - 35mm theatrical version (Released)

poita said:

They are now using a BMD 4K production camera that I sourced for them a while back. It is CCD so you don't have the CMOS rolling shutter/jello problem.

It is a UHD bayer matrix based camera, and if you ride the brake on the projector you can capture realtime at 24fps.

For anyone wanting to create your own scanner, I already have built the software to either do R, G, B with a mono sensor, or single flash of all RGB LEDs for a bayer sensor. The software controls the flash duration of each LED colour so that you can mix the light to achieve the colour desired, handy for faded film.

I also had the hardware (controller board, LED light source etc.) built by a genius guy in the UK, so you could buy that side of it, setup and ready to go. It also has a trigger input and output, so you can use mono or colour machine-vision cameras, like those from PGR, which have better dynamic range than DSLRs and are triggerable, so you don't have to worry about controlling the projector speed. Any projector would work, or you could build your own transport.

I'll start a thread on building your own scanner if anyone is interested, you could fit it to any projector and get results that rival $100,000 scanners, you could build the entire thing from scratch for about a grand, plus the cost of your choice of camera, lens and projector.

 This could be scalable to any format then including 8mm and 16mm I am assuming.  This camera seems to basically be a very nice web camera.  Does it record video, or is it triggered, and individual images are stored?

team negative1 - star wars 1977 - 35mm theatrical version (Released)

team_negative1 said:

For those that have recently joined, or have not followed our advances.

We mentioned this in some other previous replies. Since the project has started, we have gone through several hardware improvements, and also acquired more prints.

Currently, we have a 35mm Projector, and a Digital video camera, capable of capturing at 4k, in 24fps realtime.

All of our recents scans use this setup, and we have rescanned portions of earlier prints with it also, when needed.

We have a Dolby digital decoder for the sound, and are also looking into expanding to 70mm capture, and other future improvements.

We are mostly self-funded, but have had some donations for a brief period of time.

We have a lot of custom adjustments with the hardware, and have converted to mostly professional equipment since the time we first started.

Team Negative1

 What type of camera do you use?  Is it a full frame sensor with a macro lens like a Canon 5D mark iii?  I am looking into building a similar setup for 8mm film, and have this camera.  Any advice on what lens to use?

Also how do you capture the sound strip from the film?  Do you pull it from the digital pictures, or do you scan it directly from the film?
