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Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

From 'savestarwars.com'

"On May 25th, 1977, Star Wars was released in two audio formats: stereo for regular 35mm and a six-track surround for 70mm. The six-track 70mm mix in particular was memorable because of the surround channels, wide dynamic range, and special low-frequency "baby booms" (equivalent to sub-woofers today) that made this a very special experience; people today still talk of hearing the roar of the star destroyer first flying overhead. The stereo and six-track mixes were both sourced from the same stems, although they are not entirely identical. In June, the film expanded onto more screens and now it was accompanied by a mono mix, which is what most people would have heard in theatres. Since Lucas had more time to work on this mix, he could add many more sounds and fixed things he was unhappy with in the initial mixes. At the time, Lucas put the most amount of effort into this release, and considered it definitive."

So most people (including myself) saw the film with the mono mix in 1977.  Thank you Harmy for including this mix in your release.

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

mverta said:

kentforbes said:

I'm hoping that the stormtrooper's line "Close the blast doors!" during the Death Star hallway chase will be restored. They shout it just before Han and Chewy jump through the closing doors.  It sets up the next line - "Open the blast doors!" and makes them look like such bumbling idiots. Why it was ever removed I have no idea.



The line was an unfortunate addition to the original stereo and surround mixes, as the dramatic purpose of stormtroopers isn't to be bumbling idiots.  If they're bumbling idiots, the audience has no reason to fear for the good guys being chased by them, there is no tension in the pursuit, and nothing at stake.  Filmmaking 101.  Just as the CG additions of slapstick comedy at the start of the Mos Eisely sequence instantly undoes Obi-Wan's warning of how dangerous and villainous the town is, undermining the bad guys undermines the heroes, and destroys the drama. You keep the stormtroopers a threat, and let the audience just be grateful for every missed shot. It's only during the car ride home that it occurs to viewers that stormtroopers can't hit the broad side of a barn... unless you've tipped them off that they're idiots...

Like most changes in the mono mix, it is the result of over-thinking, and tweaking well past the often superlative first instincts.  I'm glad the mono mix has remained essentially ignored for the past 30+ years. 



Hmmm...  I must agree that the CG slapstick at Mos Eisley undermines the danger of the scene.  You make a good point sir.  Having the Stormtrooper who's checking the doors in Mos Eisley say "It's locked, move on to the next one"  still makes them look like bumbling idiots though....

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

I'm hoping that the stormtrooper's line "Close the blast doors!" during the Death Star hallway chase will be restored. They shout it just before Han and Chewy jump through the closing doors.  It sets up the next line - "Open the blast doors!" and makes them look like such bumbling idiots. Why it was ever removed I have no idea.