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Star Wars: <strong>The Rise Of Skywalker</strong> Redux Ideas thread

Hal 9000 said:

Idkartist3d, welcome! That’s some nice work with the ghosts. What footage did you use for Ben?

I’d have to do some thinking before I’d be sure I would want to include Ben’s ghost in my project, but I’d love to have a version without Anakin. Ben is very germane you the movie whereas Anakin isn’t, and it’s too brief of a shot to include all four IMHO. Or, what about placing the Anakin layer at like 15% opacity to give the viewer just a subliminal reminder of the grand Skywalker patriarch?

Thanks! The footage I used for Ben is actually from another movie entirely, as I swear there isn’t a single scene in any Star Wars movie where he’s smiling ahah https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPmk_aj_2Ao&t=3719s
I threw his head onto his body in the scene where he and Rey are in the destroyed Death Star~
And I’ve heard that quite a bit, honestly it’s a toss up at a certain point. Anakin at 15% may not turn out as well as you think it may, would be better to either include him or not tbh ;p

Chase Adams said:

Mate, that was such a good clip, what I think all of us here can agree on is that you should probably go and take a look at Hayden’s robes at the end of the ROTJ Special Edition and use those. Then, voilà! A perfect edit! 😄

Many thanks!~ Yeah, retrospectively I should’ve used those from the start. Will have to do a bit of digging, hopefully I can find some good sources~

Star Wars: <strong>The Rise Of Skywalker</strong> Redux Ideas thread

Lesser said:
I wouldn’t mind a little tutorial video on how you made it, as I’ve been trying to get more into after effects.
Have you tried finding a shot of lighter robes similar to what Force Ghost Anakin wears in VI and put his head on like you did with Driver already?

I’ll see what I can do about a mini tutorial, but I don’t have the most free time at the moment to do so - if you got specific questions I’d be more than happy to answer though!~ And I did a tiny preliminary search, but finding things that would work well isn’t super easy.

idir_hh said:
Hey there! Welcome to the forums. What do you think of rearranging the ghosts around with Anakin as the head, Luke and Leia than finally Ben in the foreground? Basically a generational handing of the skywalker name leading to Rey, in chronological order.

Thanks! I like where you’re goin with the idea, though it may be a bit tricky, as I’d have to essentially move the entire shot over (and I’d have to erase part of Leia). Doable though, and makes a bit more sense than my arrangement imo.

DominicCobb said:
That clip is good work.
For me, ideally you’d want to get rid of Anakin, put Ben in white robes and on the other side (by his mother). One day I’ll have to give it a go myself, but I’ll have to beef up my skills in the meantime. That’s not gonna be an easy task.

Thank you~ And yeh, the number one point of contention for most people is the inclusion of Anakin. I personally see it as having the full Skywalker bloodline there to confirm Rey as an honorary Skywalker, though I can also see the flip side where she had no real connection to him. Not amazingly difficult to make two versions, so I guess I can let people choose ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ And I implore you to give it a go! I gotta warn you that it’s a complete time drain, but it’s suuuper satisfying when things come together. One of the best hobbies to pick up, imo~

Star Wars: <strong>The Rise Of Skywalker</strong> Redux Ideas thread

idir_hh said:

This youtube edit I found is a concept for what an Anakin and Ben force ghost on Tatooine could look like.

Heya! I’m the guy that made that~
Thanks for posting, I tried throwing it up on Reddit but it just got shit on so I deleted it ahah. Glad people here are enjoying it somewhat!

Darth Sadifous said:

A minor request would be for Ben and Anakin to be in lighter robes more similar to those of the Jedi. However, one could argue their darker robes reflect their darker past before returning to the light side of the force.

I actually thought of that quite a bit, but I’m admittedly not as into Star Wars as I assume most of you are, so I didn’t know exactly what robes would be the most appropriate :x Also, from a logistical viewpoint I’d be far more open to them having lighter robes, as trying to mix the levels/colors of the darker robes turned out to be a biiiiiiitch lol

Lesser said:

That is absolutely perfect and looks seamless enough to have been in the actual movie to me. Only thing is Anakin’s head looks a bit stiff but only upon replays.

His head is actually moving a bit, but most of it is when his ghost is fading in. I can probably reverse the clip and it’ll give a bit more head movement near the end (or at that, another clip may work better where the lighting is in the correct position).

Hal 9000 said:

Ben looks surprisingly good. could you perhaps do a version with only him added?
I’m not sure the footage of Anakin used is a slam dunk. Ideally he’d have the generic Jedi robes he wears in ROTJ. Hell, while I’m dreaming, a 30% morph into Sebastian Shaw would be even cooler if it worked at all.

I could pretty easily disable the layers with Anakin, yeh~ Again, I admit the footage is not that great - it’s a bit hard scanning through an entire movie for super specific head movements/expressions/lighting. If anyone here can find a better scene, feel free! And I may be able to marginally work After Effects, but trying to add in a bit of Sebastian Shaw is above my pay grade to say the least ahah