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(New HD Version in the works) Sharkey's "Lord of the Rings" Purist Editions (Released)

Sweet! I'm looking forward to watching this. It's great that you haven't compressed the DVD files, as I would prefer to watch these in maximum quality. I think I'll post a detailed review once I've finished downloading and watching, which will probably take a while. Anyway, congratulations on finishing FotR, and good luck on the next ones!

(New HD Version in the works) Sharkey's "Lord of the Rings" Purist Editions (Released)
Hal 9000 said:

By the way, in my version Gandalf now says Saruman is breeding orcs with men. I removed the "goblin" prefix.

Great! That line has bothered me to no end... I just don't understand how PJ can have misread Tolkien's books, as I can only assume that the line was taken from TTT, where Tolkien writes about the "half-orcs and goblin-men" that attack Helm's Deep.

As for the Council of Elrond, I had forgotten that Boromir's dream wasn't in the theatrical. It should stay, of course, and I guess it would be impossible to remove just Gandalf's Black Speech. Oh, well.

A suggestion for TTT: When Legolas and Gimli compare kills, you should cut Legolas shooting the dead orc that Gimli is sitting on because it was "twitching".


(New HD Version in the works) Sharkey's "Lord of the Rings" Purist Editions (Released)
Hal 9000 said:

I've never actually seen the theatrical versions, to be honest. I became a fan just a year or so ago. 

What are the differences between the two versions when they enter Lorien?

The theatrical continues the scene after Haldir saying "The dwarf breathes so loud we could have shot him in the dark". Aragorn greet Haldir in elvish, and Gimli says that the woods are perilous, and they should go back, to which Haldir replies "You have entered the realm of the Lady of the Wood. You cannot go back. Come; she is waiting." Cut to the fellowship ascending the stair of Caras Galadhon.

The EE version is better in many ways, but they should have reshot it with the updated costumes. As it stands, it really sticks out as a scene that was never meant to be in the movie.

(New HD Version in the works) Sharkey's "Lord of the Rings" Purist Editions (Released)
Hal 9000 said:

About your suggestion for ROTK that we remove the mystery of what Sauron will do, this would raise some trouble. In the movie, they want information of Saruon's plans from Saruman but don't get them because he is killed. So then Pippin accidentally gets some from the Palantir. And that is why they go to Minas Tirith, to get the heads up on Sauron's plan.

The only way I can think to bring this in better line with the book is to remove Gandalf saying that they got a glimpse of the enemy's plan, and maybe get rid of the "information" aspect from Saruman's final scene.


I took a look at these scenes, and think it could be doable. The Saruman scene will be difficult to edit, but the scenes at Edoras can be made to work. After Pippin has looked in the Palantir, Gandalf asks him what he saw. You could cut from this to "I saw... I saw him!". Later, in the Golden Hall, you could cut from "...he told Sauron nothing of Frodo and the Ring" to "His defeat at Helm's Deep showed our enemy one thing etc." This would also make Gandalf a stronger character, since he already knows Sauron's next move and how to respond to it.

Some more suggestions: Use the theatrical versions of the Council of Elrond and the fellowship entering Lorien. I thought Gandalf reciting the ring verse in Black Speech in the EE was weird and out of character. It was in the book, sure, but not like that. As for the entrance to Lorien, the costumes of Gimli and Legolas are different from the ones they wear in the rest of the movie in the EE version of the scene. Also, some of the shots were reused when Frodo looks in the Mirror of Galadriel. Oh, and in RotK, I suggest using the theatrical version of the Paths of the Dead. The EE added too much slapstick to the sequence.

(New HD Version in the works) Sharkey's "Lord of the Rings" Purist Editions (Released)

Sweet!  I'm a huge Tolkien fan, and would love to see a cut of the films that is more faithful to the books. All your changes sound great. I have some sugggestions that you may want to consider:

- Remove the subplot of Saruman spawning Uruk-Hai, which wasn't present in the book. At the very least cut Gandalf saying that Saruman is mixing orcs with "goblin-men", a statement which makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

- In TTT, when Wormtongue is describing the Ring of Barahir, his delivery of the line is... weird. Sounds like he's saying "Two serpents: One devouring, the other crowned with golden flowers." Something should be done to fix it.


Also, some suggestions for RotK, when you get to that:

- Remove the mystery of where Sauron will attack. He has already attacked Osgiliath, so it should be obvious that he means to attack Minas Tirith.

