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TFA: A Gentle Restructure (Released)

I know this project is quite stable now and changes are unlikely, but inspired by all the AI voices getting added to The Rise of Skywalker Ascendant, I was wondering if it would be possible - and if you would consider - adding some lines for General Hux when the Starkiller base fires. At the moment there only remains the “FIRE!” shout (and I think Starlight version adds the word “Confirmed”). It would be an amazing addition to the build-up if he said (or shouted) something like “The star is gone, the weapon is ready. Fire!”

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

sherlockpotter said:

Depends on what tense we want to use, I suppose. Present Simple - “He travels” - or present perfect - “He has traveled.”

I think “he journeys” would sound fine, or “he has arrived” would also work. And there was one other thing in the crawl…”by silencing their enemies” or something like that? I don’t think it needs anything else.

Ahh, it didn’t occur to me before, but if you agree that it sounds good, then just changing the tense is perfect, as “travels” is the same in British English. Then you could make it: “Meanwhile, Supreme Leader Kylo Ren travels to Mustafar, chasing whispers…”.

And it “rhymes” (if you will) with ANH crawl’s “Princess Leia races home”.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

There’s one more thing in the crawl that I don’t think has been discussed yet, but I’ve noticed it on my first watch of V1.

In the line “Meanwhile, Supreme Leader Kylo Ren has traveled to Mustafar (…)” the word “traveled” is American English spelling. British English spelling is normally “travelled”.

I’m not sure about Hal’s other edits, but unless I’m mistaken, all theatrical Star Wars crawls have specifically avoided this problem by not using any such words.

If you’re editing the crawl, perhaps it makes sense to use another word here too e.g. “flied” or “journeyed”.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

I thought the “Babu oldest friend” joke is a bit weak, like something out of a mediocre sitcom (imagine it with a laugh track). Also it’s slightly in bad taste, as it rubs in that C3PO doesn’t remember R2 and his other friends - I find it hard to laugh at.

And I specifically remember being baffled in cinema, why would he be mentioned and trusted by Jannah there. It’s obviously only for the benefit of the joke and nothing else.

I much prefer Sherlockpotter’s version of the scene.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

sherlockpotter said:

I think we might just be able to squeeze everything in if we can cut 3PO’s line to only “It appears I am…a Resistance Spy!” This still needs a lot of clean up - it’s mainly just to figure out if the clip will even fit here timing-wise. Perhaps the trimmed line, and a slight speed increase if it still sounds too rushed? https://streamable.com/ajq1ba

I personally think this version (with “highly trained” cut) is pretty good and only appears not great at the moment because the audio is not edited yet to be perfect. I’m not very good at this, but tried editing it to something nearer to what it could sound like here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/17_gf3tlhhyK1-y9tMf0LMunAwPDCgi1V/view?usp=sharing

Whatever comes out of it, brilliant work as always, sherlockpotter

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

sherlockpotter said:

Also, does anyone know where I could find some “C-3PO” moving sound effects? You know, that whirring noise that his limbs make? It was in the center channel underneath the dialogue that I removed, and I’d like to add it back.

I’ve added all sounds effects assigned to C-3PO from the VR game here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HwyxORkfLpp7x0VGb30dksV4NKbbhuqX/view?usp=sharing - some of them are the whirring noise, but for some reason they don’t sound exactly right to me - you may need to EQ and cut them, or find a better source.

Amazing work on all those clips, sherlockpotter. It’s Hal’s choice, but I do hope one of them is in V2.

I won’t miss the “oldest friend” joke at all, and on top of everything already mentioned, even if Babu knew they were going to Endor, I just can’t see his character sending a message to the horse people about Rey, the last hope, coming to their planet. It’s as if Watto sent a message to the Gungans to expect Padme.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

I’m so happy I could help getting you guys those lines!

I really, really like “A Highly Trained Resistance Spy v2”, but I don’t think Jannah’s “really?” is necessary and would instead move the bearded guy shot to after C-3PO’s line. That way bearded guy’s facial expression seems to say “Ok, this droid is a weirdo” which works as a sort of punchline or a beat at least. Then Rey follow’s with her request, since C-3PO spilled the beans anyway. Also, would “you needn’t worry, it appears” fit before “I am a highly trained resistance spy” or does it make the pause too short?

The “ally” line would work well that way too, I think.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

I’ve found some more C-3PO files from the VR game that may also be useful and uploaded to the same link:


One includes an “it appears” fragment, which I incorporated into the other line, so 3PO can now say:
“(You needn’t worry), it appears I am a highly trained resistance spy” - I think it would fit be a great fit for the scene with Jannah.


The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Hal 9000 said:

omg lol, that’d be perfect if there’s a clean source for it.

I can imagine absolutely busting out laughing in the theater in that moment.

I’ve just extracted these from the game files and they are now completely clean. (I had to listen through many kowakian monkey-lizard laughs to get to the right files):


  • “You needn’t worry, I am a highly trained resistance spy”
  • “I am the top resistance spymaster”
  • “You see, the resistance sent us…”
  • “Greetings, I am C-3PO, human-cyborg relations”

I think it would fit great for a laugh, but now I also see there may be a problem with having that line there, because why would C-3PO know (or think) he belongs to the resistance? He’s lost his memory and doesn’t remember R2-D2 later, so he probably wouldn’t remember a thing about the resistance either. Unless we assume the others filled him in a little bit in the meantime.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

poppasketti said:

Jar Jar Bricks said:

Here is the version I would prefer you to watch tomorrow Hal (only includes the line I feel is the most flawless):


Hey Jar Jar,

May I suggest you try pitching down her Lego lines? Not only would it bring a little bass into her voice, it would also make her tone a little less chipper I think. That plus a little EQ might get you closer.

Here’s a quick test:
pw: fanedit

Not sure if it works enough though?

I’ve just tried adding some pitch correction, stretching and stereoizing - still doesn’t sound ideal but much closer:

I can try making it even better if it is indeed going to end up in V2.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

I really don’t like how Palpatine is suprised by Rey and Kylo’s dyad power which he suddenly absorbs. I think it would make sense to just slightly trim his surprise. This is what I have in mind (and it’s my first try at any video trimming and editing, so please forgive bad quality):


  • I tried removing the painful “Ah!” sound that he makes when absorbing the first dyad shot.
  • Slightly trimmed his surprised face looking at regrowing hands.
  • Removed him saying “…a dyad in the Force…”, as I find it hard to believe the word “dyad” is the first thing that comes to mind. Especially if it’s unseen for generations then it’s unlikely both Kylo and him would use that somewhat specific word. I don’t mind Kylo saying it just the once to Rey earlier in the film.
  • As a matter of a fact, I also removed him saying “unseen for generations”, as I think this line doesn’t add much, and makes the viewer distracted thinking “wait, is there a point to him mentioning it, have we seen a dyad before?”

Now all he says is: “Stand together, die together! The life force of your bond - a power like life itself… And now, the power of two restores the one true emperor!”.

This results in the emperor being much less surprised about this bond’s power and makes it looks like maybe it’s part of his plan B to absorb their life force (it being a result of the bond or not).