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Views on "Return of the Jedi" 22 years later
Hi all:

I'm trying to write a short book on the making of "Return of the Jedi." Not really a book, more of an compendium. Just a self published type thing for other fans enjoyment. I want to include a section about the fans views on "Jedi" 22 years after it's release. Based on the IMDB message boards and SW fansites.

Just curious:
"What was your original reaction to "Return of the Jedi" when you first saw it, how ever many years ago? (Whenever it was: 1983, 1995, 1997 or 2004)."

"What's your gut reaction to the film upon seeing it again now?

"How do you feel about the changes made to 'Jed' in 1997 and 2004. Have they changed your overall impression of the film?"

"Have the prequels changed how you feel about "Jedi?"

"And finally, sort of a long question but... Do you see "Jedi" as being a kids film (as Mark Hamill called it) meant for the age 12 and under crowd? And do you think children "get" ROTJ more than any of the original films?"

Thanks for the feedback. I'll post links to the book as soon as I get it assembled.

I'll start with my two cents:
"What was your original reaction to "Return of the Jedi" when you first saw it, how ever many years ago? (Whenever it was: 1983, 1995, 1997 or 2004)."
I originally saw it in 1983 when I was 11. My original reaction was that it moved too slow and took too long to answer the unresolved questions brought up in "Empire." I felt the pace should have been faster. I remember being blown away by the opening sequence with the Star Destroyer and Death Star. I was bored by 3PO and R2 on Tatooine. I thought Jabba the Hutt was disgusting. I felt odd and tingly inside seeing Princess Leia in the slave girl's outfit! I felt the whole rescue of Han took too long.

I thought the action sequence outside the Sarlaac Pit was too fast. I couldn't keep track of what was going on. I found the Emperor to be fascinating but wished Darth Vader was in the film more. I thought Han Solo seemed really weird and "not himself." I thought the Ewoks were funny at first, then they became totally annoying. The entire ending of the film was unsatfisying to me. I wanted to see more of the space battle and Luke/Vader confrontation. I felt like the destruction of the shield generator on Endor took forever. And after seeing the final few minutes of the film, I asked myself "That's it?" It's not that the film was bad. I just thought something was missing. That it could have been so much better. I didn't really want to see the film again and again like with the first Star Wars film. And didn't have the sense of awe and wonderment I had after viewing "Empire."

Lucas's filmmaking rut
It's hard not to get a feeling of deja vu when listening to George Lucas's recent comments regarding the state of his filmmaking career and future plans. It's like 1983 all over again.

Lucas has stated that Episode III will definitely be the last Star Wars film. He's glad to be finished with the trilogy, that the full story of the Star Wars saga is now on film and he move onto "other thing." He wants to make little, artsy, experimental films. To be a truly independent film maker. To be known for something besides big Hollywood blockbuster movies. I'm not buying it.

It's funny: he said the same things leading up to "Return of the Jedi" in 1983. Sometime after "Empire" he abandoned the idea of making a 9 episode saga and suddenly announced that "Jedi" would be the final Star Wars film. He said he wanted to complete the trilogy and move on to other things. He wanted to make artsy, independent "experimental" films and work outside the Hollywood establishment. He had all these big plans for the future. To direct "THX 1138" type movies. Like the ones he made during college. 22 years later, we're stilll waiting.

You got to wonder what holds Lucas back? The guy was a great director. A visionary. His creative peak was between 1971 and 1977. He made "THX," "American Graffiti" and "Star Wars." He was up there with Coppola, Speilberg, DePalma, Scorcese, etc... One of the most talented young filmmakers to come on the scene. And then his creative drive stalled. Was it success that ruined his artistic drive and love for directing films?

After the release of "Jedi" he decided to put Star Wars to bed. The world waited for Lucas to return to the director's chair and make more groundreaking films. Instead of "artsy and experimental," Lucas made a bunch of "Ewok Adventure" movies & cartoons, produced "Howard the Duck" and designed video games. He spent 11 years being Mr. Mom, raising his 3 adopted kids. Nothing wrong with that. But why state in interviews that the public is holding you back. And that the critics/filmgoers only think you can do commercial Hollywood projects?

And for 11 years while laboring over the SW prequel trilogy, Lucas constantly complained that he was "tied down" to his original story for the films. That Episode I "had to be" about Anakin as a child, Ep II a love story. And admitted the only story the found really interesting was Ep III, because it told how Anakin turns to the dark side and becomes Darth Vader. So why not just produce Episode III? Why even bother with the other two movies and waste 6 years? It makes no sense.

So now it's almost 2006 and Lucas once again has grand designs for the future. He talked about directing a movie about World War II pilots called "Red Tails." And then spending the rest of life producing independent, non-mainstream "experimental" films. Instead, he's put "Red Tails" on hold. He may only produce the project, if it's even made at all. Instead of making more "Star Wars" episodes, he's decided to once again tinker with the ones already made, by re-releasing them in "3-D," a gimmick that hasn't been cool since the

And he's going to make a "Star Wars" television series. Just like how Episode VI led to countless "Ewok" spin offs, Ep III is going to lead to a TV series about the Jedi who survived Order 66. I think "Star Wars' has always been too big for TV. It's meant for the big screen. And even IMAX. Not the wasteland that is television. Lucas is going back to the dried up Indiana Jones franchise one more time. In greenlighting "Indy 4," a film that has "ill conceived" written all over it.

To be fair, I think Lucas simply changed in 1981 when "Raiders of the Lost Ark" became such a huge hit. His sensibilities as a filmmaker were forever altered. As much as he would like to return to the daring, rules be damned upstart visionary he was in the 70's, the fear of losing money has changed all that. Now he's worried about box office receipts and keeping his corporation going.

It's a shame because when you look at "THX," "American Graffiti," the first two Star Wars and the last 30 minutes of "Revenge of the Sith" you can see that a great filmmaker still exists in there somewhere. Lucas should use his friend and "challenger" Steven Speilbers's filmmaking choices as a career guide. Speilberg's creative output is 10 times that of Lucas's. The fellow boy genius goes from making mainstream commercial movies to experimental ones. And he doesn't take 3 years making anything.

As Lucas said at the AFI awards, he's only really made 3 films. (I count four: THX, Graffit, Star Wars (Ep I to 6), and Indiana Jones (3 films, TV series). Problem is since 1981 he really hasn't had any new ideas. He's just been living off the past. Going back and "updating" THX, SW, Graffit and Indy. You get the feeling that Lucas lost his footing once he split up with Marcia Lucas & Gary Kurtz.

Oh well. It will be interesting to see what the future holds. Maybe Lucas will end up making 3 more Star Wars films and complain the whole time that he wished he was making "little, experimental" movies instead. I'm sure he'll be bitching during the production of Indy 4.

What do you all think? I saw a parody film that used a "New Hope" era pic of Lucas and had it captioned "George Lucas: 1944-1977."
Did George Lucas the auteur really die in 1977?

Lucas prequel decisions in hindsight
When Lucas finally decided to create the prequel trilogy back in 1994 I don't think he set out to make disappointing films. No filmmaker plans to make bad movies. 11 years later, we can look back at what might have gone differently had Lucas made some different decisions. (By the way, I think Ep III was a good film, not great but good).

Fateful choices Lucas made in making the prequels:

- forgoing his original late 70's vision for the prequel trilogy: According to original SW producer Gary Kurtz, EPISODE 1 was to focus on the origins of the Jedi Knights and how they are initiated and trained. EPISODE 2 would introduction and show the development of Obi-Wan Kenobi. EPISODE 3 was to introduce and show the life of Darth Vader. Lucas threw all that out the window in 94.
- deciding to begin the story with Anakin as a 9 year old boy. Originally he was going to be a teenager.
- choosing Jake Lloyd over Mason Gamble to play Anakin.
- casting Natalie Portman. An inexperienced child actress at the time who had no sci-fi or action film experience to play a pivotal role in the movies.
- deciding to start the trilogy with an entire episode about a dispute over taxation of trade routes on one small planet. Instead of diving right into the beginning of the Clone Wars.
- replacing Han Solo as the "comic relief" character in the film with a CGI creature named Jar Jar Binks.
- changing the force from an energy field to midi-chlorians
- saying Anakin built C3PO.
- Anakin's "virgin birth."
- going ahead with shooting/principal photography even though the script wasn't finished.
- not bringing in an outside screenwriter to help polish the screenplay. (He tried, but waited until filming began to contact "Empire/Jedi" scribe Lawrence Kasdan.
- not bringing in an outside director or at the very least someone to work with the actors on understanding the complicated plot and character motivation.
- not going with his initial idea for Ep I which would have emphasized story over action sequences. Originally the Episode wasn't going to end with a huge "Jedi" type battle montage.
- not brining in an outside editor to help assemble the film. Someone to fill the role left vacant by Marcia Lucas, Richard Chew and Paul Hirsch after "SW" and "ANH."

- Again, beginning principal photography before the script was completed.
- using Jonathan Hales as a screenwriter instead of Lawrence Kasdan or Frank Darabont.
- forgoing his original vision for Episode II which was supposed to be about Obi-Wan Kenobi.
- Ignoring and removing most of Hales contributions to the updated script.
- Casting the extremely inexperienced (especially with big screen films) Hayden Christenson instead of Ryan Phillipe.
- Deciding to make Boba Fett's Dad the template for the stormtroopers and wasting the 2nd act of the movie explaining this.
- only showing one scene with Palpatine counseling Anakin.
- titling the movie "Attack of the Clones" instead of "The Clone Wars."
- again, not bringing in an outside director like Irvin Kershner. Or a Dialogue Coach to at the very least work with Natalie and Hayden on their romantic scenes.
- not using an outside editor again.

- for the last time, going ahead with production even though the script wasn't completely finished.
- forgoing his original idea which was to start the film with a 7 planet montage showing the clone wars being fought.
- not having the space battle be more about the Federation fleet vs. the Republic cruisers.
- introducing the idea that Palpatine created Anakin by manipulating
- putting the wookies in.
- having half of the movie focus on the capture of General Grievous.