- The end of Aragorn challenging Sauron with the Palantir should be cut. I think it would be more effective to end it with "Behold the sword of Elendil!", as was done in the trailers.

- Recolor the army of the dead, as they are described as grey in the books.

- Cut as much as possible of "Sauron the Lighthouse".


Looking forward to seeing these! Any idea of when the first discs will be released?

Episode 3 - Editing Back in Progress (* unfinished project *)
Hi darkhelmet!

Just watched your newest clip, and it looks great, but I do have a few suggestions.

1) The silence used to remove Palpatine's line about Grievous is a bit awkward. I guess it's just a temporary solution, but I thought I'd point it out all the same.

2) Like jedi_jra already said, you should keep the "I need him!" line, which I think should be easy enough to do

3) Intercutting shots of "emperor" Palpatine with "normal" Palpatine... It's a great idea, but not very "Starwarsy". I suggest just having him change into the emperor without any further explanation, but it's a tricky problem.

4) I think the line "what have I done" should be kept in, although I know many people will disagree. It makes the turn just a bit more gradual, in my opinion, but I understand why some people dislike it.

And now for something completely different... Your title "The Dark Times" is a bit too vague for my tastes (so are "A New Hope" and "The Phantom Menace", come to think of it). My personal favorite Ep. III title is "Fall of the Republic", but in the end it's all up to you, of course. (By the way, in case you were wondering, my Ep. III edit is not quite dead. It's more alive than my current computer, anyway. So once I save enough money for a proper computer, it's back to editing.)

On the whole, your edit looks really great, and I'm really looking forward to seeing the finished product. Will it be 5.1?
The Pixar Short Films Collection
According to my good friend, Wikipedia:

Original/theatrically released
The Adventures of André and Wally B. (1984)
a Lucasfilm Computer Graphics Project film, prior to the creation of Pixar
Luxo Jr. (1986)
Best Animated Short Film nominee; Became the source of the current Pixar logo, theatrically released with Toy Story 2
Red's Dream (1987)
Tin Toy (1988)
Best Animated Short Film winner, included on the Toy Story Golden Edition VHS and Ultimate Toy Box DVD
Knick Knack (1989)
A new, edited version was released theatrically in 2003 with Finding Nemo
A remastered 3-D version was released theatrically with the 3-D edition of The Nightmare Before Christmas in 2006.[citation needed]
Light & Heavy (1991)
Short starring Luxo Jr. & Luxo Sr. produced for Sesame Street
Surprise (1991)
Short starring Luxo Jr. produced for Sesame Street
Geri's Game (1997)
Best Animated Short Film winner; theatrically released with A Bug's Life
For the Birds (2000)
Best Animated Short Film winner; theatrically released with Monsters, Inc.
Boundin' (2003)
Best Animated Short Film nominee; theatrically released with The Incredibles
One Man Band (2005)
Best Animated Short Film nominee; theatrically released with Cars
Lifted (2006)
Best Animated Short Film nominee; theatrically released with Ratatouille

DVD exclusives
Mike's New Car (2002)
Academy Award nominee. Based on characters in Monsters, Inc.; released on the Monsters Inc. DVD
Jack-Jack Attack (2005)
Based on characters from The Incredibles; released on The Incredibles DVD
Mater and the Ghostlight (2006)
Based on characters from Cars; on the Cars DVD Text
My Episode III Re-Edit (v 2007) (Completed)
Hi! A few comments on your planned edit...

1) Removal of Anakin as Vader: This I don't like, simply because for me, the Star Wars Saga is IV-V-VI-I-II-III (and then a reprise of IV-V-VI, actually), but it does look like you'll be able to pull this off as well as it can be.

2) Trimming the opening battle: Yes! Just make sure you remove those pesky Buzz Droids...

3) Unused score: I'm not really sure on this one... More Williams is always good, and I like what I've seen in what you've uploaded, but it might be too much of a good thing... Difficult to say without seeing a complete edit.

4) Deleted scenes: Again, I'm not sure. I was never too fond of the Rebellion subplot, I think it at the very least needs some trimming before being included. I definately suggest you use the "Plot to Destroy the Jedi" deleted scene, as I find this single scene to make Anakin's turn a lot more believable.

5) End battle: This is really good. 'Nuff said.

6) Qui-gon conversation: A really good idea, but hard to pull off. I like your visuals, but the audio just doesn't sit right with me.

7) Removal of Leia: See #1...

