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(The Last Jedi) Fate of the Jedi | A Star Wars Legends Re-edit [Workprint Released]

i just read your description of this edit. i have no idea how you could accomplish what you have laid out here, but i really want to see it. i have more or less given up on Disney’s Star Wars, i may only watch the fan edits from now on. i’m going to watch Ahsoka, but if they blow that one i’m done.
please send me a link to your sequel trilogy edits!

The Last Jedi : a Fan Edit <strong>Ideas</strong> thread


-Rose crashing into Finn to save him, and her lines after where she kisses him- i don’t remember where but i saw a decent edit that made it so Rose gets shot down by an ATAT, and Finn stops to save her. i also always wondered “why is no one shooting at the people flying DIRECTLY AT THEM?”
-of course, “The Holdo Maneuver” is world-breaking, but i don’t know how one would edit around that.
-cut down the “humor,” like the “yo momma” joke that kicks off the movie.
-the Space Leia moment doesn’t bother me as much as it does a lot of others, but i do have a weird idea for it. i think it would play better if she didn’t open her eyes during her “space walk.” just a small idea, i’m not sure how hard it would be to implement.
-restore Luke’s deleted scenes, like his reaction to Han’s death and the third lesson.
-the celebratory tone of the ending scenes doesn’t fit to me. sure the people on the MilF survived, but it was NOT a happy moment.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

DZ-330 said:

Now that the sequel edits have been done for some time…

Any plans to revisit the prequels (adding back the original titles and reinserting some small things back in) as discussed in the other thread.

And even more importantly, where is Hal’s Solo edit?!

in one of Hal9000’s writings, he (?) suggests watching the Coaxium Heist edit for Solo. i got the impression he wasn’t interested in editing Solo and that this was an edit in line with his standards. i’ve watched it myself and i think it’s a good edit.

The Clone Wars: Refocused [COMPLETE] + Subtitles for season one!

i wasn’t going to watch this.
i already had smudger9’s old edits, 5 movie length episodes of Clone Wars made from spliced together episodes. my only real issue was that it only covered up to, i think, season 4. so i thought about finding other movie length episodes that would cover the rest, or maybe take the time to learn to do it myself. then i found and watched g00b’s Rebels Recut. stay with me here.
i thought his edits were movie length too, and once i saw that they weren’t, i almost didn’t watch them. but i did, and i loved them. i mention this because he states that your edits were his inspiration. so i gave them a shot.
now, i’ve only watched up towards the end of season 2, and i know you’re not entirely done. but i just want you to know that i think this is the best Clone Wars edit there is, and your efforts are appreciated. i hope you keep working until you finish them, for all our sakes…

Star Wars Rebels Recut - A Fanedit TV Series

i’m surprised so few people have tackled this show. it’s another Star Wars property with so much good tarnished with the bad. so far i watched the edits of the first season, plus a couple episodes of season 2. i thought i wanted movie edits of each season (like a movie for each season), but i realize that would be very difficult to do with Rebels, since it’s such an episodic show. your edits are damn near perfect. there are moments where it’s obvious one episode ends and another begins, but it doesn’t distract much. you seem to have cut out 90% of the cringy “kid show” moments without it even being noticeable. that’s amazing considering how much there was to begin with. so i just wanted to say you did an amazing job. this is THE edit of Rebels for me.
EDIT: one thing i would like to see is a list of which episodes comprise each edited episode. maybe even a list of some of the changes made.

KENOBI: A STAR WARS STORY [The Radical &quot;Help Me Obi-Wan Kenobi&quot; Cut]

Anjohan said:

Yes, PM’s sent. Sorry for delay. I’m on holiday.

Btw, when I get back home, I’ll render a “Original Structure” Cut without the alternate escape. Some love it, some hate it - so damn it - I’ll have two available.

that makes me very happy to hear. i hope i didn’t come across as overly critical in my post. i think your edit is inspired. although there are other small changes i would personally make, without the alternate escape THIS is the edit i choose to add to my collection.


