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THE OT SOUNDTRACKS SALVAGE - <strong>SW</strong>ESB<strong>ROTJ</strong> -&quot;remastered&quot;(so far)+ LP's (Released)



 I am a literal newcomer to originaltrilogy.com, as well as a newcomer to your masterful remastering.  Tuesday night I discovered this site while searching for random Empire Strikes Back links for the 30th anniversary, etc.  I eventually clicked my way to your original posts on when you remastered the OT a while back.  I promptly located, and downloaded them.  I have to say, they are nothing short of utterly magnificent.  ESPECIALLY Return of the Jedi.  That SE score was such audio garbage I remember it broke my heart listen to it in 7th grade when I originally received it from my parents for an A on my Algebra test...  The sound quality of your remaster is insane.  I have had all 3 on many time in the past week, but Jedi has been on virtual repeat.  I absolutely love how it just feels like the classic trilogy, with the ewok song, lapti nek, and the sound is so warm.  I own the anthology set as well which I used to make a half-assed quasi edit of my own.  Since coming across your set I have deleted the other version of the hard drive.  They are dead to me.  It is complete bliss to have these recordings in such quality.  I especially appreciate the time you put in to ensuring there were shorter cues instead of marathon long medleys.  Anyway, enough of the rambling.  Again, thank you, thank you, thank you for the work you did on these.  Jedi is a complete revelation, and New Hope and Empire blow me away with new little details I hadn't noticed before.  I listened to some samples from the audiophile edition of Empire, and was stunned.  I'm actually somewhat shocked you were able to best yourself.  Unreal.  Anyway, thanks again,Take care, and I'm greatly looking forward to whatever project you decide to improve on next!!