As for the Dooku fight, it's just awesome! Although Dooku's execution doesn't really feel like a "spur of the moment" thing (which I think you intended it to be?), I really like how Anakin coolly and deliberately (as it seems to me) snuffs the Count. Palpatine's dialogue afterwards is also perfect, in my opinion.

I'll be looking forward to seeing the finished product, and I have high hopes that it will be a worthy replacement to the travesty that was the official version. Best of luck on your project, GM!
Episode 3 - Editing Back in Progress (* unfinished project *)
In my edit, I just cut out the salto, showing Dooku falling and landing but not the actual jump. I think that works pretty well, but obviously, if you have the skills to fix it in Photoshop without making it look ridiculous (*cough* Hayden's head on Shaw's body *cough*), that's even better.

cbaka, I really like the idea of impersonating Neeson's voice. I actually preferred the clip you posted over ADM's solution, which just sounded really fake, IMO. Although, like you said, your voiceover was not perfect, for a second I actually thought "Wait a minute... How did he get Liam Neeson to say this?" All in all a decent impersonation.

darkhelmet, I finally got to watch the rest of your clips, and I really like what I'm seeing. I especially like how Anakin interrupts Palpatine in the "Chancellor as Sith" scene, and how Padme says nothing when Obi tells her of Anakin's dark deeds. Good job!
What is the most distressing aspect of the PT?
For me, the prequels really fell apart with the Mace/Palpatine/Anakin confrontation...

PALP: He's a traitor!
MACE: No, HE'S the traitor!
PALP: No, HE'S the traitor!
MACE: I know you are, but what am I?
PALP: A traitor!
MACE: I know you are, but what am I?
PALP: A traitor!
MACE: I know you are, but what am I?
PALP: Takes one to know one!
MACE: Oh yeah...? Well your own lightning's made you ugly as sin!
PALP: Your mother's ugly!
MACE: Hey, take that back, or my dad'll kick your dad's ass!
ANAKIN: Give it a rest, I miss Padme! (Cuts off MACE'S arm)
PALP: (Fries MACE, throws him out the window) Power! Unlimited, neverending, superlative POWER! (Sighs sexually)
ANAKIN: What have I done...? WHAT HAVE I DONE!?
PALP: (Ominously) Turned to the dark side, you have.
ANAKIN: Oh, jolly good. Can I go kill some younglings now?
PALP: Not until you finish your dinner, Ani.
ANAKIN: Oh, but I wanna kill younglings! What's for dinner, anyway?
PALP: We shall have... peas.

Sorry, I got a bit carried away there, but you get the point. That entire scene sucks.
Episode III: A Less Grievous Version (* unfinished project *)
Yes, I've thought about adding those scenes as well. I don't think they're particularly good scenes, but I'll see what can be done with them. They might be just what this edit needs, as they help slow the pace and give even more volume to the whole conspiracy agianst Palpatine that's going on and thus making Anakin's turn more believable. I'll definately see what can be done with them.
Episode III: A Less Grievous Version (* unfinished project *)
Hi, y'all!

Sorry for the apparent lack of progress, I've been rather busy with school exams and such. However, I do have some news for those of you who are interested in this project. I finally found the time to watch my edit from start to finish, and am, unfortunately, not satisfied with the end result.

While the first and third acts of the film work great, the second one does not. Some scenes are too short, and things move by a bit too rapidly. On the other hand, the inclusion of the "Plot to destroy the Jedi" scene works even better than I had originally anticipated, as it makes Anakin's turn much more plausible.

I also discovered that Marvolo was right all along about the scene in Padme's apartment. It does feel out of place. I still haven't figured out what to do with it, as I'd rather not remove it outright, although it does at the very least need some trimming to make it work.

Instead of trying to salvage the current version of the edit, I think I'll start from scratch, duplicating the parts that work and figure out something new for the parts that don't.

As I said, I'm rather busy with other things at the moment, so I don't know when I'll get this done, but I'll try to keep you guys updated.
Episode III: A Less Grievous Version (* unfinished project *)
A quick progress report: I'm burning the current version of my edit to DVD today, and try to find time to view it tomorrow. If I then think it's good enough for a wider audience, I'll give it some finishing touches (a new crawl, most importantly... Any help on this would be greatly appreciated, btw.) before uploading it as a torrent.

Originally posted by: PaulisDead2221
more symbolic transition than the venetian blinds wipe? Lol seriously, anybody remember seeing some weird scene wipes in ROTS you'd never seen in Star Wars before? I think there was a checkerboard one.

