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MagnoliaFan Edits: Ep I "Balance Of The Force", and Ep II "The Clone War" (Released)
So I hear about this mysterious Phantom Edit, wow that would be cool, I think. Because although i watched that sucker every day for the whole year that it came out on a crappy pirated VHS; i do hate me some Jar Jar. I felt like Tim in the first episode of the second series of Spaced. (if you haven't seen it go find a copy) Anyhoo, years pass and I never can find a copy and internet searches only lead to articles about it, never a way of getting a copy.

More time passes, stars wheel magestically overhead, my hair grows more thin as my belly grows more fat. Then i start the search again and what do I find, that the Phantom was just one of many edits and, so i hear, not even that great. The edit all the kids want is BOTF, and its on flipping youtube just waiting for me!

That's a long way of saying I just discovered this edit and i love it like it was my own interactive astro droid. But where can I get a DVD of it? Does Rikter just give them out willy-nilly, are the DVDs out there an older version of the edit or are they the same as the youtube version but with higher resolution? So many questions I best PM Rikter and see if he likes the cut of my jib.

I'd just like to say thank the force for Magnolia fan, without whom we would never know for sure if Ep I and II (probably III too) are just crap because of George and his bad dialogue and direction, or if we are just too old now. Turns out you are never too old.