I remember reading in the "Making of Ep III" book that when Lucas was on the set of the newly constructed Tantive IV he suggested they go back and re-film "A New Hope." It's too bad Lucas can't go back and refilm the first 2 episodes...
Who are your 25 most valuable people to the Star Wars films?
Interesting question: "I thought it would be cool to see who everyone picks for their 25 most valuable Star Wars contributers."

Off the top of my head: (excluding ILM people)
1. George Lucas (of course)
2. John Williams (composer on all six of the films).
3. Gary Kurtz (producer of "Star Wars" and "Empire Strikes Back")
4. Alan Ladd Jr. (The Fox Studios exec who greenlit the first SW film).
5. Harrison Ford. (improvised lines, rewrote dialogue on the set. Created a classic character).
6. Irvin Kershner (director of "Empire").
7. Marcia Lucas (for her editing work on the original trilogy, particularly the first two films).
8. Richard Chew/Paul Hirsch: co-editors on "A New Hope." Hirsh also worked on "Empire."
9. Lawrence Kasdan: screenwriter on "Empire" and "Jedi."
10. Alec Guiness (brought a respectability to the first film).
11. Frank Oz (performing as Yoda. Particularly in "Empire" and "Sith.")
12. Ewan McGregor (excellent as young Obi-Wan throughout the prequels).
13. Ian McDiarmid (perfectly cast as the Chancellor/Emperor in 5 of the films).
14. Willard Huyck/Gloria Katz (helped polish the dialogue on "A New Hope")
15. Chris Neill (Dialogue coach on Episode III)
16. Steven Speilberg (helped w storyboards on several action sequences in "Sith")
17. Ben Burtt (sound design man on the entire saga).
18. Leigh Brackett (wrote the original screenplay for "Empire")
19. Tom Stoppard (polished the dialogue on "Sith").
20. Roger Barton (helped edit Episode III).
21. John Dykstra (invented many of the visual effects used in the original trilogy).
22. Dennis Murren (visual effects supervisor on the original trilogy & Ep I).
23. Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Anthony Daniels, Peter Mayhew (for their great chemistry on the 1st three films).
24. Hayden Christenson (for turning in a convincing Anakin/Darth Vader in Ep III)
25. The Star Wars fans: For not abandoning ship after "Jedi" and "The Phantom Menace." For waiting 16 years for Episode I to come out. For putting up with the constant changes and alterations to the original trilogy. Without them, they're wouldn't be a Star Wars phenomenon.

That sounded like an Oscar speech! Sorry...
I think Lucas should be on his knees thanking all the above mentioned people.....

Editing Episode II: Is there a great film there?
I've watched a couple of the fan edits of Episode II and I must say the film is still pretty boring even with certain scenes deleted and added. Episode I really improved "under the knife" and became a decent film. I recently tried to watch the original "Attack of the Clones" all the way through and couldn't make it. I'm convinced now that Ep II is the worst film in the saga. Even worse than the original "Phantom Menace." Basically because it's boring, the dialogue is annoying, the acting weak, the visuals aren't as impressive as in Ep III and the plot is uninteresting.

My question to all the talented fan editors on this board is.... can the film be salvaged? Could the raw footage be turned into something as good as the Magnolia Fan edit of Ep I or dare to dream, Episode III? I'm convinced there's a great film in there somewhere. Lucas had some good ideas. And the screenplay looks a lot more exciting on paper than how it ended up on film.

Some ideas for the editors:
The most annoying things about Ep II, IMO are:
- the pacing: it's poorly edited. Lucas takes for ever setting up scenes. We get these overly long "reveal" shots of planets and buildings. Ep III had these. But they were really short and quickly panned over by the camera. This kept the momentum of the story going. From the opening frames of "Clones," we are tortured by painfully long sequences that do nothing more than show off ILM's CGI work.

- the dialogue: watching "Attack of the Clones" can be an exercise in tedium because the dialogue is so repetitive and unnatural. The thing that makes repeated viewings torturous is the repetition of characters titles and names. "M'Lady," "Senator," "Master," "Anakin," "My young apprentice," "my Padawan," "Your Excellency," "Chancellor," ad nauseam. I mean, how many times is Padme called My Lady or Senator in the movie? And it doesn't help that "My Lady" sounds absolutely stupid in a science fiction film. (What is this, Shakespere?) The original screenplay for "Revenge of the Sith" (if you read the EBook) actually suffers from the same problems. Luckily writer Tom Stoppard went through and polished up the script. And thank god, editor Roger Barton eliminated a lot of the repetitive phrases and use of names for the final film. Or "Revenge" could have ended up equally as corny as AOTC. The best thing about Ep III is that about half the dialogue from the original screenplay doesn't show up on screen. And the movie still makes sense. It's a shame Lucas couldn't have done the same with Episode II.

- the acting: The acting is lackluster all around, and the performances are even more wooden than in "Phantom." And it all pales in comparison to the much improved acting in Ep III. One of the most painful lines to read in the "Making of Ep III" book is when Dialogue Coach Chris Neill admits he's nervous about working on the film because he's filling a position that wasn't used on any of the other films. Just think if Lucas would have used Neill (or anyone to work with the actors) for Ep I and II.

