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The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

Maybe this might mean something to someone for a Prequel idea in explaining Luke and princess Leia being brother and sister

To hide Anakin’s offsprings from Emperor Palpatine, Queen Padme Amidala of alderaan shows the girl to the king claiming he’s the father to hide the affair with Anakin who was sworn to protect her, while Anakin is told that it was a single pregnancy, a baby boy (for gender matching reasons) that’s later taken to be hidden on tatooine by Obi-Wan.

The Force Awakens: Official Review Thread - ** SPOILERS **

nightstalkerpoet said:

kt7000 said:

In a similar manner to the PT, just give it a couple of months/years after the hype dies down to where people’ll start seeing it for what it “really” is to where the faneditors have to step in to fix it.

I disagree with this to a point. The desire for an edit of this is probably pretty strong right off the bat for many of us. The difference between this and the PT is that there is A LOT of stuff that can be kept, and a light trimming with a few music changes and a tacked on Fox Fanfare could do wonders, as opposed to complete story reworking required in the PT. This film is a rehash definitely, but it’s a rehash of a movie (and more vaguely the whole trilogy) that most of us love with a plot that we can generally accept.


The Force Awakens: Official Review Thread - ** SPOILERS **

Alderaan said:

hydrospanner said:

joefavs said:

I don’t get why so many people are being so hard on Carrie Fisher. Her performance wasn’t anything special, but it didn’t stick out to me as being particularly bad either. The biggest problem I had with Leia was some clunky dialog, which is much more JJ’s and Larry’s problem than it is Carrie’s (unless she did punch ups for this).

They made her character seem too gruff to me. I guess they were going for sort of an old battle hardened General feel… but it just came across as being kind of bland.

She had a character at all in TFA?

Seemed like she was told to just stand there and hug and smile at people. Honestly pointless appearance in the film.

When Disney chose not to use Lucas’s original story treatments for VII-IX,
Did it make the film weaker or better?

The Force Awakens: Official Review Thread - ** SPOILERS **

This is my only two cents on it.
For any SW enthusiast, this was a film where the creators already knew how to make it “visually” appealing with enough Eye Candy and Hype scenes; but for every other logic sensible person watching it, there was really just nothing special about the story (I have own my two cents on that but that’s a whole other thread).

In a similar manner to the PT, just give it a couple of months/years after the hype dies down to where people’ll start seeing it for what it “really” is to where the faneditors have to step in to fix it.

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

Tobar said:
Starting with Star Wars Rebels Lucasfilm introduced a new stylistic change to their depiction of blades that’s more true to the original film.

I think it was adywan that said “Not adding anything just because its in the Expanded Universe. The EU doesn’t exist for the purposes of this edit.”

Where to find Stars Wars in it's Theatrical Quality?

Watching TMBTM's War of the Stars: A New Hope sparked this interest.

Where can I find the Star Wars Original Unaltered Trilogy films in their untouched theatrical "look" ?  To be clear, I don't mean like the GOUT DVDs or the despecialized releases which aim to present the theatrical cuts in a cleaned up high resolution, but the quality that was shown in theaters on May 1977. Is there a laserdisc or early video release that comes close to presenting it in this format?

The Keep (1983) - 35mm Preservation Scan Opportunity (Released)

ShaneLSD said:

Any Interest in the Preservation of a 35mm print of The Keep?

From Jade33 at MySpleen:

"If we got enough people to donate, we could rent and scan a 35mm print of The Keep. I know someone who has it. $250 for rental plus the shipping cost, about $480 to scan it. Just something to think about."

"Ok, a bit more info on The Keep print.
From the guy who has it said..."
"It's scope, LPP, and it's beautiful."

Let us know cheers :)

Is the 35mm print you have the full 3½ hour version?

If so, money won't be an issue for me and I'll donate whatever amount needed!