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The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

vaderios said:

gpili said:

I hate too many connections between the prequels and the OT.  Let's make the universe bigger, not smaller please.  Comic relief needed by NEW characters (Jar Jar or some other character completely recast and rewritten).

Makes some sense but what if the PT is completely not connected with the OT?

I mean stylisticaly speaking that could offer a confusion that these movies are like star wars or cheap rip offs that trying to catch the feel of star wars aswell.

Like blending different styles to one with no connection to the previous ones is like reintroduce something brand new

.See what nolan did with batman. IMO always ;)



The prequels don't feel like Star Wars at all -- what we're suggesting are the things that made the OT so great, and also feel like Star Wars -- a sense of vastness, strange but familiar cultures and creatures, and a kind of magic.  Rehashing old characters and throwing in lots of slapstick do none of that, and reveal a turgid lack of imagination.  There are plenty of connections already to the OT with Obi-Wan, Yoda and Anakin.  We don't need to have cameos from every single character in the OT to provide connection.


The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

brash_stryker said:

Also posted in my own thread. I figure more people will see it here:


Not a final version yet as I'm still not happy with it when the droid speaks for the second time. I have quite a few different sound files to play with though so I'll have a more thorough stab at it soon.

The subtitles I intend to add will explain that Anakin did come back to free Shmi, but left to become a Jedi. I'm seeing the droid as a disgruntled servant much like Kreacher in Harry Potter, so he won't be very friendly.

Having such a rude protocol droid may explain why Owen has "no need for a protocol droid" in ANH ;)

Completely agree.  I like the idea of more primitive versions of R2 and 3PO in the prequels -- those versions should not exist yet.  PLUS, I hate too many connections between the prequels and the OT.  Let's make the universe bigger, not smaller please.  Comic relief needed by NEW characters (Jar Jar or some other character completely recast and rewritten).

Prequel total rewrites...?

xhonzi said:

One little thing I just thought of...

In L'sPT, we're supposed to believe that Jedi don't get married or have kids. I never really cared for this, and my concept of the prequels doesn't include this... (I'm sure that a lot of Jedi would refrain from having family because of the nature of their work (like some members of the military)) Anyways, we're also supposed to understand that ability to use the force is genetic (at least to some degree). The talk of the midiclorians seems to strengthen that argument.

But then, the Jedi don't have kids.

Is anyone else seeing a problem with this? It's like they're purposefully trying to limit their numbers....



How about that as part of the rift in the Jedi order?  Perhaps there are those who are "ordained" who believe in pure asceticism, others who want to operate outside the order, but who are Jedi -- but marry, have children, or train other Jedi without authorization, and then those who truly want to go over to the dark side...  Could make for some interesting subplots.

Prequel total rewrites...?

xhonzi said:

Quick thought, it seems to me that it makes a little more sense for Anakin/Vader to feel betrayed by the Jedi if they threw him out or something. Not being made a master doesn't quite seem like betrayal to me.

If Anakin started to mess with Dark Side things and they told him he had to stop, he says that it is not that bad and he thinks everyone should try it and so they kick him out and ruin his life. And throw a suspicious husband aspect on top of that (Obi-wan and Anakin's yet to be named Wife?) and maybe we now have a candidate for "feeling betrayed by the Jedi."

I don't know, what do you think?

Related: I thought Vader would personally go around and kill all the Jedi personally. Not some order 66 (anyone read that Twisted Toyfare Theater? It had me rolling!). As I was thinking about this, I thought it might make sense if Vader thinks some of the Jedi really would like to build this Sith Kingdom on Earth (so to speak) and so he went around to all the Jedi inviting them to join.. and they try to kill him Sith Lord that he is, so he kills them right back! And then pretty soon, he stops asking them to join, he just jumps to the end where he kills them. This, of course, would take place between 3-4 since we never see Vader in 3. Maybe some comics or something.


I totally think the love triangle would be a fun aspect to the prequels -- I was actually disappointed lucas copped out on luke/leia/han in the original, but you could certainly do it with obi-wan/padme/anakin, and it could be part of what leads to anakin's fall.

Yeah, the order 66 was stupid.  I like the idea of Vader and other newly minted Sith/Dark Jedi hunting down the Jedi as was actually mentioned in IV.  It's about revenge for perceived "wrongs" by the Jedi or even personal vendettas.


Prequel total rewrites...?

booah said:

I still think it would be a cool extra surprise if it was revealed in Sith that Obi-Wan was actually Luke's real father. Yeah, the OT is awesome and Darth/Luke still resonates, but it's almost like, in those movies, DARTH is Luke's father. The PT Anakin's character is such a whiny douchebag that it's a bummer to think he's Luke's dad. It would almost make more sense since Obi-Wan is 10x more noble of a character. Anakin could just *think* that he's the dad because he was with Padme, but Obi's unrequited love for Padme could've culminated in one night of bliss while Anakin was out doing bad Dark Side stuff. Or something. Crazy, I know, just some interesting speculation that I started thinking about when I saw ROTS.

With Obi-Wan and Padme having more chemistry than Padme and Anakin anyway, and if there was no OT, Obi as the pop would be neat. To me, anyway. Like, if only the audience, Obi-Wan, and Padme knew, but Anakin assumed it was his.


Evil thought: What if Obi-Wan is Anakin's father, and thus the reason why Obi-Wan felt the need to train him? What if all this time Obi-Wan is the one who pushed Anakin away (by being demanding, etc.) towards the Emperor, who treated Anakin more "kindly?" This would mean a younger Anakin in the prequels, tho... OR alternatively....(even more evil), Obi-Wan is Leia's father? Perhaps after Anakin had gone over to the darkside, Obi-Wan and Padme got together, and she later became pregnant, unbeknownst to Obi-Wan (they are somehow separated, or she dies before he finds out)? This would preserve an older Anakin and their friendship, but build in more surprise about Leia for ROTJ, another movie that needs tweaking.

What Special Edition changes (if any) did people like?

I would put my likes into 2 categories -- one for the original series, and one for the SE.  That is, I would always want to have the option of watching the original or the SE with certain changes:

Original Trilogy:

Just the cleanup, please.  No changes other than addressing color and picture quality.

SE IV Likes:

  • New X-Wing Treatments on Yavin
  • Obi-Wan's House
  • Desert Treatments with 3PO and R2
  • Jawa Improvements
  • Falcon takeoff from Mos Eisley
  • Death Star Battle Updates (except the ring around explosion)


SE V Likes:

  • Hoth Monster Updates
  • Cloud City Updates


SE VI Likes:

  • Cleanup of all Death Star Scenes
  • Sarlak Updates
  • Bantha Herd
  • Ewok Celebration and Song with ORIGINAL Spirits...


Things to delete with expreme prejudice:

  • Greedo Scene/Redone Cantina
  • Jabba Scene with Han
  • Stupid CGI creatures running around and distracting me (all 3 movies)
  • Stormtroopers on lizards
  • Crappy Pacing/Dialogue Changes after Luke/Darth Lightsaber fight in Empire
  • Redone Song in Jabba's Palace
  • Hayden with the Spirits