I don't know what can be fixed and what is irreparable. I think the film could be more tightly edited. The problem is synching the changes with the music. John Williams score is what drives the prequel films emotionally. So it would be hard to trim or change anything without making the movie sound disjointed. The dialogue could definitely be improved. Again, eliminating the constant exposition would help. Again, my main gripe is the "M'Lady's" and "Senators" in referring to Padme. And scenes like outside the nightclub where Anakin refers to Obi-Wan as "Master" about 9 times.

Not much can be done about the acting. I do think a tighter edit could increase the emotional impact of some of the performances. As far as the dropping and adding scenes I'm not sure. I thought Natalie's acting in the "Address the Senate" deleted scenes was her best in the film. The droid analysis scene was kind of cool in a "THX 1138" sort of way. The family scenes are good, but are poorly edited. The rest of the deleted scenes are pretty much worthless.

It'll be cool to see what people come up with. I've tried to edit Ep II for my own amusement, I still found the thing unwatchable.

It's funny to look back at the last 7 years: Before Episode I came out, I was convinced it would be the best film ever. Amazingly, it turned out to be one of the worst. In the build up to Ep II my feeling was Lucas couldn't possibly do any worse than "Phantom." I was wrong. Since "Attack" makes "Phantom" look like a rip roaring good time. And Ep I was actually redeemed by the phantom edits. Since 2002, I was convinced Episode III was going to be horrible. Yet it turned out to be great.

Of course, part of me is still waiting for Lucas to actually release the follow up to "Empire Strikes Back." The correct one.
The prequels brought balance to the saga. 3 good Star Wars films, 3 bad.

George Lucas using co-writers
One of the things Lucas is repeatadly criticized for is his writing. He admitted himself that he's known as the "King of Wooden Dialogue." And in the "Making of Episode III" book he joked that he's "not excactly known for his dialogue." Throughout Lucas career he has almost always gotten help writing his films. It's surprising then that he chose to get so little outside help in doing the Star Wars prequels. 95% of his films have used screeenwriters...

THX 1138: Story by Lucas. Screenplay by Lucas & Walter Murch.
AMERICAN GRAFFITI: Written by Lucas, Gloria Katz & Willard Huyck.
THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK: Story by Lucas. Screenplay by Lucas, Lawrence Kasdan & Leigh Brackett.
RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK: Story by Lucas & Phillip Kaufman. Screenplay by Lawrence Kasdan.
RETURN OF THE JEDI: Story by Lucas. Screenplay by Lucas & Lawrence Kasdan.
INDIANA JONES & THE TEMPLE OF DOOM: Story by Lucas. Screenplay by Willard Huyck & Gloria Katz.
WILLOW: Story by Lucas. Screenplay by Bob Dolman.
INDIANA JONES & THE LAST CRUSADE: Story by Lucas & Menna Meyeis. Screenplay by Jeffrey Boam.
RADIOLAND MURDERS: Story by Lucas. Screenplay by Willard Huyck, Gloria Katz, Jeff Reno & Ron Osborn.
ATTACK OF THE CLONES: Story by Lucas. Screenplay by Lucas & Jonathan Hales.
Lucas has always been a master story teller. He's great at creating visuals and crafting action scenes. But character development and dialogue is his achilles heel. I think he's aware of this since he's gotten so much help writing his movies.

He even got help on "Star Wars" writing the dialogue with Gloria Katz & Willard Huyck. And Irvin Kershner & Harrison Ford rewrote many lines on "Empire." So what happened with the prequels?
"The Phantom Menace" was all George and it shows. Oddly enough, (and this wasn't mentioned much in the press), Episode I was the first film Lucas wrote entirely by himself. (Not counting Episode IV, which was ghost written by Kurtz & Huyck, and some dialogue was improvised by Harrison Ford). So before it began filming, "Phantom" had two strikes against it. Lucas's screenwriting and the fact he hadn't directed a film since 1977. However, Lucas was well aware that writing wasn't his strong suit. He asked Lawrence Kasdan to screenwrite Episode I but Kasdan turned him down. He also asked for Frank Darabont's input but he told George "Not to change a thing in the Ep I script."

On Episode II, Lucas had Young Indy writer Jonathan Hales come in and write a screenplay based on Lucas's story. Hales was mainly brought in to help pen the love story. Unfortunately, Lucas then ignored most of Hales had written. Cutting out most of his dialogue. To be honest, most of what Hales wrote wasn't very good. His writing was ok for Indiana Jones but ill suited for Star Wars. So Lucas ended up writing the majority of Ep II by himself. And editing down Hales contribution to the point that the finished movie didn't make a whole lot of sense.

On Episode III, once again Lucas wrote the entire script himself. It must have been pretty bad because producer Rick McCallum brought in acclaimed writer Tom Stoppard to rewrite most of the dialogue. Stoppard didn't end up receiving a writing credit, but he didn't work on most of "Revenge's" dialogue heavy scenes that included Anakin. However, Lucas penned most of the lines himself. And in the finished film, huge chunks of Stoppard's dialogue was edited out. Once again, having read the original screenplay, most of Stoppard's dialogue, while good, didn't really fit well into the Star Wars style.

Lucas seemed to refuse to yield creative control on the prequels. On that my be why the dialogue and character development is so weak. You kind of get the feeling that Lucas was pushed into making the prequels back in 1997 before he really had a story penned down for all 3 movies. I mean, all three episodes began production before the screenplays were finished. That didn't happen on the original trilogy. I guess Lucas was in such a rush to use the new digital technology that he forgot about the story or figured he could just "fix things later" using CGI.

It's a shame that Lawrence Kasdan didn't agree to come back on board for the prequels. I think Lucas waited too late to ask him. He actually didn't make Kasdan the offer until Episode I was two days away from starting principal photography. Kind of unfair to Kasdan to put that much pressure on him. "We're filming now, can you rewrite the script like immediately?" Can't blame him for saying no. I mean, Lucas could have brought in Kurtz & Huyck and that would have been fine. I don't think Hales & Stoppard were right for the saga.

Oh well, it's too late now. The prequel trilogy has come and gone. Unfortunately, I think as the original trilogy is known for it's great characters and memorable catch phrases the prequels will become known for their campy dialogue and forgettable characters.

Quotes from Gary Kurtz
Yeah but look at Rick McCallum...

Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005)
"Star Wars: Clone Wars" (2003) TV Series
Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (2002)
Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999)
The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Adventures in the Secret Service (1999) (V) (producer)
The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Masks of Evil (1999) (V) (producer)
The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Spring Break Adventure (1999) (V) (producer)
The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: The Trenches of Hell (1999) (V) (producer)
Young Indiana Jones and the Treasure of the Peacock's Eye (1995) (TV) (producer)
Young Indiana Jones and the Attack of the Hawkmen (1995) (TV) (producer)
Radioland Murders (1994) (producer)
Young Indiana Jones and the Hollywood Follies (1994) (TV) (producer)
"The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles" (1992) TV Series (producer)
The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Daredevils of the Desert (1992) (V) (producer) (as Rick Mccallum)
Heading Home (1991) (TV) (producer)
"Blackeyes" (1989) (mini) TV Series (producer)
Strapless (1989) (producer)
Track 29 (1988) (producer)
Tidy Endings (1988) (TV) (producer)
Castaway (1986) (producer)
"The Singing Detective" (1986) (mini) TV Series (executive producer)
Link (1986) (co-producer)
Dreamchild (1985) (producer)
I Ought to Be in Pictures (1982) (associate producer)
Pennies from Heaven (1981) (executive producer) (as Richard McCallum)

And he produced those awful special edition versions of the original trilogy in '97. The way I see it, his only critical success has been "Revenge of the Sith," "The Clone Wars" TV show and some of the Young Indy Chronicles.
"Radioland Murders," "Episodes I and II" and 'Young Indy" were all disappointments. At least Kurtz & Lucas made fan pleasing films together.

connecting the OT to the prequels (parody)

Originally posted by: Klingon_Jedi
I've only read ANH. Some funny stuff there. I love the Qui-Gon bickering.

"whiney Jedi was he" ^_^

Though the line should be

QUI-GON: I’m hurt Obi-Wan.
BEN: Sorry. I meant you will learn from Yoda, the Jedi Master who instructed Count Dooku, who instructed Qui-Gon Jinn… who instructed me…
QUI-GON: Now, that’s better.

Great stuff, though Vader's a tad hit or miss.

Thanks for all the positive feedback. I forgot about Count Dooku training Qui Gon. I should have put that in there.
Yeah, Vader kind of has multiple personalities now.
Quotes from Gary Kurtz
Gary Kurtz was a producer who worked alongside George Lucas on the first two Star Wars films, "A New Hope" and "The Empire Strikes Back." He is often credited with helping make the films the classics they are considered today. His absence was felt on the disappointing "Return of the Jedi," which didn't live up to its promise. Here are some interview snippets from Kurtz talking about his involvement with Star Wars.

"Well, the original idea was that it was supposed to be there. It is in the script ... but it was a guy, a human being, this sort of fat guy... looked a bit like Sydney Greenstreet... and the scene is pretty much, I mean dialogue wise, it's exactly what you see in the Special Edition. But it was a person that was there, and we had technical difficulties with that scene. We shot it over three times for camera problems, focus problems, and film stock problem, and then abandoned it because we ran out of time."

"We just said, "Well, the bulk of the information that comes across in that scene, about Jabba threatening Han Solo and wanting his money and all of that, we could get across in the scene in the Cantina, with Greedo." It's basically the same kind of information. So we just added some bits to the Greedo scene to make it a little bit longer that gets across that information, and then jettisoned that other scene. This all happened while we were shooting. It wasn't done in the cutting room."

