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Recasting our heroes

Hopefully the story will be such that no recasting is needed.  IF they did recast, I would hope that it was a straight up reboot (like Star Trek). I have no issue with a reboot, but recasting AND calling it a sequel...meh


That being said, I think Christoph Waltz would make a boss Obi Wan.  Very different take on the role but I think that would be necessary to distinguish a new series from an old one (but since no one has mentioned a reboot, moving on)

Hemsworth or Gosling as Han Solo

Same people for C3PO and Chewbacca 

Luke and Leia...no idea honestly...

How would YOU re-do the prequels?

Episode 1:

  • No R2D2
  • No C3PO
  • Focus story more around Obi Wan and Anakin, Less emphasis on Qui Gon
  • Change Padme to an Orphan Queen forced prematurely to take control of her planet (rather than a super young elected official)
  • Make Anakin around 14
  • Anakin is no longer a slave, impoverished moisture farmers
  • Half Brother Owen present in first movie, very close to Anakin
  • Make Jar Jar actually funny
  • Hire a Director who cares
  • Darth Maul doesnt Die


Episode 2:

  • Anakin Less whiny, more like Anakin in the Clone Wars TV series
  • change the plot entirely

Honestly, Episode 2 is so far off base with how it should be.  I would Literally change almost everything

That being said, Ive had a few ideas

Dooku wouldnt be a sith.  He would have been kicked out of the jedi order for going to protect his homeworld from what he saw as an Invasion by Republic Peacekeepers after they tried to quit the Republic.  After helping them out he went on to form a federation of separatists.  He does not see himself as a traitor and wants peace between the two nations, and so far neither the republic nor the separatists have made a formal army capable of waging a full out war.

The movie could start with Diplomacy meetings between the Jedi and Count Dooku, who warns them that if the republic doesnt remove security forces from his planets, he wont be able to stop the federation of separatists from forming a real army capable of attacking the republic.  

Padme (still a queen) is on her way to Coruscant when her ship is bombed (like in the movie).  Anakin and Obi wan would temporarily become her body guards.  Anakin would mention that he wants to take the test to become a Jedi Knight, but the council and Obi Wan feel that, while powerful, he lacks the self control of a real Jedi knight.  

Padme is attacked again, this time Obi Wan and Anakin are able to catch and fight them.  They discover that the Assassins were actually Mandalorian Commandos. Anakin is ordered to go to Naboo with Padme while Obi Wan travels to Mandalor.

Anakins and Padme's story would pretty much remain the same, but with a different tone.  Neither of them would admit their feelings for the other (because their love would be frowned upon and illegal for Anakin).  Instead there would just be sexual tension and a playful atmosphere.  Anakin would leave for Tatooine with Padme after several recurring dreams of his mother

On Tatooine, Anakin is greated with enthusiasm by his Brother Owen, but soon learns that his mother was captured by sand people blah blah blah same story he goes to find his mother and kills all the sand people.

Anakin feels ashamed of the way he acted and realizes what the council said about his lack of control.  Thinking himself unworthy of being a Jedi he decides to stay in Tatooine and become a farmer with his brother.  Since he no longer intends on being a jedi, he finally is able to confess his feelings to Padme


During Anakin's light love story, Obi Wan travels to Mandalore, where he learns that the Assassins were likely from Deathwatch (essentially a mandalorian terrorists group that hates Jedi).  

After poking around, Obi Wan discovers that the Separatists have raised a Clone Army, to be lead by Mandalorians, and that they intend on attacking Coruscant.  Before Obi Wan can alert anyone, he is captured and brought to Count Dooku.

Count Dooku interrogates Obi Wan, where he reveals that the separatist army had been ordered prior to the birth of the separatist federation by some force within the republic, alluding to Darth Sidious.  he says that Many star systems and the republic are under his control, that the war was pre planned and inevitable.  Obi Wan doesnt believe him.  Dooku releases Obi Wan as a sign of good faith between himself and the Jedi order.

Obi wan immediately contacts the Jedi council and Anakin, telling them to get to coruscant and prepare for war.  Anakin, no longer considering himself a Jedi, protests, but is convinced by Padme and Obi Wan to leave his brother and new Life on Tatooine.

The Clone Army Attacks Coruscant, but an army of Jedi and Peacekeeping forces are able to repel the attack.

 Anakin decides that he cannot quit the Jedi order until after they win the war, promising Padme he wants to be with her regardless.  They have their secret naboo marriage

The film would end with the Galatic Senate voting Unanimously to form a fully fledged army.


Episode 3 would be pretty much the same as it is now, but just in this changed context.  Darth Maul would re appear on the ship that captures the chancelor (and would more or less take the place of General Grievous) and we would see the Galactic Army for the first time, which would all look a lot like storm troopers

know its long, but if anyone reads it, let me know what you think