Guess I got the terms mixed up, venetian blinds is indeed the one I'm using. I've also removed all (I think) of the weird scene wipes you refer to.

Marvolo, I guess that's a "point of view" matter. Personally, I think the scene works, although I totally understand why you don't. I'm keeping it in for the time being at least, though I might change my mind after viewing the edit in its entirety.

Episode III: A Less Grievous Version (* unfinished project *)
Marvolo, that's a really good suggestion, but I don't think I'll use it in my edit for a couple of reasons.

First, I think it's important to have Padme and Anakin together in a couple of scenes, and I've already removed two.

Second, in my edit Anakin doesn't go to Palpatine to rant. I cut from Anakin promising Padme he won't lose her to Anakin hinting to Palpatine that he might abandon the Jedi if Palpatine tells him how to save Padme: "More and more I get the feeling I'm being excluded from the council... I know there are things about the force that they're not telling me." I've also tried to emphasize the Anakin/Palpatine friendship in their earlier scenes.

Oh, I've also figured out a clever transition between the two scenes, with a shot of just Anakin in Palpatine's office splitting a shot of Anakin and Padme. Yep, it's supposed to be symbolic.
Episode III: A Less Grievous Version (* unfinished project *)
Here y'go:


Bridge scene, plot to destroy the Jedi and Jedi Council #1. I didn't include the Padme's apartment to Palpatine's office cut, because I'm still undecided on what kind of transition to use there. I'll probably include it in the next batch of clips. Bear in mind that these clips are in no way final, and may change for the final release.
Episode III: A Less Grievous Version (* unfinished project *)
Thanks for the comments, darkhelmet.

Yes, every single frame of Grievous has been removed. The bridge scene works thusly: After the falling elevator and R2 escaping the pile of battle droid remains, I cut to an external view of the bridge. We then see the scared neimoidians fleeing, followed by Anakin and Obi-Wan cutting down battle droids. Then we see the ship breaking up and the escape pods launching (not by Grievous, obviously, but by the fleeing neimoidians!). Then "All the escape pods have been launched!" "Can you fly a cruiser like this?".

As for the flow of the film, I haven't yet had the time to watch it from start to finish, but I think I have a pretty good idea about what is gained and what is lost. The pacing of the movie is a bit slower, as there are no action scenes between the opening and the Palpatine/Sidious duel, but because of the short runtime (about 1 1/2 hours) I think it works.

Thanks to the cuts I've made, the focus is almost entirely on Anakin in this edit, which is the way it should be. By removing Grievous, there have also been some positive side effects. For example, the friendship between Palpatine and Anakin is emphasized, because their scenes together no longer begin with Anakin reporting what's going on with Grievous. The Jedi are also less stupid, thanks to the "Plot to destroy the Jedi" scene. They all know that's something rotten in the state of Denmark, but because of their dogooder nature, they are unable to act without evidence.

By the way, I've changed the scene with Anakin and Mace in the hangar. It now begins with Mace's "A sith lord!?". This way I lose Anakin's "I've learned a terrible truth" without losing any important information.

Darkhelmet, your take on the Mace/Palpatine scene is really good. It doesn't introduce the plot hole that my version does, but still makes it bearable to watch. I'll probably use a variation of it in my final version.

As for scenes, I'll try to upload something soon, probably the bridge scene or something else from the opening, as it's the only part of the film that's completely finished. Anything else you'd like to see?
Episode III: A Less Grievous Version (* unfinished project *)
Okay, here's a list of the changes made so far:

