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Preserving the...<em>cringe</em>...Star Wars Holiday Special (Released)

Here you can see the same frame that was taken from lots of different captures on page 22, my capture looks pretty noisy in those dark scenes and outright bad compared to that Zion version, but maybe it would be improved off a better player/capture card/cables and some software clean up, it seems fairly good straight to the TV


Preserving the...<em>cringe</em>...Star Wars Holiday Special (Released)

Ok guys tomorrow I'll cut a little part of the capture I've done and upload it somewhere as a basic quality test of what I've got here. I'm sure with some better equipment that can enhance the old tape and then with some extra cleaning up with software it would come up quite nice. Should really have done this years ago. I always knew I had a quite rare tape on my hands just never seemed to get around to it. I don't think there's any shortage of period Australian commercials on my other VHS tapes if you want to see advertisements for the local classic ice creams and chocolate bars that either don't exist any more of have been purchased by Nestle in the meantime and are now half the size taste like sh*t :P (same story the world over I'm sure). Back in the days of Star Wars everything was more colourful, bigger and tasted better, at least according to my memory// Then again Tabasco sauce used to be deathly hot..

Preserving the...<em>cringe</em>...Star Wars Holiday Special (Released)

I'll try again to do the sound in a better quality, the recording is complete right from the beginning but the commercials were removed during the recording, that's ok because there's a picture of the Wookie treehouse after each commercial break so none of the footage of the special itself is missing, well maybe one second right at the end credits.  So far without doing anything special and recording out of a average VHS player to an old capture card the video looks about the same quality as the WMAR 2 or KCCI screenshots I saw on page 22 of this thread, although the colour on my copy is better than the WMAR 2 because it's without the "NTSC Redness". I think the potential in the tape is better if I had better equipment.

I'm willing to loan the tape to someone than can do a proper job of capturing it if this tape is deemed worthy of the effort.

I'm sure at least in my location it only aired the one time on Channel Win TV and that was around 1980 or 1981, which was the only channel I had that aired it (I never had Channel Ten in those days)



Preserving the...<em>cringe</em>...Star Wars Holiday Special (Released)

Hey guys I have this on VHS (pal) which I recorded from a Win TV broadcast in around 1980, The colour is more natural and not so obscene as the NTSC captures I've seen. I still have the tape and have been meaning to do something with it for around 20 years. I recently got hold of a working VHS player and captured it to my PC at 720x527 and the video quality is excellent compared to some other captures I've seen some years ago (I probably haven't seen the better ones) however I'm having a bit of trouble getting the sound across perfectly so I'll have to do it again once I get a better sound catching setup. What I also really need is a Video player with s-video out I guess. Below is a full screen capture from todays effort