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Kamyio's Anagyph and Stereoscopic 3D Star Wars IV Conversion [updated 2.9.11] + Sample Video Now Available (* unfinished project *)

Harmy said:

Judging from the video, Darth Editious was exactly right about the method used, it is just consecutive frames layered over each other, it is especially obvious when a shot changes, you can totally tell that one is delayed.


Let's talk a little more about 3D shall we?  Everyone is used to the visual effects that Avatar,  and even Tron achieved.  It's brilliant, the colors are wonderful and everything seems to be where it belongs.  These were shot in 3D.  What that means is quite literally what is happening is two cameras (or lens, depends on the director and budget) are at the same time capturing the video stream.  Once again, the problem with what I am working with is it just wasn't shot like that, so instead using scripts the video is duplicated, then imaged slightly off (as your saying) to get a 3D effect.  But there is also the other side of things, this is red/cyan 3D.  Stereoscopic 3D (what you have watched Avatar in) is something completely different.  Stereoscopic 3D really makes things pop, and does a much better job. But honestly, how many of you have dropped the bomb and purchased a 3D yet?  I doubt many of you have.  


Right now I am converting to red/cyan 3D specifically to get a taste of what 3D will look like with Star Wars.  Once again, I would love to put this into stereoscopic format.  But I do not even have a 3D to test.  Maybe someday I will, but for right now I am trying to bring this into a format that we all can enjoy.  


Now there is one more thing, actually two.  The video isn't brilliant is because this is the internet we are talking about.  That video web site, downgraded and made my video rather quite ugly to watch, take in the fact that the audio is rather quite off you can know the frame rate would slowed making watching in 3D more hindering than anything else.  I know that when I posted, more than anything I wanted to show that this project is real and there is an actual 3D effect.  But when you play the HD video on my Mac, it's beautiful.  Yes there are some problems yet when it comes to switching scenes, but I am researching to find the answers on what older 3D movie production companies did.


Now the second part of that is about your 3D glasses.  I have been researching reports about the cyan side of 3D glasses.  There is no one universal color.  Yes, it's cyan, but the shades can be slightly off where it obviously cannot match what you see on the screen, thus ruining the effect.  


Anyways, project is still heading in the right direction.  Thanks for your comments, I do like getting them, even the negative ones because I really like to research into things that I wouldn't think of myself.




Kamyio's Anagyph and Stereoscopic 3D Star Wars IV Conversion [updated 2.9.11] + Sample Video Now Available (* unfinished project *)

When my computer finishes it's converting later this evening I'll upload a clip so you can kinda understand what type of 3D affect I'm getting here.  Just to make sure, you do own 3D anaglyph glasses right?  Because I don't want you to assume that these are that way, but to really see them the glasses make it look fairly good.  :)


And with YouTube I had no idea, but still.  Right now, it being the size that it is that would be dang near impossible to upload the entire thing.




UPDATE:  SAMPLE VIDEO (please note that while this is a sample of my work, this is very early on and being that it was uploaded via a video site the quality is not perfect at any measure)  ENJOY!

View My Video

Kamyio's Anagyph and Stereoscopic 3D Star Wars IV Conversion [updated 2.9.11] + Sample Video Now Available (* unfinished project *)

Darth Editous said:

This last screen is what I am most proud of, when you're wearing your 3D glasses everything pops and really has depth to it.

I don't want to rain on your parade, but... okay, the remote sticks out a bit, as does Luke's arm, but everything else, including the console in the foreground, is at exactly the same depth.

This is just nice crips letters floating through space. Classic.

Floating at the same depth as the stars with no recession into the background - it looks like the two images are identical and just offset.

As for the explosion and training images, as far as I can tell you've just taken adjacent frames, offset them slightly, and channel-mixed them to red and cyan. Such a technique might give you a hint of a 3D effect in, say, one scene out of ten, but for the vast majority of the film your brain's just going to be confused.


 For your first part, yes it does look exactly like that.  But a few things of explaination to maybe help you understand what I am doing. 


3D isn't a science, and I know where your getting at.  My 3D is basic cutting certain images and making them background or fore ground.  It isn't going to be like Avatar, James Cameron specifically shot that in 3D so you can have extreme depth to where things look rounded rather than just cutouts.  It is physically impossible for me to make this look like Avatar 3D without a multimillion dollar budget because you would have to literally build 3D figures and then drape the video over these figures, basically you would have to rebuild every set and chacter scene by scene, but attach the original video to it.  I would love to do this, it would be incredible to do, but unfortuantly I don't have the time or budget, but if your willing to donate a few million I'll get right on it.  :)


Now for the explosions and the rest of it, these screenshots were taking as the video was playing, I did not take screen shots then convert the picture, this is real time what it looks like.  BUt also 3D only truly works when in motion, otherwise as you can tell there are obvious levels of depth rather than a physical rounded off feeling.  Which I explained how it can be done above. 