-Anakin's first line is now: "Lock on to 'em, R2. Master, the one crawling with vulture droids." His later mention of Grievous' ship is also cut
-Obi-Wan no longer dodges the missiles, creating a small continuity error but making it possible to completely remove the buzz droids. A good trade-off, IMO.
-Cut some of the silly battle droid voices.
-Cut all of Grievous' appearances (of course)
-Cut the destroyers and the elevator stuff
-Cut Dooku's silly frontflip, he just jumps down
-Anakin and Obi-Wan are no longer captured, they just fight their way to the bridge. Why would they do that? No idea, but I think it works.
-Cut Obi-Wan's "We are still flying half a ship."
-Cut all mentions of buzz droids and Grievous on Coruscant
-Cut Padme's "There where whispers that you'd been killed"
-We go directly from Anakin/Padme reunion to Anakin's first nightmare (no balcony scene)
-Cut Anakin's "Hey look, it's the amulet I made in Episode I!"
-Scene ends with "I will not let this dream become real"
-The deleted scene "A Plot to Destroy the Jedi" is inserted after Anakin meets Palpatine. Mentions of Grievous are removed.
-First Jedi Council scene ends with Anakin sitting down
-The scene with Mace, Obi and Yoda in the gunship ends after Mace's "So the prophecy says". Cut to Anakin and Palpatine alone at the opera (Anakin is there from the beginning), the first line being "Anakin, you know I'm not able to rely on the Jedi Council."
-As mentioned before, the second Jedi Council scene begins with "What about the droid attack on Utapau?"
-The Wookie battle is cut
-Cut from Obi-Wan's star destroyer taking off to Anakin's second nightmare in Padme's apartment
-Padme's apartment scene cuts to Anakin in Palpatine's office. First line: "More and more I get the feeling I'm being excluded from the council."
-Cut out Anakin wanting to kill Palpatine
-Palpatine's revelation scene cuts to Anakin and Mace in the hangar. First line: "I've just learned a terrible truth" etc.
-The Mace/Palpatine/Anakin scene has been reworked. Anakin enters, Mace says he's gonna kill Palpatine (who is still in his normal form). Anakin says "You can't, I need him!", Mace lifts his saber and loses his arm. Palpatine, who has now looks like the Emperor (how? No idea, but I think it's better than George's "reflected lightning" explanation) fries Mace and throws him out the window.
-Cut Palpatine's "A powerful Sith you will become."
-Cut Cody giving Obi-Wan his saber.
-Cut Yoda's "Chewbacca, this Wookie is, if before you had not noticed."
-Cut all mentions of Yoda going to fight Palpatine during the security recording scene.
-Cut Anakin's remarkably intelligent exclamation, "I saw your ship!"
-Cut out the entire Yoda/Palpatine fight.
-Reworked the scene after Obi-Wan "disarms" Anakin. Obi-Wan: "You were my brother Anakin, I loved you." Anakin: "I hate you!" Obi-Wan leaves. I think it's better this way.
-Cut out Padme dying of a broken heart.

Any comments?
Episode III: A Less Grievous Version (* unfinished project *)
Thanks, C3PX!

I have begun editing in Vegas, and am quite happy with the results so far. One problem I found while editing the opening sequence of the movie was that the crawl mentions Grievous, so that will have to be remade. Unfortunately, I haven't the slightest clue as for how to do this. I know that many of you create crawls in Adobe After Effects, which is a bit too expensive for my tastes. Are there any alternative (i.e. cheaper) programs capable of making decent crawls?
Episode III: A Less Grievous Version (* unfinished project *)
Thanks for all the encouraging comments, guys.

PaulisDead: Yeah, I really like his theme music as well. I'll have to look for other places to use it. Up to now I've used Womble, but since I really need wipe transitions between some scenes I'm planning to switch to Vegas 7.0.

Marvolo: That's a godd suggestion, I'll look into it. As for Obi-Wan, he'll still go to Utapau by mixing parts of the two Jedi Council scenes: "What about the droid attack on Utapau?" Obi-Wan goes off to fight, and we don't see him again until Order 66.
Episode III: A Less Grievous Version (* unfinished project *)

One of the worst aspects of Episode III was, in my opinion, the character of General Grievous. He came completely out of the blue (for those who have not seen “Clone Wars”) and serves no real purpose to the story. Besides, as cyborgs go, his mechanical appendages seem to be far superior to those of Vader. Why wouldn’t the Emperor build Grievous, but not Vader, with four arms, for example?

Because no fan edit has yet attempted to excise Grievous from the film, I have decided to make an attempt myself. Having no prievious experience with video editing, the result will probably be less than stellar, but I will nonetheless give it a try. I have already made a rough version of the edit, and have come to the conclusion that removing Grievous both be doable and will not harm the main plot of the film. The hardest part will be the scene where Sidious reveal himself to Anakin, because Anakin enters his office to report the death of Grievous. I have yet to find another good place to begin that particular scene.

Although the main point of this edit will be to remove all traces of the General, I also intend to edit out other annoying portions of the film. The “buzz droids” are gone. So is Sidous’ fight against his “little green friend”. Other common edits will most likely also be made (the balcony scene, Padme losing her will to live etc.)

Thoughts? Comments? Criticism? Noob-bashing?

(On a completely unrelated matter, would somebody pretty-please-with-sugar-on-top send me an invitation to Demonoid? Please?)