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Raiders of the Lost Ark - 35 mm regrade (a WIP)

litemakr said:

don007 said:

Compare my new scan project Raiders of the Lost Ark (left - no color correction. Color its same like my film print) and Raiders of the Lost Ark 35mm LPP Theatrical Experience - v1.0 (right)

What is the origin of that print? What year? It looks waaay too warm compared to any print I have seen on super 8mm, 16mm or 35mm. Is it from 1981-82?

Hi, material is ORWO and it is 1985. I have promised two more film copies so I will make a comparison but will also be on ORWO material.

Raiders of the Lost Ark - 35 mm regrade (a WIP)

Dagobah1 said:

Here’s the full comparison of the last part of the 16mm (top) vs 35mm (bottom):

Everything depends on the color quality of the film print and film print material. We have mainly ORWO film material here. It will look different on any film material like Technicolor, Eastmancolor, Agfa, ORWO etc. It would also be best to get a negative film, which is probably impossible. How many movie copies of the print so many color irregularities. If you want to scan the positives of a movie it will never be as it should be. These are old movies.
When you watch at one film on 4 film print, each copy will have different colors. This video looks like the film was 35mm Technicolor what’s best for scanning a positive film.

Sorry my english I use google translator.

Raiders of the Lost Ark - 35 mm regrade (a WIP)

litemakr said:

don007 said:

This film copy has a single problem. It’s a combined copy. 2 in 1. When you play at the projector on a large screen, everything is fine, but as you scan it, there are differences. It’s a shame but the copy is in good shape. Sorry my english but I use google translator 😦

It is very hard to get an accurate representation of a theatrical print in HD video because of color space and dynamic range limitations. HD video simply doesn’t have the range, so a lot of tweaking must be done to squeeze the range in. HDR video goes a long way towards getting us much closer, but it is a ways off from widespread adoption (if it ever is).

Can you tell me any more about the scan? Was it done in RAW format? Do you have any video samples?

I do not have video sample yet. First I need to scan all 6 reels and then make a video sample. It was scanned in RAW.

Short Circuit 2 (35mm print) (* unfinished project *)

digitalfreaknyc said:

Avatar_Emil_Borg said:

don007 said:

sample -


Not bad. Not bad at all. I really like this open matte presentation.

Did you look at the clip? It’s 16x9. It’s not open-matte.

I’m sorry but my friend did wrong sample. I redid sample but still dailymotion a cropped image. If you download the sample so the format is correct 1.85: 1 and no 16: 9.


new sample: ( the old sample does not work )