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What's up with all the right-wingers on this site?
ferris209 said:
dudius said:

i've been away a long time....started an account in 06 then forgot for a while.

i've spent so much time in The Pit on ultimate-guitar.com, i forgot what it was like to have republicans on the forums.




Well, I wouldn't say republicans, conservatives would be more accurate. Anyone else notice that anyone who ACTUALLY deals with money is conservative? Students, who happen to get loans, scholarships, and Mom & Dad's money, are usually LIBS. The parents at home, hard-core conservatives, reasons for that you know.


true enough. im more of a governmental conservative than social. in reality, George Bush might be extremely conservative in social politics, but has been arguably the most liberal spender our government has seen.

Clinton, on the other hand, was one of few to bring the US in the black.


When and in what format was the first time you saw Star Wars?

being younger than even ROTJ, i saw the movies first on VHS because my older brother had them. i remember from the second grade thinking there were six movies at the time because we borrowed the original original trilogy from the library and owned the 1997 remastered version with new special effects. the earliest i can remember watching SW was when i was in kindergarten, so about age 5, and around 14-15 years ago.

Dragonball Z

I happen to love DBZ. watched when i was in the third and fourth grade but then we canceled cable. saw the dvds on sale last summer and got back into it.

i currently own seasons 1-5, waiting on 6 (out Sept. 16) and i have the Broly: Triple Threat movie box, which contains Broly: Legendary Supersaiyan, Broly: The Second Coming and Bio Broly.

i recognize some of the stupid stuff about the way the show goes, but at the same time its special because of it. i haven't heard of any other anime that was being written faster than the manga, resulting in one book lasting around 10 episodes.

Manga and Anime Fans
All anime adapted from a on-going manga suffers from this, because the producers try to keep up with the same pace as the manga - which is why I prefer anime created directly for the screen, like Neon Genesis Evangelion, Cowboy Bebop and Haibane Renmei. (*sigh* yes there ARE manga for those anime, but it was created later - every manga adapted from an anime sucks)

i couldn't agree more.

Manga and Anime Fans
manga is hard to get into because you can only get them in certain places. anime, on the other hand, i love. it started out with Ronin Warriors, Thunder Cats, Gundam and Myazaka movies, but now i watch any i can get. i guess its mainly cuz you can not only see it on tv, but you can find it online too. manga, on the other hand, has to be purchased, in certain stores for that matter. my town only had two comic book stores and one closed down years ago. the other is hardly open.
Alternate Endings For The Trilogy....
luke and leia decide to be insestrial lovers because they really never felt family bonds. vader and the emperor move to vermont where they can be legally wed. han drinks himself to death at the loss of leia, while chewy sells the falcon and becomes the richest living being in the galaxy. R2 gets tired of C-3PO's annoying pessimism and fries his circuits before moving in with the ewoks as their sex-machine.