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NJVC Custom Blu-ray Set of Harmy’s Despecialized Editions now available on Mega

I am having the same problem with registration also. never gets past the “agree” page. the other link keeps saying the site is down also. So it appears even with a valid login, there wouldn’t be anywhere to go.

whitetigerzero said:

theHocktopus said:

1) Go to https://www.proboards.com/register and set up an account.

I’ve created a proboards account and can login successfully.

2) Now go to http://swesbrotjbrmls.freeforums.net/ and log in with your new credentials.

But then it asks for my username and displays the following message:

“We could not find a forum account with that username. Be sure you are entering your forum username, not your account’s display name.”

And I cannot go any further. Can you tell me what I am doing wrong? I very much want to attempt creating this set of Blu-rays.

I am actually semi having the same problem. I have an issue to finalizing my account registration by agreeing to the terms. When I click to register, it just refreshes the page. Tried multiple browsers too. I feel stupid.