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Has anyone tried to re edit the SE yet? like the "phantom edit" but with the original trilogy?
Yoda is an interesting character because he shows that being a Jedi is more than wielding a lightsaber. It is all about the FORCE. He is small in stature and uses a cane, and teaches us that you can be a powerful Jedi WITHOUT using a lightsaber and being the same size as the rest of the people. He is the ultimate example of big power in a tiny package. He has to be small in order to teach us the concept of the strength of the force. From my point of view, the Yoda fight is blasphemy.
Has anyone tried to re edit the SE yet? like the "phantom edit" but with the original trilogy?
The changes I made were just taking out all the cheese and trying to make the transitions OK where I made the cuts.

Took out these parts:

-excessive use of the Dewbacks

-chopped out all the jokes/puerility of the Mos Eisley introduction

-took out fake Jabba

Gee I guess that's it. The new length is 1:52:52 so there may be something I left in there. I really just wanted to do this to get ready for my Phantom Clones re-edit. I wanna take out Jar Jar and the kid (almost) completely from phantom and cut a lot of the lousy dialogue and yoda's fake fight from clones and add them together to make one ginormous film. I am going to change the contrast levels for them too to make them less of a kid's movie. Then I will go take out the yubnub parts of Jedi and make that watchable again.

I may never show these to anyone; I just want to make them actually enjoyable without cringing. I want to get back into this and this is the only way to do it for me.
Oh yeah I used Premiere 6.5.

Has anyone tried to re edit the SE yet? like the "phantom edit" but with the original trilogy?
I would think it could be done with a nice fresh copy of a widescreen VHS copy of the original (do they exist?) and a SE edition. You could just put it in Premiere and edit all the parts you like together and make DVD-R's of them. Anyone done this yet? I started doing this tonight with ANH from the copy that everyone has on Kazaa...