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Darth Lucifer

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The New Republic EP1: A Vergence in the Force 4K (The Mandalorian Season 1 Edit) [V4 RELEASED]

I had tried using the 20th Century Studios logo, but to make it fit with the LFL logo, I had to speed it up and it was too fast and didn’t look right.

Yeah, I know they just have a silent LFL logo now and I personally don’t like it. I grew up on the original and prequel trilogies, so I just wanted something congruent with my childhood memories, even if it’s not technically correct.

The New Republic EP1: A Vergence in the Force 4K (The Mandalorian Season 1 Edit) [V4 RELEASED]

JakeRyan17 said:

Why add the Fox logo? They didn’t work on it… at all. Even back in the day, Fox only ever distributed. They were never involved with making the films.

Just seems reductive to work actually being done at LFL to be crediting a company that no longer exists and never worked on it to begin with.

Like I said, it’s a personal copy. Call it nostalgia I guess. The Star Wars heads are different and I don’t like things that are different.

The New Republic EP1: A Vergence in the Force 4K (The Mandalorian Season 1 Edit) [V4 RELEASED]

Thank you so much for making this, Smudger. I was able to find and download your fanedit…I am totally BTFO, you are a truly talented editor who needs to be on Disney’s payroll.

My only complaint is that I didn’t like the 20th century fox logo replaced with the Star Wars heads…also when that fades out, you can catch a couple of frames of “STAR WARS” written horizontally before it switches to the Lucasfilm logo.

For my own personal copy of this movie, I redid the logo by putting the 20th century fox back in like a classic Star Wars movie. I found this version of it on Youtube ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iE5VdQ0zAQs ), but then I used another Lucasfilm Ltd. logo without the “A Disney Company” underneath because it’s redundant to see it a second time. The music sounded a little off to me, so I used the audio from the 2005 ROTS version of the fanfare. I sliced off the THX part and substituted it with the fanedit.org disclaimer at the beginning.

I have a lower quality version of the file hosted online so anyone who wants to see it can check it out:
