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Help: looking for... an edit with the Star Wars deleted scenes reinserted

Hmmm.  Seems to me that if "aging 1977ers" say it happened then there might be some credence to the claim.  Out of the mouth of two or three witnesses let a thing be established.

But this is getting way off topic.  I know there is no "Official" release of the film but where can I find a decent copy of a fan made version?  I have all the scenes and could hack and slash them together myself but by the time I got it completed it would look worse than Jake Lloyd or Hayden Christensen trying to act.

Help: looking for... an edit with the Star Wars deleted scenes reinserted

I know what I saw the first time I saw the movie.  None of the subsequent times did these scenes appear.  But the film also melted in the projector at my first screening too.

Granted, I did own all of the original comics but I could quite easily differentiate between Marvel's lousy artwork and the live action shots.

But I also had a Meccano Cinevue with two Star Wars cartridges that had these scenes on one of them.  I would give just about anything to find those again.

Help: looking for... an edit with the Star Wars deleted scenes reinserted

Is there somewhere to find a fan edit of Star Wars with the deleted scenes put back in?  Specifically those with Biggs.  When I saw the movie in theaters in 1977 I know I saw at least pieces of these in the movie.  I know I saw Luke looking at the battle, I know I saw Biggs walking away from Luke at Toschi Station.  Granted I was only 6 years old at the time but I know I saw these scenes in the movie being shown at UA150 Cinema in Seattle (the theater that made the most money of all US cinemas in the world for this film and which is now a parking lot).

I know this topic is probably old as hell but is there anyone who can post a link or shoot a PM?  I know I am not the only one who is looking.  Has anyone thought of making a sticky for such things?

I am really tired of clicking through 25 pages of posts, mostly about the prequels on a site dedicated to the ORIGINAL TRILOGY.

Please and thank you.