This is what I can do with what I am working with. 


A side note to everyone else, I do believe we have 5 copies taken for sure, maybe 7 but I need a confirmation from the others here.  So at most, 30 freebies left!


Also an update to what I am doing, I am current having my computer run it's balls off in converting about 3 different versions right now.  I have Wookiegrommers, I have the "Original Theatrical Release DVD" version and I have the 1997 version.  When they are all finished I will be watching them all to see what ones really give the best 3D effect for you all. 


Also I am researching just how many deleted scenes there were to make sure I can all the good versions hopefully converted.  I know lots of them are pretty crumby and grainy, but I'll do my best. 



Kamyio's Anagyph and Stereoscopic 3D Star Wars IV Conversion [updated 2.9.11] + Sample Video Now Available (* unfinished project *)

It’s been a long run since I did my first post about converting my 1984 CBS/FOX VHS into 3D and HD.  It was a pretty incredious idea.  To upconvert, then convert to 3D is a task that I was just not up to.  So I went simplier.  Using an already converted 1080p version I have taken the task of converting to 3D, anaglyph for the time being.  Reason I am doing this only for right now is simply because I seriously doubt there are a lot of you that have 3D TVs and all the other hundreds of dollars worth of things to get it all setup.  So I am going to start with the basics because really, we all want to know.  How on earth will Star Wars look when George Lucas converts them himself?

So how does 3D look in anaglyph?  Well here was my first attempt.

I have since destroyed this version because for obvious reasons the resolution is ridiculiously low and just not worth wild.

But for the following screenshots, please, put on some of your ceral box 3D red/cyan glasses and check out the new screens.

This is just nice crips letters floating through space.  Classic.

This one I have to explain a little more, yes, obviously it’s an explosion.  But many of you wearing 3D glasses still see some individual blue and red dots floating, don’t worry.  Because of the high speed frame rate you will never ever notice during the movie.  It looks brilliant.

This last screen is what I am most proud of, when you’re wearing your 3D glasses everything pops and really has depth to it.

That’s where I am at right now, there is still a long way to go.  At the moment I’m doing higher framerate conversions, but also looking for ways to tone down the size of the file.  At the moment it’s hitting about 7.6GB.  Way to much for an internet release right now.  Any questions, I would be more than happy to answer.

This is my plan for the future:

Release this to 35 lucky people on disc.  And then setup a torrent down the road.  No, there is no cost for the 35 people, it’s just whoever really, really seems into trying this out for the first time.  What you will get is a 3D conversion of Star Wars IV, as many interviews as I can find.  Also I will be contacting the people at Deleted Magic just to make sure I can add some of their deleted scenes.  I’m sure it wouldn’t be a problem, I just want to make sure because they did a good job of finding everything.  Also a special DVD case and 5 anaglyph 3D glasses for a sweet viewing party.

A stereoscopic version will only be created if there really is a want for it.  I can do it, but I want to make sure you guys are looking for it in the first place.



Star Wars Saga 3D Conversion (* files are password protected - no known password *)

I don't mean to be secret about it.  The one thing is I want to get my end finished and "published" before I want to give out my tools of the trade.  It's not that I am mean and just trying to be braggy, honestly I'll help you guys out, but I want to perfect it myself before handing over the reins.  It's not a science yet, far from.  


As for working on TVs, the Red/Cyan will work on any TV.  The stereoscopic version will not.  

Star Wars Saga 3D Conversion (* files are password protected - no known password *)

I use special scripting tools to get it into 3D, no programs other than actual video file conversion.  Though I found a problem with mine last night, the encoding wasn't being well received via NGV (the reason why you guys couldn't download my version before)  So, of course this is my task this weekend so you all can give me some good feedback.  



Star Wars Saga 3D Conversion (* files are password protected - no known password *)

Really this is nothing against him.  We share the same ideas, and I was just suggesting becoming affiliated so we can both do a better job together.


As for Discs a BD-25 should be sufficient, though I am starting to build a library of interviews etc.   So I may have to up it to 50 in the future.  Though note this is only the anaglyph.  I have been working the project of having a stereoscopic fora  very long time and it has been exhausting and that will for sure take BD-50, probably be a 2 disc set actually. 


Again, Neptune, if your willing we can bang this thing out together!

Star Wars Saga 3D Conversion (* files are password protected - no known password *)


If I seemed like I was hijacking your topic, I do so apologize.  I have worked on the same type of project and was wondering if you would be willing to kinda team up and trying to make the best of both worlds.  I already have A New Hope completed in my way, but things can always be better.  


Let me know, and I do apologize once again.  Not my intensions at all.

