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Harmy's THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK Despecialized Edition HD - V2.0 - MKV & AVCHD (Released)

Thanks - I re-downloaded using a slightly different method and this time it worked fine. I must have had a corrupted or missing download.

What worked for me, using a paid Mega account for storage and transfer bandwidth: Manually copy and paste each RAR link into a browser, and manually add each part to my Mega cloud drive, which then syncs via download to my local hard drive.

What didn’t work for me: copying all links at once and pasting in via Mega “Open Links” option in their sync tool. Not sure why this didn’t work, but it didn’t.

Greatly appreciate the efforts and the replies here, thank you!

Harmy's THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK Despecialized Edition HD - V2.0 - MKV & AVCHD (Released)

Hello all and thank your for your hard work. I just discovered these versions after complaining about the specialized versions and a friend sent me down this path. I was able to download, extract and view SW 2.7 MKV version, it is great! However, I am encountering problems with ESB 2.0 and ROJ 2.5. I have been following HanDuet’s guide. I am on Mac Monterey 12.1 and I couldn’t get FreeRapid Downloader installed, but was able to get the Mega Downloader working. On ESB and ROJ I get an error from The Unarchiver about the MKV file - “Could not extract, Error on decrunching.” I tried the files on a windows machine using 7Zip and also got an error. Where could I have gone wrong and how can I verify what mistake I’ve made. Doing the exact same steps on ESB and ROJ as I did on SW, so not sure what error I’ve made.