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Help: looking for... MTV's 'The State'...

thatguamguy said:

Apologies for bumping an old thread, but I saw it on the list for this show.

I was working on a project restoring the edits that were made for the DVD (there are music edits in every episode but one, and there are four examples of cut or alternate footage, in addition to censored shots).

Most of them I was able to get good sources for, but I’m looking for copies of the following:

  • original broadcast of the premiere episode (the appropriate air date would apparently be 12/17/93); there’s a sketch about beer which was cut out after the early airings because of complaints. The sketch is on the DVD, but with music changes.
  • episode 206 - of all the copies I obtained, the broadcast version of this was in the worst shape, so I would love a better source than the one I have.
  • episode 312 - the end credits have a long conversation between Marino and Wain, which was re-recorded for the DVD with different music. The only source I have for this has an MTV announcer over part of the credits. This is a longshot, but maybe somebody has a copy without the announcer, or at least covering a different part.

103, 104, and 305 also have specific sketches which I’m not entirely satisfied with my source.

I know it’s been a while, but I wanted to see if you have any more luck with this project?

Proposal - Saturday Night Live Restoration

First of all, this would obviously be a huge project given the shear amount of content, but I’m surprised that it hasn’t been mentioned here or anywhere else I could find.

The ability is definitely there. NBC recently released all(?) episodes on Peacock, but the releases have been significantly cut down, and the classic episodes are missing their musical performances, and some sketches have been edited or cut entirely.

There are complete VHS and DVR recordings available for all classic Episodes. An archivist on Reddit compiled a very thoroughly vetted compilation with everything in one place.

The availability of the Peacock rips significantly cuts into the work that would be needed, but cleaning up all the missing content and splicing it in would still be a massive project.

So my questions - is anyone interested in working on this, or is anyone aware of such a project that is already ongoing?