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Project DEVO [WIP]

Mango said:

Well, I’ve got good news and bad news.

The bad news is, I have made the tough decision to re-do all the upscales and pretty much completely backtrack. I hope you guys aren’t disappointed,I just want to make sure that this project will be the absolute best it can be. This means that the project Has been delayed to late June, or early July.

The good news is that I’ve decided to release the “We’re All DEVO” film as a standalone DVD, just so you guys can have something to hold you over. The film will still be included on the final blu-ray, but I thought it would be fun to make a DVD version as this film has been out of print for many years, and has never been released on DVD.

Below you will find restored artwork, (an uncompressed version comes with the project) and a few screen grabs from the slight upscale I did. (It will look less pixelated on the blu-ray). Please note that side 2 of the source laserdisc had a small amount of bit-rot, but it doesn’t really affect the viewing experience.

Again, sorry for the delay. Please bare with me. I promise it will all be worth it in the end.

~ mango

PM me for a copy of the “We’re All DEVO” DVD.

I just got an ld player and was looking around for some Devo discs when I ran across your thread.
Sounds like quite an amazing project you are working on.
If it’s ok I’m interested in the dvd and bluray, but cannot figure out how to pm.
Please forgive me. It’s late and I’m very tired.
