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Idea: original film - get a copy of the original film reels from the Library of Congress?
I mean if you had your own little company set up already, and that doesn't have to be anything that makes any money in film restoration. All you really need is the capture device, then a powerful graphics and video computer and some really patient staff. So the main thing is getting the capture device in that area. You could get one from the Library of Congress if they have it, you'd just have to register as a researcher, and it might be a thing where they don't let you take it out, that you're only allowed to work with it in the building under guard. They do that if the stuff is old or rare enough. But I expect they even have the facilities for that, or at least for viewing, which you could adapt to capture if you could convince them to let you bring in your equipment. I think the main issue would be the legality of it all. You could easily do the actual restoration in obscurity, but the capture itself would have to be known to the LOC unless they actually allowed you to take out the film, which I doubt they would. So yeah.
Idea: original film - get a copy of the original film reels from the Library of Congress?

Question: would it be possible to get hold of a copy of the original film reels from something like the Library of Congress? If so, couldn’t someone do a high-resolution digital transfer of that and then restore the transfer? I know it’d take forever, but if you had a private company or something that’s already in the business of doing that, maybe it’d work. Then again it sounds like a pipe dream. But still, is there any way to get hold of a copy of the original film?