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Help Wanted: 2001: A Space Odyssey, Cinerama and 6.0 Stereo Sound

Christopher Nolan also made his own 2001 version, called “Unrestored.” But it has been harshly criticized and they say it looks like he used Instagram filters. I haven’t seen it, I don’t know if it’s really close or not to the look of the director-supervised version. Anyone seen it?

There’s a trailer for this release on youtube, but apparently the recent 4K UHD release is taken from that print.
Edit: I should have finished researching first, dvdbeaver claim the UHD version is not based on the Nolan print. I stand by the colours not quite being right to my eye, but still based on inaccurate recollection.

The few times I’ve been lucky enough to see this projected have been from older prints so my recollection of the colour is inaccurate at best, but things definitely seemed a little off to me on demoing the disc so haven’t watched it all yet.

Very excited to follow your progress on this!