(as drafted in 1980).
EPISODE 1: Was to focus on the origins of the Jedi Knights and how they are initiated and trained
EPISODE 2: Introduction and development of Obi-Wan Kenobi
EPISODE 3: Introduction and life of Vader
EPISODE 4: There were seven different drafts of the film. At one point, they pursued buying the rights to Hidden Fortress because of the strong similarities. At one point, Luke was a female, Han was Luke's brother, Luke's father was the one in prison (interesting point for some debates) and the film featured 40 wookies
EPISODE 5: Once written, the screenplay of Empire is almost exactly what is seen on screen. The only cut scenes were those involving wampas in the rebel base (cut because of time and unsolved technical glitches) and about two minutes of Luke/Yoda Jedi training with no real dialog.
EPISODE 6: Leia was to be elected "Queen of her people" leaving her isolated. Han was to die. Luke confronted Vader and went on with his life alone. Leia was not to be Luke's sister.
EPISODE 7: Third trilogy was to focus on Luke's life as a Jedi, with very few details planned out. EPISODE 8: Luke's sister (not Leia) appears from another part of the galaxy.
EPISODE 9: First appearance of the Emperor.

"At that time, he always said that he had enough material for three earlier films and three later films, to make a total of nine, and there were outlined materials certainly for a later three that culminated with this big clash with the Emperor in Episode IX. So, we'll never see any of those, based on what he's said now."

"Well a lot of the prequel ideas were very, very vague. It's really difficult to say. I can't remember much about that at all, except dealing with the Clone Wars and the formation of the Jedi Knights in the first place – that was supposed to be one of the keys of Episode I, was going to be how the Jedi Knights came to be. But all of those notes were abandoned completely."

"One of the reasons Jedi came out the way it did was because the story outline of how Jedi was going to be seemed to get tossed out, and one of the reasons I was really unhappy was the fact that all of the carefully constructed story structure of characters and things that we did in Empire was going to carry over into Jedi. The resolution of that film was going to be quite bittersweet, with Han Solo being killed, and the princess having to take over as queen of what remained of her people, leaving everybody else. In effect, Luke was left on his own. None of that happened, of course."

"It would have been quite sad, and poignant and upbeat at the same time, because they would have won a battle. But the idea of another attack on another Death Star wasn't there at all ... it (Jedi) was a rehash of Star Wars, with better visual effects. And there were no Ewoks ... it was just entirely different. It was much more adult and straightforward, the story"

(original prequel vision) "Some of the treatments had references to that and episode one was going to be about the origin of the Jedi and the killing off of the Sith Lords and much more kind of archetypal, political aspects."

(original sequel vision) "Yes, it was very vague. It was Luke's journey really up to becoming sort of the premiere Jedi knight in the Obi-Wan Kenobi mold and his ultimate confrontation with the emperor. That was the outline of it and all that happens."

"There's a lot of undercurrent in Star Wars that, if you take it on the surface, a four-year-old can really enjoy it – but there's a lot else going on, under there. In that sense it's multi-layered, and Empire is as well. That's the thing that bothered me a bit about Jedi and certainly about Episode I, is that those layers, those subtexts – they're all gone. They're not there. You accept what's there on the screen – it either works for you as a surface adventure, or it doesn't. But that's all there is. There's nothing to ponder."

(More on "Jedi")
"The one story thread that got totally tossed out the window, which was really pretty important I think, was the one of Vader trying to convince Luke to join him to overthrow the Emperor. That together they had enough power that they could do that, and it wasn't him saying I want to take over the world and be the evil leader, it was that transition. It was Vader saying, "I'm looking again at what I've done and where my life has gone and who I've served and, very much in the Samurai tradition, and saying if I can join forces with my son, who is just as strong as I am, that maybe we can make some amends." So there was all of that going on in Jedi as well, that was supposed to go on."

"So the story was quite a bit more poignant and the ending was the coronation of Leia as the queen of what was left of her people, to take over the royal symbol. That meant she was then isolated from all of the rest and Luke went off then by himself. It was basically a kind of bittersweet ending. She's not his sister that dropped in to wrap up everything neatly. His sister was someone else way over on the other side of the galaxy and she wasn't going to show up until the next episode."

(More on "Phantom")
"There was an article in the Times about the racial and ethnic stereotypes. Of course Lucas Films official line is, "Well it's in another planet so it's just a race of creatures." But, you look at it and say, "Wait a minute, if the only context that we have is the Earth, so if you're going to do a race of primitive, tribal type people they're going to be equated with primitive, tribal type people, no matter what."

(on Anakin) "From a mythological point of view, I would have like to have seen him older. Because a 12 year-old is the one, that's when you come of age. The age when you leave home, it's the age when you're torn away from your mother metaphorically. I think that would have worked better for people."

"One of the story things that bothers me about it, is you don't have any sense of who the Jedi are. They're just referred to as these amazing characters. Ewan McGregor is supposed to be an apprentice so he's not even supposed to be as good as Liam Neeson, you don't see that either, you don't see any training. The biggest thing that bothers me about Phantom Menace as far as I'm concerned is the destruction of the spiritual center of
Info: MagnoliaFan on MF.com

Originally posted by: Gaffer Tape
That was George's kid who got killed when Bail got there? I knew that scene didn't sit well with me for some reason. It seemed rather gratuitous, but I just couldn't put my finger on why it just seemed forced.

Yeah, that was Jett Lucas battling the Clones. He plays a Jedi named "Zett Jukassa," (very clever, eh?). You might remember him as the youngling in the background during that awful Obi-Wan/Jocasta Nu library scene in Episode II.

