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Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius (2001) - 4K Open Matte 35mm Scan

rwzmjl said:

You only had it up for less than a day… would have loved to have donated and seen the scan. I always support scanners’ wishes, but this is kind of extreme; not really in the spirit of preservation IMO. You can always continue to take donations and put them toward the next project, btw (that’s what most people have done in the past).

After some consideration I’ll keep donations open for a while.

Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius (2001) - 4K Open Matte 35mm Scan

Hey guys,

Thanks to a couple people we were able to acquire a print of the Jimmy Neutron film, supposedly the cleanest of the other ones the seller had.

Scanning + shipping will be $393.53 and once we’ve hit the goal I will stop taking donations.

Please PM me if you’re interested in donating!

Pledges: ($393.53/$393.53)
Soupdrinker - 25
Bootyclub - 10
Greifff - 20
Davecoleman - 10
Azelf89 - 100
BoingoBanshee - 10
Damague - 10
HarmonyOmega - 50
Alex - 10
YoshiKiller2S - 20
TAF - 15
Craigbillet - 10
Emil - 20
SidTheGamer0 - 20
1dylandrew - 10
Blakninja - 10
Amicus - 20
Roboben - 10
AtlasGeneticist - 14

Still taking donations to cover the cost of the print!

Info: Terminator 2 70mm scan

GT865 said:

Clark Teddles said:

Finding a print to get in your hands would be much more difficult than getting the money to fund a 70mm scan of a feature. Not to mention hard drive space + backup.

However, I don’t want to come across as a dick here. I appreciate your enthusiasm, but it’s highly unlikely that someone could get their hands on a 70mm print of T2 and scan it here.

i assumed that there were scans but it seems like there aren’t any (at least being shared publicly at best), there maybe could be a print auction but sadly no one seems to have interest to even preserve it, so i’m not holding my breath for this. (not like it was really needed to say that “came as a dick”)

Bad assumption to make, you won’t find many 70mm prints up for sale like ever, I can think of two but they’re insanely over priced and the only 70mm scans I’ve ever heard about are on the thestarwarstrilogy site but ofc they’re just star wars.

JURASSIC PARK 35mm 4K scan + 35mm 4k scans of many trailers Mega Project including the rare Spiderman Twin Towers Teaser, Blade Runner, Pretty In Pink and numerous, some rare, others, see post (WIP - 6.5K scans of JP and trailers complete. Scan data now in hand! Funding of the project is a little past half-way now. Contributor only project for feature. I can't publicly distribute it. Small preservation project.)

ben_uk said:

Will you be doing things like colour correction and repairing any scratches or print damage etc?

Read his most recent wall of text.

Fantasia - 35mm Project (Help Needed) (a WIP)

monks19 said:

TonyWDA said:

monks19 said:

Any fresh news on this project ?

Since the last update, I managed to get another mono IB Tech print for the project. It includes reels 1 and 4 (missing in the first mono IB Tech print) and is exceptionally clean. Also, the SP color print from 1969, which I’ve mentioned before, has been scanned as a just-in-case resource for any missing or badly damaged frames from the Technicolor prints. I’m just about covered on the visual front of this project, thank God, but there have been some fascinating developments in the sound department— particularly concerning the interstitials. For now, that’s all I can say.

monks19 said:

I’ve been able to see the last result and all I can say WOW!!! Terrific work on this. I’m looking forward for any future work/improvements on this one. The only things I think that still need some works are the parts that are still looking rough on the image (dammages and splices are quite presents at the beginning of the movie) and of course the Fantasound sound track that needs some patches and adjustmants here and there.

I think you’re referring to this release, which I had nothing to do with. The project page you’re on right now is about an entirely separate Fantasia project, the end goal of which is to present as much of the original film as possible in 4K/HDR, multi-channel surround audio, and include a much cleaner optical mono mix as well. As usual, it’s slow goings over here, but the project is still progressing nevertheless.

Ah ok, wrong project indeed. Sorry about that (and thanks for the right link). Although, I would really love to see yours as well once finished. When and where do you plan to release it, Btw ?

Definitely tomorrow for sure.

JURASSIC PARK 35mm 4K scan + 35mm 4k scans of many trailers Mega Project including the rare Spiderman Twin Towers Teaser, Blade Runner, Pretty In Pink and numerous, some rare, others, see post (WIP - 6.5K scans of JP and trailers complete. Scan data now in hand! Funding of the project is a little past half-way now. Contributor only project for feature. I can't publicly distribute it. Small preservation project.)

Wow! That colour is fantastic, can we get a sample video?

Info: How many Disney 35mm scans exist?

RU.08 said:

I’ll be doing more scans soon. We have Covid delays again but I have access to good scanners and to prints.

I’m thinking about setting up a subscription payment system to get things rolling. The goal will be to do every Disney classic - and where possible to scan multiple prints. I might re-scan Pinoke next year as well.

Would this subscription services also include previously donor only scans? If so I’d definitely pitch in!