SpenceEdit said:

homelyjedi said:

SpenceEdit said:

homelyjedi said:

yeah, that was my understanding. i was hoping that maybe there’s a small chance that someone in the community would have a copy, or a lead of some sort…

Having seen it, and also having done my own version… I would suggest you maybe take a look at the ones available on here as opposed to putting a lot of effort into tracking the Patterson one down.

yeah, fair. but i do have an obsessive streak. i’ve already watched a few edits on here so far, and one of them was yours. i don’t think i posted my opinions on it yet, but i did take some notes. it was good and i liked it, but it was mostly a condensed version of the series minus the “Reva going after Luke” end. but i’m looking for an edit that makes some changes to the most egregious problems of the series. so far Anjohan’s version was my favorite, but with one very big exception.
but the way you put that, is that your way of saying it’s not so impressive?

Out of curiosity, what do you consider the “egregious problems?” Because that seems to differ wildly from person to person.

of course it’s mostly subjective, if not all. but i was really excited for this series, and kinda let down. of course it has it’s positives. the way Vader was presented was great.
but the way he let Kenobi get away (at the fire) makes no sense to me, and is probably my biggest gripe. his suit is basically fireproof, and even if it wasn’t he had put out the fire only seconds earlier with a force push. even if he was disappointed in him and pitied him, he’s still obsessed with finding him a few scenes later. wth?
Reva knowing who Vader is. in other canon sources he kills anyone who knows his former identity, even supposed allies. but here he lets her live and walk among them for who knows how long? and then he even lets her live when her supposed usefulness is over. Reva grew on me a bit, so it’s not personal, but she should’ve died. the dialogue tells us they at least know there’s a good chance she will survive her wound. and i’m sure Disney will be making a Reva show (sigh).
speaking of Reva, her assassination attempt was not smart. she should have snuck up behind him just as he was pulling the ship down and apart, when he’s more likely to be distracted. a couple of edits i’ve come across have done this.
the Leia chase scenes.
a lot of the editing, like the rooftop scene, the shaky cam. some of the dialogue, like between the inquisitors.
even though Haji was comic relief, i liked his parts. i liked seeing Kenobi at his lowest, though they may have made him too pathetic.
it makes me sad that the original script was struck down, because it sounds much better to me.
i just want to find a better edit of this series, one that doesn’t stray too far from canon. maybe fan edits have spoiled me, because i have usually found people with the same gripes i have, but who have actually taken the time to fix them. it’s amazing. i may end up stitching together various edits to make my own Frankenstein. of course that’ll require me to learn how to do a little editing myself. i have considered doing that for Attack of the Clones and The Last Jedi anyway, the two other entries that i have issues with and have never found a satisfactory edit for.
i hope you’re right, that this “Patterson cut” coverage doesn’t shine a light on the editing community that causes problems for it.
and i’m happy for anyone who was wholly satisfied with this series. i don’t hate it. but i’m trying to reconcile a series i love with an often poor execution. that’s what edits do for me.


SpenceEdit said:

homelyjedi said:

yeah, that was my understanding. i was hoping that maybe there’s a small chance that someone in the community would have a copy, or a lead of some sort…

Having seen it, and also having done my own version… I would suggest you maybe take a look at the ones available on here as opposed to putting a lot of effort into tracking the Patterson one down.

yeah, fair. but i do have an obsessive streak. i’ve already watched a few edits on here so far, and one of them was yours. i don’t think i posted my opinions on it yet, but i did take some notes. it was good and i liked it, but it was mostly a condensed version of the series minus the “Reva going after Luke” end. but i’m looking for an edit that makes some changes to the most egregious problems of the series. so far Anjohan’s version was my favorite, but with one very big exception.
but the way you put that, is that your way of saying it’s not so impressive?

KENOBI: A STAR WARS STORY [The Radical &quot;Help Me Obi-Wan Kenobi&quot; Cut]