Lucas could have easily deleted this scene and included more of the opening space battle or maybe even that first Obi-Wan/Padme scene in her apartment. I can see why he wanted to include it (it's his son after all). But why not make it a deleted scene on the DVD instead?

Worst changes to OT in '97 and '04
What are everyone's least favorite changes made to original trilogy in the 1997 special edition re-releases and last year's DVD boxed set? There's so many lousy changes to choose from. For every improvement (correcting the lightsabers in the ANH duel, putting the real Emperor in Ep V, fixing The Rancor), there's countless alterations that weaken the films.

Here's some that standout in my mind:

STORMTROOPERS ON DEWBACKS: Totally unnecessary add on. Utterly distracting to suddenly have 1997 CGI "Jurassic Park" type creatures inserted into a 1977 film. If Lucas hated the scene so much, he could have just trimmed the opening of it showing the trooper ontop of the immobile dewback and kept the rest the same.

BEN KENOBI’S HOME: Obi-Wan's home in the original film was perfect for a poor hermit. Now, suddenly he has a fancy hideway (bigger than the Lars homestead) with a sattelite dish in the front yard.

ARRIVAL AT MOS EISLEY: Sure some of the changes are definitely improvements and show the vastness of the spaceport. And how crowded it is. And removing the pink blob under Luke's speeder was nice. But Lucas had to go overboard and insert these unfunny slapstick moments with Jawas, rontos and dewbacks. All of these distractions take away from the performances of the main characters. And Lucas's insistence and including loud, obstrusive dewbacks into every scene overshadow Obi-Wan's classic mind trick to get passed the stormtroopers and 3PO and R2's banter outside the cantina. Not to mention, all of the CGI technology used makes the rest of the creatures in the cantina look dated.

GREEDO SHOOTS FIRST: Without a doubt, the worst change to the original films. Simply because it looks completely awkward. And how could Greedo miss Han from that close range? Was he trained how to aim by battle droids? In 2004, Lucas changed it again so that Han & Greedo shoot at pretty much the same time. Still sucks.

JABBA THE HUTT INTRODUCTION: Always sounded like a cool deleted scene until we actually see it as part of the final film. The dialogue is repetitive, nothing new here that we didn't learn during the Greedo encounter. Jabba looks nothing like he does in Episode VI. Plus he's skinny and mobile, everything he's not in "Jedi." And Han stepping on Jabba's tail and calling him a "wonderful human being" makes the scene a train wreck disaster that doesn't belong in AFI's best films of all time.


NOTE: Changing anything in the classic film should have been considered blasphemy. Like damaging the Holy Grail. Empire was perfect the way it was, from 1980 to 1997, before Lucas had to toy with it.

THE CLOUD CITY LANDSCAPE: Sure the shots of an expanded Cloud City are interesting to look at. But they look like something out of a totally different movie. Particularly when Lando tells everyone to evacuate the city. The footage seems way too technologically advanced compared to the late 70's effects of the original.

VADER'S ARRIVAL ON HIS STAR DESTROYER: I don't know why Lucas felt we needed to see Vader arriving on his Star Destroyer after leaving Bespin. In Jedi, the Emperor tells Vader to return to his command ship. Next scene, Vader's on his command ship. We don't need to see arrivals & departures inserted into every scene. The audience can follow the story just fine without them. And instead of the cool line, "Bring me my shuttle," we get "Alert my Star Destroyer, to prepare for my arrival." Then Vader's shuttle is shown slowly arriving on his ship. Except it isn't a Star Destroyer, it's the Death Star from "Return of the Jedi." Lucas inserted this lame outtake from the beginning of Ep VI instead of taking the time to film new footage. Weak.

BOBA FETT'S NEW VOICE: Jason Wingreen's original dialogue as Boba Fett was perfect. Gave the bounty hunter a certain sinister quality. Temeura Morrison (who played Boba's father in Ep II), doesn't have the same evil delivery. Boba's not as mysterious now. Changing Boba's voice is just another desperate attempt by Lucas to tie in the classic films to some of the wackier plot points in the prequels.

CHANGING R2'S DIALOGUE: After R2 escapes the swamp monster on Dagobah Luke used to say "You're lucky you don't taste very good." Now he says, "You were lucky to get out of there." Like changing OT dialogue to reflect the PT. The original line was funny and clever. The "lucky" line isn't memorable at all.

LUKE'S SCREAM: In 97 Lucas inserted a loud scream from Luke when he falls to escape Vader. It was actually the Emperor's death scream from ROTJ. Thankfully, Lucas removed this awful change for the '04 DVD release. It was probably an oversight by Lucas. I'm sure he meant to keep it in just to annoy the fans.

NOTE: Much about "Jedi" should be changed. If there was a way to make Jabba more realistic (and less static puppet), re-insert the sandstorm sequence, digitally replace the Ewoks with Wookies (as Lucas originally envisioned), and re-edit the action sequences so they're not so unbelievable, I'd say go for it. But instead Lucas has made many of the bad scenes even worse...

