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Info: Droids and Ewoks, anybody ?

Hi, everyone. It's been a long time. Anyway, I've been somewhere else *wink wink nudge nudge* and whenever Ted is ready I'm ready to send him clones of all the transfers I had someone make(for the PAL tapes).  I don't know if you guys want any NTSC stuff I have, but you're all welcome to it.

(I did the NTSCs if anyone is wondering)

I felt bad that I didn't have anything to offer months ago and some false leads.


The expertise that Ted and the rest of you have humbles me.

Info: Droids and Ewoks, anybody ?

retartedted said:

I actually have a recording of the ABC airing of Coby.  The quality is about a 6/10.  If anything the mexican tape could provide a nice clean audio track for Coby!  I am still keeping my eyes open for it too.

I am still gathering all of my sources together to see if I can produce a quality set.  Not giving up yet!

FYI, I think that I have moved on from using the UK tapes as the video master.  There is some terrible frame blending going on with the horrible NTSC-> PAL conversion.  Although the audio tracks are the best out there for english.  And it is one of the only versions of The Great Heap on tape.

The Japanese tapes have proven to be much better video masters.  It is very easy to perform an IVTC on them resulting in blend-free progressive video.  The only problem being that the video and UK audio don't always match up (commercial breaks and what not) so you have to keep going in and cutting up the audio track all over the place.

I am thinking about getting together what I have and releasing an MKV/MP4 set just to get something out there.  Not sure if I have the energy for a DVD set as this project has already taken me almost 2 years.  I am beginning to understand why so many people have attempted to make a Droids set and quit before releasing anything :(




Hey, umm. I'm not too bad at this. How about I send you something to give you an idea of what I can do?   And I don't blame you for a second for wanting to put out MKVs.  I know someone who'll smile over that alone. :)


I'm getting good at editing and solving some technical matters related to VHS to digital transfer, and as far as PAL to NTSC, I hire that out. But that's just me. I can see why someone would want to do their own, but as for me, I just don't have *those* kind of means.


Still, I have some good hardware to capture and convert.


Please let me know what you think.


P.S. I in no way want to change anything you guys are doing, I only want to help and be helped. If I got credit for anything, it'd be cool.


Info: Droids and Ewoks, anybody ?

Dang. I'm sorry to hear that you didn't get your tape. However, it's a great help to finally have a picture of it that isn't the size of a postage stamp.


It may help me. I'm relentless about this kind of thing; if that video is out there to be sold, I may find it. Don't wanna jinx it, but I will look high and low. Also, I live in an area with lots of Mexicans, so I'll ask around. I can't hurt. (I even have a couple Spanish speakers in the family to help..to a degree)


Again, thank you for the pictures and thank you for replying. :)  If not me, I hope one of you finds the tape. I realize it will have subtitles now, but you know what?  For something Lucasfilm isn't spending any time on, I think it'll do fine. Personally, I don't care about that this minute, I simply want a high quality way of watching Coby and the Starhunters. :)

Info: Droids and Ewoks, anybody ?

Ahhh. Well, has the tape pictured on the link been viewed by anyone here, I mean, can I wipe it clean from my hopes now?


I'm hoping there's a mistake or something.  From what I've seen, all Droids tapes marked "2" had the Mon Julpa Cycle on them. Wouldn't that have Coby on it?

I was excited because from what I've read here, n o one has a pic of the video in which it resides.


Anyway, I've been trying to put together all the episodes since mid May (which is probably when I first found one of the pages of this thread through a google search ) and it's been a lot of fun.   Thank you for replying. :)