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Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

ww12345 said:

I think the logic is that you own the highest def source available. Otherwise, you could just say, "I bought the LDs back in the day - I'm never upgrading again!" I know how you feel though. It feels like the money is just going down the drain going to the Lucasfund of Computer Graphics. :)

So I guess that's a "no" then, right?

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

doubleofive said:


djchaseb said:

Hostmaster said:

The official blu-rays are only good for coasters!

still kicking my self for buying them, Hoth is completely blue, not to mention all the other screw ups.
The forum rules say you have to own them in order to get edits based on them, but nothing says you can't use them for coasters!


Wait, you're not saying that I have to purchase those atrocious blu rays in order to be able to download v 2.0 of the despecialized edition, are you?

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

Hey Harmy, I noticed something else in reel 3.  The shot where Luke is training on board the falcon right after alderaan blows up, the stop motion chess pieces on the table are still the recomposited ones from the special edition, but in the next shot from the same angle where the training remote shoots Luke in the leg and Solo laughs about it, it has the original composites matted in.  Are you going to apply that same process to the first shot?

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

Hey Harmy, I'd like to point something out.  During the scene where R2 and 3PO are hiding behind the door and the stormtroopers are inspecting the area, part of the background warps a little.  I'm guessing that this was due to removing the flying probe droid or whatever the hell that thing is and using GOUT footage to try and mask part of it.  

But aside from that and the establishing shot of the cantina that somebody already pointed out, everything seems to look great, and I haven't found any other problems yet.  I was quite surprised by the green tint in the scene where Vader and Tarkin discuss how extract info from Leia, but if that's how it's supposed to look, that's how it's supposed to look.

Oh and one more thing, did you do something different to the shot where the Falcon takes off and the troopers watch it ascend?

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

Harmy said:

OK, guys, here's a little 15 minutes comparison of the latest workprint with the 04SE. It is not final and youtube compression f*cked it up a bit but it should give yo a general idea of what the colours will be. It shows the new flashes, the duel and some other stuff:


I concur with Murry and Erik, beautiful work as usual Harmy.  Everything looks so much more natural and pleasing in your version.

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

Harmy said:


The colouring looks off for much of the movie? I was actually really satisfied with the colouring for much of the movie. How does it look off? I'm not being an ass here, I'm really interested.


I know what you mean.  Maybe I was just using a poor choice of words.  The coloring doesn't really look off for the whole movie, I guess I was really just referring to some of the still present problems from the SE such as the colorless lasers.  And I understand there isn't much you can do with the crushed blacks so I'm not gonna be too concerned with that.  

I thought I might have seen some flesh tones that looked off but I might have just been imagining things.  I guess I'm not as familiar with the original colors as a lot of other people, so I'm probably not the world's best judge on color timing.  Plus it's been a little while since I actually saw the 2004 SE's so maybe my first impression was that it looked too similar to them.  If I do notice anything specific though I'll definately let you know, I might need to check out the workprint a few more times.

Oh BTW, truly excellent job on that new cantina POV matte.  Now THAT'S more like it :-)

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

Hey Harmy, I've checked out the workprint and I really like what I'm seeing.  Of course the coloring still looks off for much of the movie, but I'm sure that'll be remedied.  I was suprised when I saw the exterior shot of Obi-Wan's hut, that looked pretty damn good.  The shot of the falcon approaching the Death Star looks much improved even if it's not 100%.  I was also suprised when I saw that you've tried to put back in the original matte painting of the y-wing in the foreground right before Luke climbs into his x-wing.

Question though, what's up with Luke's POV shot of the cantina exterior?  The dewback is in a completely different position now.  Aside from the unremoved shadows, it looked pretty accurate in the mos eisley test sequence you posted on youtube.  Is there a reason for this or is it just part of a test or something?  Aside from those few things, it's looking pretty good.  And those 2 new battle of yavin shots do look better BTW.

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

Harmy said:

Thanks again, guys, I'm really happy about all the positive responses :-)

I'm full on in the cutting and colouring process now. Just now, I'm reviewing a workprint of the 1st 45 minutes and am generally really happy with it.

I considered compositing in the original Leia hologram from GOUT but after I tested it out, I decided to just try and colour correct the SE one to make it look closer to the original.

With the colour problematic scenes such as the capture of R2 and the sunset, I'm going with a sort of a middle ground approach for now, here are a few screenshots, please let me know what you think:


Truly amazing Harmy!  I understand that some of these scenes are problematic in terms of color timing, but I think you've managed to strike a very good balance and I love what I'm seeing (I particularly love how you've returned to the original look of Leia's hologram).  If these particular shots ended up being the final versions, I'd be perfectly happy with it.  Keep 'em coming I say.

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

Harmy said:

@keyser: I'm afraid that the battle of Yavin won't be so super great, because aside from cutting in the G-Forced GOUT, there's not much I can do with it, which means it should look decent but it won't be as good as if they made a proper transfer of it. It should sound awesome with hairy_hen's mix though.

I'm not really expecting it to look as great as an actual 4k transfer from 35 mm elements, but I'm sure it'll look pretty damn good compared to the GOUT DVD.  And yes, I'm sure it will indeed sound awesome with that sound mix.