ANJO- some brief notes/opinions
brilliant opening. Though IMO you rushed the saloon scene.
I like the cuts to the scene between Owen and Reva, although the inquisitors disappear too quickly. They are suddenly 100 feet away.
Nice rescoring during the landing platform scene.
I kind of liked the Leia dressing down her cousin scene but I get why you cut it.
The bag over Leia’s head is good, but maybe it could be done better? i’m not sure that i would’ve known what happened if i hadn’t watched the original.
I like that you cut OWK pulling his cloak back to show everyone his lightsaber. why on earth would he do that?
I’m conflicted over OWK and the fake jedi, when he says “i’ll do it.” it seems a little off. even though it was played for laughs I actually kind of liked the original version.
Changing the Fortress Inquisitorius entry scene to the fake jedi helping him makes no sense to me. It’s too big. in glancing around the comments i’m really surprised that some people like it. it definitely doesn’t look like a “sewer,” more like what it is, a sea. it doesn’t make sense that there is a sea in one of the underlevels. and to someone like me, who recognizes the Fortress Inquisitorius, it’s soo out of place. Haja’s lines don’t gel either. i would just revert it to the original rescue scenes if nothing else. maybe a little edited somehow.
I would cut out the “granddaughter maybe” line. But maybe leave in the Leia “you think the less you say” line. but that’s just me.
I’m conflicted about the scene where OWK catches Leia. I think the sound effect is unnecessary. I would also leave out the duel on Mustafar flashback and OWK saying “Anakin.” the cut to vader opening his eyes says it all without spelling it out. i think your idea is good one, but it raises some questions. like “is Vader able to sense every time OWK uses the force?”
I would cut ANY mention of Reva knowing who Vader is. In other media Vader has always killed anyone who knew his identity. one of my biggest gripes in the series.
I like how you cut the auto-pilot-trade-route stuff, and had Leia instead asking if OWK could use the force to fix Lola. brilliant.
I liked cutting the stormtroopers questioning Kenobi in the back of the transport. I liked Ewan’s acting there, with the lines about her mother, but it’s not worth the rest of the scene, with the OWK gaff, and the weird alien expressing his distrust of them at the checkpoint, but not earlier?
I wish you could edit the gun out of OWK’s hand, as he’s still pointing it at the stormtroopers when he’s on the ground. that’s mare than the usual stormtrooper ineptitude.
Ok, I love moving the “the years have made you weak Obi-Wan” to the fire scene. I never would have thought of it. It makes the scene make more sense somehow (not make sense necessarily, but MORE sense). Although it’s confusing when he still seems obsessed with finding him a couple scenes later.
The de-aging is VERY well done.
The way Reva tries to sneak attack right when he is distracted is perfect. I wish there was a way to edit the scene with the POV from far behind directly before though, to show her walking up behind him.
I would cut the GI saying that “revenge does wonders for the will to live” line, as it suggests that they know that she will live, and they just let her. but i’m sure they will be making a Reva series soon (sigh).
great job cutting the scene of Haja “protecting” Leia from OWK when she storms off.
I think I like the flashbacks immediately after Vader/Anakin yelling “OBI WAN!” the ending of their duel had a very different feel.
If it were not for Reva speaking Anakin’s name, or ESPECIALLY the “sewer” scene, this would be the edit i would keep. i really don’t mean to sound too critical, you did an amazing job. the best i’ve seen yet, i think by far. if you made a version without the “sewer scene” your edit would be my “chosen one.”

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Refocused [RELEASED]

