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The <strong>Original Trilogy</strong> Radical Redux Ideas Thread

RogueLeader said:

I have seen that video before and it is pretty funny! It is an interesting “what-if” that highlights some of Lynch’s signature elements, but I think if he had actually made Return/Revenge of the Jedi, it would have been more comparable to Dune than anything else. I don’t know if it would have been much different than what we got, besides being more serious and a little creepier maybe. Though I think there was only a 5% chance of that ever happening.

I may have mentioned this before, but something I think would be cool to see in an eventual Revenge of the Jedi edit, sort of like Snooker’s project, would be for Luke and Vader to swap lightsabers like the ‘Revenge’ original poster portrays.

While I believe this was a mistake by the artist, I think that image really sparks one’s imagination, and I can imagine how it could happen. After Luke falls off the catwalk, you could insert somewhere (maybe it is the first shot we see when the next time we return to the Throne room) the shot of Vader holding Luke’s lightsaber earlier in the film, to show that Vader has picked up Luke’s saber. Then when Vader triggers Luke, Luke gets Vader’s saber and uses it against him. It could help sell the idea of Luke being on the edge of turning to the dark side, and Vader using a green/blue saber could foreshadow him turning back to the light a few moments later.

You could keep it green like it is in the final film, but it would also be cool to see Luke with a blue saber since it originally was suppose to be blue.

I could definitely see that as a moment that kids would have flipped out over back in the day. Just a fun what-if.

EDIT: You would also have to replace the saber hilts in a few shots, but it probably wouldn’t be noticeable for the wider shots.

Regarding the poster, Lucas was convinced, early on, to change the name to "Revenge…: but reverted back to the original near the end of production. He stated ‘Jedi don’t do revenge’ (paraphrase).