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Help: looking for... 'Pat Garrett and Billy The Kid' - HD version of Turner Preview?

Sky Cinema Classics HD in Germany is broadcasting this in February, but I am pretty certain that this is only the inferior 2005 cut.

Did anybody come across the Turner Version in HD in the meantime?

As long as there is no HD version, there is at least the old DVD with the damaged sound - did anybody hear of a release with corrected sound on the Turner Version?

Info Wanted: 'Bring me the Head of Alfredo Garcia' - UK sound?

Thanks for that. Why is PNG better on caps’o’holic?

On the video/audio issue, I am quoting a review on amazon.co.uk: "Arrow have done a great job with the video here, which was created from a new 4K scan. My only gripe, which at times becomes a major annoyance, is that it’s heavily on the dark side. There are sequences in the film where whole areas of the shot disappear into blackness, and a cursory comparison with the earlier Twilight Time blu ray shows how much detail is actually being lost in these moments. Otherwise, detail and stability are stunning, and the colours, while a little softer than on Twilight Time’s disc, are warm and realistic. What impressed me the most, doing a comparison, is how well Arrow have cleaned up the image. The Twilight Time disc was littered with scratches and marks, which actually became quite distracting at times. Arrow have removed almost all of the damage and the film looks completely natural and absolutely beautiful. I would rate it a perfect 5 were it not for the darkness, but I can’t help the nagging feeling that it could have been just that little bit better.

Sadly the audio quality is a huge letdown. It’s described as “original mono”, by which they clearly mean exactly that. The sound is horribly limited and lacks any genuine dynamic range, and there are sections of dialogue which are completely unintelligible. Another cursory comparison with the TT disc reveals a staggering difference in quality, with TT besting Arrow by a country mile. Why Arrow could not have licensed the same soundtrack is a mystery, especially given the obvious efforts made to deliver such wonderful PQ."

I fully agree with you that this may be the wrong tree I am barking up. Pat Garrett & Billy The Kid in the Turner version is IMHO the most needed HD title. I recently recorded a broadcasted version from TNT Film in Germany, but it unfortunately had a distracting logo, was not in full widescreen and was compressed to app. 3GB data size and looks worse on my system than the DVD.

Help: looking for... 'Pat Garrett and Billy The Kid' - HD version of Turner Preview?

Mmhh… not entirely sure how to post a screenshot. Will try to PM you.

A new opportunity is coming up to grab it with higher bitrate - it is aired again by TNT Film on Nov 28. It seems that satellite broadcast is much richer (bitrate) than via cable… so we need somebody with satellite access who can record this.

Help: looking for... 'Pat Garrett and Billy The Kid' - HD version of Turner Preview?

I put some major effort into getting the right technical equipment to record this on hard disc. I am currently trying to merge the different files I received into one bit. What I got was underwhelming:

  • It was the Turner cut
  • resolution 1080i (?)
  • English and German dub (which I like, it was the first version I ever saw)


  • not the correct aspect ratio (probably closer to 1:2.2 or so)
  • lousy bitrate: the total file is only around 6GB large
  • German title/credit
  • the “TNT Film HD” logo on the top right side

Comparing it on a large screen to the DVD version (Turner cut) upscaled, I find it hard to choose a winner. Maybe marginally this new version.

I still have a bit of hope - one guy in the cable/sat shop showed some mercy after I returned again the third day in a row to figure out the right configuration, and offered to record it for my on his satellite set-up. If has has done this, this could be a substantially higher bitrate. Will keep you posted

Help: looking for... 'Pat Garrett and Billy The Kid' - HD version of Turner Preview?

I’ve got some news on this front: German cable station “TNT Film” is showing this on October 29… since this is TNT, I am assuming that it will be the Turner Preview Version, and as I understand it, they broadcast in German and English simultanuously. Here is the challenge: Apparently, TNT Film only boadcasts in HD on Unity cable (that is in the states Northrhine-Westfalia and Hesse). Does anybody have a contact there who could record this?

The Good, The Bad And The Ugly (1966) remastered mono track (for 4K restoration + Mondo IT) (Released)

Some wise man said: “No work you ever do is in vain.”

I would say that your track muxed to the Italian Mondo version is by far the best way to go with this important film. Improving your track even further for the extended scenes would be greatly appreciated!

I am stuck trying to create a decent menu for this, but I am frustrated by the options available for the Mac. Any recommendations?

Create BluRay incl. menu with Mac

I know this topic has been discussed before, but time has passed and some options (e.g. Encore) are not viable anymore as they don’t seem to support the latest MacOSs.

I am looking for a decent software (paid or free) with which I can build BluRays from MKVs including a reasonable menu. DVDFab unfortunately limits the bitrate in its BR creator software. Leawo’s BR creator seems more like a toy and does weird stuff - it bloats the file size. In addition, the menu creation options are somewhat limited.

Any suggestion? Alternatively, I could of course run a Windows emulator… what software would be recommendable in this case?

Info Wanted: Major Dundee - BR video with DVD audio? Anyone done a preservation?

Does anybody know of a project combining the newish Twilight Time BluRay video of Major Dundee with the soundtrack from the 2005 DVD?

As elaborated in detail DVD Savant (http://www.dvdtalk.com/dvdsavant/s4150dund.html),, “www.dvdtalk.com/dvdsavant/s4150dund.html),”) the BR contains only a heavily altered soundtrack version.

As mentioned in my Pat Garrett post, the negligence of the studios regarding the Peckinpah classics astounds me.

Help: looking for... 'Pat Garrett and Billy The Kid' - HD version of Turner Preview?

Is anybody aware of a HD version (perhaps from Television?) of Pat Garrett and Billy The Kid? Specifically, I am looking for the Turner Preview version which IMHO is so much preferable to the 2005 special edition?

I beats me that this classic still has not been released on BR, and I am fearing the day that only the miserable special edition will be put out.

The Good, The Bad And The Ugly (1966) remastered mono track (for 4K restoration + Mondo IT) (Released)

We should welcome the fact that somebody seems to be listening to film lovers who want the original mono.

However, the yellowish tint is still there, and thus the definite need for TheHutt's mondo sync, and we are grateful for his work.

Does anybody know whether the Italian version with the new cover is the same desirable mondo video?

@TheHutt: Can you help me get access to your sync?