so i watched it last night. a few notes/opinions. i don’t want to seem critical, but i’ll mostly give you my nitpicks. and i’ll try to manage a few suggestions, such as they are.
the quality is not great on my download. a good bit of digital grain. i don’t expect or want (because of the file size) 4k quality, but there were parts that were too rough.
just after the six minute mark the lips don’t seem to match at the line “his compassion leaves a trail.” it’s noticeable enough that it’s distracting.
You did pretty well cutting the Leia chase scene. though i’ve seen an edit where Leia didn’t get a chance to run, and as she was talking to Flea she had a bag slipped over her head, and i liked it better. because that stubby limbed girl would’ve been caught in 2 seconds even if she was 50 feet away.
and the second Leia chase scene, unfortunately needed to happen so that Kenobi could “reconnect” with the force. but it was edited well.
Nari was pretty pointless, so i think that’s probably a good cut.
I really liked the cutting of the stupid bickering between the inquisitors, and it was done well.
cutting out Reva mysteriously being at the end of the tunnel without passing Leia needed to be done. how did that make it past the editing room? it’s frustrating. just venting a little, i know you cut it out because you cut out the whole side trip to Fortress Inquisitorius, which by the way was the right choice, even though i did like parts of it.
of course, Vader still just LETS Kenobi get away, but i don’t know how one would edit that little piece of stupidity away.
maybe Reva waiting to stab the Grand Inquisitor while he was distracted should have been left in. idk. it’s not a great scene with or without.
Vader remembering the duel on Mustafar while looking at the fire, hmm. i’m not sure what it says, and so i don’t know if i like it or not. i’m curious what your intention was? what was Vader feeling? to me, the only way that Vader letting Kenobi get away makes ANY kind of sense to me is that he was so disappointed in him, and that killing him would have been a hollow victory. That he wanted to duel him at his best. (and I emphasize “any sense” because that’s still a flimsy excuse.)
i personally really don’t like the imperial march theme during the flashback duel, but if you’re going to do it, I would definitely turn the volume down. the de-aging was well done and helps a lot. the obvious age difference in the original took me out of the scene.
cutting out the flashbacks of Reva getting stabbed in the gut as a youngling was good. BUT. every instance of her motivations are cut. so if this is the version of Kenobi we got, we would all be confused as to why she did what she did (at least i would be). and an edit should stand alone in my opinion.
I don’t think I like the Qui Gon voiceovers, though. i like the idea well enough, but i dont know if there’s a good way to edit it to look right. for instance, the time Kenobi talks to Qui-Gon early on (sorry i don’t remember the timestamp) and when Qui-Gon actually replies Kenobi is still looking at the floor, looking dejected even though they are communing.
the cut at about 1:22:40 is too sudden. maybe you could have her still find the hiding space after it’s already too late? i’m not sure if that would fit, just a thought…
i support cutting out any mention of Reva after being stabbed through the gut, thus leaving it open to interpretation that she probably died. because she should have. i say that not because i hate her character (she grew on me a little), but it makes much more sense. especially in the original, because it’s made clear that Vader knows that she knows that he is/was Anakin. in the other media Vader kills anyone who knows who he is, so it’s good that you cut anything that told us that Vader knew that she knew.
but i would cut out the “we’ll leave you in the gutter” line. it serves no purpose. maybe even the “revenge does wonders for the will to live” line. it makes it seem like they know she is going to survive, and they just let her live for no reason.
speaking of Grand Inquisitor lines, in his first scene in the saloon i don’t like the line where he says “so he steps in and saves your saloon.” it feels to me like he’s just advertising the fact that they are the bad guys.
i think the last thing i will mention is that i’m a sucker for all the trappings of Star Wars. so, if it were me, i would add an opening crawl, and probably even the classic Star Wars side wipe transitions. i guess the issue here is that there is no text at the beginning, so i suppose you would have to make your own. I saw you addressed this already in the comments, but just putting my two cents in. I prefer all of my SW edits to have an opening crawl, episodic series or no.
all in all a solid edit. good ideas, and good execution. I hope it doesn’t seem like i’m being too critical, I just thought it might be more constructive to point out the areas where I thought it could be better. There’s a lot to love here.

KENOBI: A STAR WARS STORY [The Radical &quot;Help Me Obi-Wan Kenobi&quot; Cut]

i haven’t read through every post on this thread, so sorry if i repeat something…
that Leia chase edit looks great. no chase, she just gets a hood slipped over her from behind. i’m sure others will agree that the second Leia chase needs some real restructuring. it look like Reva is chasing them at first, and then i guess she gets lost or something?
is it too much to hope that someone out there can make the grand inquisitor look like a Pau’an, like he is supposed to be? yeah, i know. that would be a lot of work…
i would lighten Luke’s hair, if it’s possible. that’s probably nitpicking, but people’s hair generally gets darker as they get older, not lighter.
i really want to see Vader kill Reva after their fight. no, not because i hate her or something. it just doesn’t make sense for Vader to let her live. it didn’t even make sense that he let her live for any period of time, since he knows that she knows who he is. i actually ended up liking her character arc, even though it was so predictable, but Vader has always killed anyone who even finds out who he is. the only problem is that i’m pretty sure Disney wants to use Reva in other projects, so it probably wouldn’t be a canon-worthy edit.
i think it would make more sense for Reva to be sneaking up behind Vader right at the moment that the second ship is escaping. it would be a smarter move for Reva to attack as he’s distracted, and it would make it look like he’s too occupied to grab the second ship with the force.
i’d like to see the the Vader/Kenobi fight without cutaways. it’s distracting. it also doesn’t make sense that Kenobi seemingly instantaneously travels to Tatooine when he senses Reva is already two feet away from Luke. maybe Obi-Wan is already leaving the planet him and Darth fought on, when he senses the first moment that Reva shows up at “Skywalker Ranch.” it would at least seem like it took a little more time for him to travel through space.
oh, and the de-aging.
just my two cents. i’m really looking forward to your edits, and any Kenobi edits. i think with a little bit of tweaking this could be a worthy addition to the Star Wars universe.