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Your first reaction to Hayden is ROTJ

Just did another viewing of the original scene to refresh my memory... it segues in at the beginning with like seconds of decent orchestra, but then the campy (IMO) Yub Nub song starts and then the mood kinda gets ruined a bit for me until the SW theme in the credits. I still got the underwhelming feeling I had when i first heard the Yub nub song.

So while the new victory celebration music had some bass guitar, the flute and chanting sounded serene and spiritual and emotionally right.. and it actually builds up with a bit orchestral joining in before the star wars theme too.

But yea... def. YMMV.  

Your first reaction to Hayden is ROTJ

Putting Hayden's rapist/creepy face in there was IMO, Lucas' worst change for RoTJ.   Definitely ruined what was supposed to be a great scene.

And it arguably doesnt even make sense.   Since Obi-Wan's spirit is shown as his older self, not his prequel self.  Which presumably, is because he died at that age.

(The whole "Jedi Rocks" singing CGI scene comes a close second.   Although that stupid singing scene I can skip since its not important.  I can't skip that final celebration scene for RoTJ.) 


However, I actually don't mind and quite enjoy the music change in the end celebration scene...actually felt it fit better with that scene and sounded more meaningful and fitting as the end to a whole epic saga/journey. 

Anyone else agree?