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Changes in 2004 DVDs
I don't know about that. I'm not what you'd even call a star wars fan-- I like star wars a lot and grew up with it and I just want the damn movies I watched as a kid on DVD. I would never have joined a forum to talk about just freakin' star wars. I'm more offended as a movie person in general. Plus, I hate bad CGI and I think the new movies royally suck. They're like the star wars equivilent to what happened to the Batman Franchise...I mean Darth Vader turning bad because they killed his mommy? Get Bent. The fact that there might be new movie stuff in the old movies is totally nutso. The new movies are unwatchably bad if you're not a fan of the "universe" or whatever. I guess I'm like, in between moronic public and "fan". I care, but on a "why is this retard messing with a good movie?" level.

All I know is that Han Solo was my first crush and he shoots first.

Anyway, just thought I'd sign up and let you all know. I think a lot of casual fans are like "What the hell is this crap?"
If I had unknowingly bought the DVD and it wasn't even the crappy special edition I saw in 97, I'd have returned it all pissed off.


p.s. are they for real putting that bad soap opera actor in age makeup?