1984 A New Hope Project (* unfinished project *)

Actually I do, I have just finished my first copy of Star Wars 3D using Wookiegroomers HD version.  This just shows proof of concept.  Please, visit the link to check it out, its in anaglyph (red/cyan glasses required) It honestly doesn't look as bad as I thought it would. 




Comments?  If not, I will continue my work with making a stereoscopic version, along with getting myself a VHS to Digital converter. 


Until then,


1984 A New Hope Project (* unfinished project *)

First I am converting a 1080P version to 3D, just to make sure that the project is even realistic.  After which I will convert the VHS and do a lot of converting and hopefully I can turn the 1984 version into a 3D blu-ray.


The first very low quality version can be found here, I would suggest keeping it small in size, like for an ipod.  http://megaupload.com/?d=PVIDWGQC

1984 A New Hope Project (* unfinished project *)

I almost forgot about this... as new scripts have come out for 3D conversion I have been able to download a copy of Star Wars and run it through the scripts.  It's looking pretty awesome actually.  Though let me clear up somethings, I'm not a fake, or Nigerian, just a white boy having fun.  So, I have about 10 minutes until the video is compressed, then I will be uploading it to a screening site called NextGenVids, now this version is only a Red/Cyan 3D version.  Not the whole movie theater stereoscopic.  That comes soon. 


Its not perfect either.  Going through this not everything is 3D, and definitely not everything "pops" out.  Though I have to say the laser gun (that sounds a lot lamer that I had hoped) fights look pretty sweet.  This type of 3D just gives more depth.  As well as this version is not a very good quality DVD rip (though I am trying to find a better one) it probably is best to only be viewed online or via iPod Touch/iPhone. 


When everything is done loading/compressing and all that mumbojumbo that I wont bore you all with I will give another posting with the appropriate links. 


For the future I do want to make a full stereoscopic version, which wont be terribly difficult.  But I want to do it on full quality so you guys can just download and pop it into your 3DTVs (if you fancy like that) and enjoy an absolute classic.





1984 A New Hope Project (* unfinished project *)

No, not retail software, things like converting to 3D scripts etc.  


I understand your point of view, thats why I had said I was going to pay for these things upfront so I can get it done and that then people will see its real rather than you guys thinking I'm just trying to rip you off.  


Most likely I'll payout for the products I need upfront and then anyone that wants to have this just send me a blu-ray and that donations on the side are always welcome.  I don't want anyone from this community to think I'm trying to rip you guys off.  Honestly I love star wars and also love the new 3D generation and wanted a project so this came together and while doing so I found the VHS and then this community and I thought perfect!  Honestly I don't want any bad feelings with this so in a few days I expect to have a clip up just showing what exactly I'm trying to do and hopefully many more will understand what I mean.



1984 A New Hope Project (* unfinished project *)

Ahh ya, that was my fault.  So lets get this clear anyone who sends me a blank blu-ray I will copy onto this project.  But donations are welcome :]

I'm going to need around $200, most I probably will front up by myself.  Thats just for the hardware and software.

The labor that will go into it though is going to be quite a bit, to get it 3D will be the most.  

The quality is actually very crisp when I watched it again last night all the way through.  As well when going to 1080i it will not exactly stretch it, but I'll going through making things sharper and perfect for the HDTV.  The only true challenge is getting a perfect up scaled 16:9.  Which of course wont be terribly hard, but enough to making sure it looks nice.  

I'll be working with top notch programs a.k.a Final Cut Studio Pro 7 and Toast 10.  

I guess the true point is preserving this, its very unedited, a lot of the light sabers if you slow down the frames and wait for the right timing you still see the actual sticks they used.  Its the true Star Wars.

Other thoughts?

1984 A New Hope Project (* unfinished project *)

So I recently found a VHS of the CBS airing of Star Wars A New Hope and being a video editor I somewhat took this as a person project, but also am going to take it much further.  I do believe from what I have read this is very close to the theatrical version except that is is in 4:3 aspect ratio.

My project:

Convert from VHS to Digital to 1080i HD to 3D and finally burn to a blu-ray.

Yep, all that, hopefully when I am finished I will have a beautiful version of this and was wondering if anyone wanted a copy of this when finished?  It will take quite awhile, but beinga  student spring break is around the corner and I’m ready for a challenge.

If anyone wants this I will be putting up a web page for donations because it will cost quite a lot to get everything edited and converted with all the software.

Also IF I can make sure this is legal enough I will allow all those that have donated to send a blank blu-ray disk and I will copy it onto it.

The contents will include:

1984 Star Wars a New Hope in both 1080i and 1080i 3D (if you happen to have one of those fancy new TVs)

Interviews from Star Wars a New Hope 1997 Special Edition Version

Anything else you guys would want on it?  I want to just put together an ultimate version for everyone.
