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- #1613522
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- The Rings of Power - Pt 1: "The Shadow of the Past" and Pt 2: "Udun"
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- https://originaltrilogy.com/post/id/1613522/action/topic#1613522
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Hi! Sounds good, congrats! Could I get a link=
Hi! Sounds good, congrats! Could I get a link=
Hi! sounds great, could I get a link?
I’d be thankful to get a link, please
Could I get a link please?
This sounds so good 😮
Could I please have a link?
Pie in the sky dream, though not possible:
Palps: I am the Sith (semi call back to PT)
Rey: And I … am a Jedi. (who cares if your THE Sith, I’m a freakin’ Jedi bro!)
note: It’s not possible, but man I’d love that. Rey is NOT all the Jedi … she’s not the last airbender. /sarcasm Lol.
I haven’t commented in a long while, but I shared this thought too.
The Sith are selfish, Sidious is all the Sith because they have killed each other and the stronger prevails, so the Sith as a whole grow always stronger. The reason the Rule of Two exists.
“I am all the Jedi” I know what they went for, all generations, all the knowledge lives in her now.
But we already know that by that point, so using it as a grand statement is a little too much and repeating the same line as the bad guy is kinda weird.
“I am a Jedi” is a way more humble statement, they use to work together, were agents of the will of the Force (and are Luke’s words obviously)
In my mind it’s something like this:
Last night I wanted to watch a few scenes and ended up watching the whole movie. Fell asleep at 4 AM lol. That says a lot! This is so much better than the original film, you have really made an outstanding job HAL. Congratulations! This edit is how I’ll watch this movie from now on
Been a long time since I did anything with video/audio (not that I was ever good, ha), so this is probably more useful as concept than contribution, but here’s a dub of the final line using the Behind the Scenes take. Password is fanedit.
Bravo! Thank you so much. I love it
Has anyone thought about changing the Rey Skywalker line for the one in the behind the scenes documentary? I feel it sounds better, Daisy delivered the line in a much more solemn way, even shed a tear.
I’d personally at least try to remove at least ‘all the’, so that it’s just ‘I… am… Jedi’
I agree with you, it also hearkens back to Luke’s “I’m a Jedi, like my father before me.”
Yes! “I am a Jedi” it’s much better, it also implies that just by being a Jedi you have help from the others, because they are together in the Force, making clear the difference to the selfish Sith.
Given the way the scene plays out, I don’t intuit a great deal of value in adding several people checking in by name. I may, however, want to add a few miscellaneous exclamations of “Skywalker!” at some point to tie into that part of the story.
And I don’t think the battle over Coruscant theme fits over the scene better than what was there originally.
Yes! To make it like it was Luke’s sacrifice that inspired people, a nice way to tie in with TLJ. I also think the music it’s fine the way it is, it’s one of the most important themes of the saga, it makes sense in the final battle. It’s not just another battle theme.
Maybe we could contact Sam Kim? Asking for permission to use his songs and/or if he wants to participate in the edit, score some scenes
nl0428 said:
Yeah, but the planet’s surface looks completely different than it did in Revenge of the Sith and Rogue One.
I’m listening to the book. It says that place was one of the few where life could grow. So it could be asumed the rest of the planet still looks like before.
Apparently in the book we start with Rey an Leia in Ajan Kloss. Leia training her with flashbacks of the time she trained with Luke.
After Rey finishes de training course she gets a vision of what Kylo is doing, the Mustafar stuff and flashes of the throne.
I like how this could look.
-Rey starts seeing this, we cut to Kylo killing people on Mustafar.
-Her reaction, cut to more visions of the throne
-Back to Rey trying to get back to herself and the BB8 stuff with the fallen tree.
End of the scene and then we cut to the aftermath of Kylo’s massacre.
Just watched the TROS documentary and I think I spotted a few extended shots here and there that could be used, Luke and and Leia’s duel could be extended, an alternate take of the “Rey skywalker” delivery with Rey crying as well as a few shots of empress Palpatine on the throne, extended Rey and D-O, kylo on passana, kylo placing Vaders helmet etc.
Yes, I really liked that take of the Rey Skywalker scene, she said it in a more solemn way. Maybe we could keep the tear too.
Considering how good the Star Destroyer above Takodana looks in your edit of TFA. Are you considering to add more planets at the ending with ships falling form the atmosphere? Coruscant maybe?
CassusFett said:
Also, I am removing the entire McGuffin chase. Meaning Rey goes straight from Leia to the death star to find the wayfinder. Its an imperfect solution, but its workable, and it removes the worst parts of the movie IMO. It does a great deal to fast track Rey Nobody because it removes Ochi and the flashbacks about her parents.
That’s definetly the worst part of the movie. Pasaana could be completly removed, it was boring. Maybe keep some of Kijimi? It was cool to see a planet occupied by the First Order.
Then why bother making a fan edit if you’re locking yourself out of ideas because it’s “established in canon?” This is a bad reason for not trying something unless you’re explicitly making a “canon edit.”
I understand that. I see that most agree on making big changes. I meant that i personally prefer when an edit improves the narrative, tone and pacing of the story, but doesn’t contratict it.
I’m really enjoyin these ideas here, don’t get me wrong. They could be much better than the original.
Sorry, posted the same comment twice.
Just watched the movie again.
D-O could be complete erased from the movie, adds almost nothing
Maybe I’m alone in this, but I think that since it’s already established in canon that Rey is a Palpatine, we should just keep that, improve it but not deny it, even if we don’t like that narrative decision. Changing something like that it’s too big.
One thing I’d do personally to differentiate it is use the instrumental only version, especially as choral pieces are less common in the ST scores.
Something like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4D_rt5mUfg
I’ve been trying to find some variations but most sound too trailer-ish. Maybe some live orchestras make it sound a little different.
I loved the tv spot that used Duel of the Fates so I took a stab at recutting the song to fit the first section of Rey and Kylo’s Duel. Did some color correction as well.
Password: fanedit
Dude I love how you synchronized it. It even goes up with the lightsaber strikes!
We talked before about how a more subtle, maybe more somber variation of Duel of the Fates could work great, but watching this… wow. The original is so good
Just finished watching the documentary. Not a glimpse of any deleted scenes. Some alternate shots though, that could help extend some things.
Also, the Rey Skywalker scene; Daisy Ridley shed a tear after saying it in a different take. She also said it in a more solemn way. It was probably just herself (Daisy) getting emotional, but I liked quite a lot.
Maybe the reason the other Force ghosts haven’t chimed in throughout the saga when it would’ve been convenient is because Anakin and the other Force ghosts have been helping long dead Jedi regain consciousness within the netherworld of the Force.
I like this idea
I honestly liked that we only heard voices of Jedi past, seeing a Force ghost convention would probably not have worked. But Anakin, Luke and Leia, the Skywalkers could have, maybe after we hear the voices.
Another thing, anyone else find it weird that we hear Kanan? His story was not that connected to what they’re now calling the Skywalker saga, he never met anyone I think. Maybe we could just keep the most important voices.