THE DANCE NUMBER: The cantina song in "A New Hope" was nice because it didn't distract from the plot. It was a nice, harmless instrumental backdrop to the scene. The song in Ep IV is just in your face. And totally disrupts the film. The original song in Jedi, "Lapta Nek" was bad enough. Now, Lucas includes an even lousier song, "Jedi Rocks" and some annoying CGI muppets. The scene looks totally unbelievable now. With a bunch of static, immobile puppets now surrounded by fully mobile CGI characters. It's amazing Lucas would pick this as the one scene in Jedi to "improve."

THE CELEBRATION: I'm glad Lucas dropped that godawful "Yub Yub" song in place of a more dignified John Williams musical number. And it was kind of cool to see Coruscant, Cloud City and Tatooine celebrating after the fall of the Empire. Then Lucas had to go and include Naboo, which for some reason, was the most important planet in the universe during the prequels. And of course, Lucas had to put some Gungans in there, yelling and hollering "Wessa free!" Who knows, maybe Jar Jar's in there somewhere. I knew Lucas would find a way to sneak him into the classic trilogy.

THE GHOST OF YOUNG ANAKIN: Instead of the classic version of Jedi, where we see Sebastian Shaw standing next to Obi-Wan and Yoda, we get a creepy looking Hayden Christenson looking totally out of place as a "force ghost." The scene was fine the way it was, and made a lot more sense. I could have dealt with the change if they would have aged Hayden 23 years to make him look he would at the time of his death. But making him 25 years old is a really big stretch, even in a fantasy film. Plus, he looks nothing like Sebastian Shaw.

CHANGES IN HAN SOLO'S DIALOGUE: When he's rescuing Lando from the Sarlaac monster, Han used to say "It's alright. Trust me." Now he says. "It's alright. I can see a lot better now." Again, the line worked better before. Of course, Han's signature line of "Trust Me" is sort of tainted by Anakin's misuse of it in Episode II.

All in all, I think the original 3 films were fine the way they were, story and character wise. Sure some of the technical effects could have been improved and some deleted scenes re-inserted. I wouldn't have blamed Lucas for cleaning up the effects for the special edition release. But Lucas went too far. Drastically altering the tone of some scenes and making some of the CGI additions stick out like a sore thumb. It's a shame we can't get the "best of both worlds." A version of the original trilogy on DVD that has all the improved sound/visual effects, but none of the over the top changes
Info: MagnoliaFan on MF.com
I was lucky enough to download both Magnolia Fan edits and I'm glad I did. The first one blows "The Phantom Menace" out of the water. I wasn't as fond of the 2nd edit though. First off, "The Balance of the Force." is great. Episode I is still an awful film no matter what you do it. (Unless they were to remake the movie using the crew that did Episode III). Nothing can change that. But MF has made the film a lot more tolerable. "Attack of the Clones" is a tough film to change, because the original editing of the storyline is so rigid. The dialogue is very plot driven. Which makes it tough to remove anything substantial and have the narrative still make sense.

First reaction. Love the new opening crawl (the part about slave labor is genius) and the new title. Then comes the movie. I was hoping MF would make even more cuts to the opening scenest on the Fed ship to quicken the pacing of the film. Like when Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan are talking and sitting at the table. Too slow for the opening of an action film I think. I liked the altered Neimodian dialogue. Though it takes a while to get used to. I'm not sure if "What the hell just happened" and "Where are those damned destroyers" would have fit into a kid oriented sci fi film. The Federation leaders are a lot smarter now, and more devious. I liked how MF darkned Sidious's face so you can't tell it's Palpatine. Very cool.

Liked the changes to the battle droids voices. That's the way they should have sounced in the first place. Jar Jar is the most interesting change. He's actually funny now and respectable as a character. There's still too much of him in the film and in the end, it seems as though the whole episode is "Jar Jar's story." But I guess it's hard to get around. Jar Jar's in the original film so much! The plot point about the Gungans hating humans is very clever. I think Boss Nass came across as more serious and made a greater impact as a character. Not silly and easily manipulated, like in TPM.

Love the sound effect added whenever Qui Gon uses the force to do a mind trick. Like the cuts to the underwater sequence and the addition of the fabulous waterfall deleted scene. Again, the Viceroy is very evil now. Killing people at will and with a sinister tone. Definitely a better villian than before. I thought the "running the blockade" space sequence was tightly re-edited. Made it more suspenseful. Most of the cuts in the film are really wise. The dialogue snippets eliminated here and there aren't missed at all.

Very creative interlude where Watto hums the Cantina song from Episode IV. Watto is a pleasant surprise in this edit. He is a harsher towards Anakin and funnier when dealing with Qui-Gon. Smart edits to all of the Anakin scenes. He is more silent and mysterious. And definitely is a more convincing young Darth Vader. Anakin's "very, very dangerous" line has been trimmed to "very dangerous". Another brilliant edit is the redone Sidious/Darth Maul scene on Coruscant. Great use of the Imperial March and the cut line "The Republic will soon be under my control."

The most ambitious editing work has been done on the pod race. This version is drastically changed. The sequence has been totally rearranged and for greater effect. Thankfully, the annoying two headed announcer is pretty much removed from the soundtrack. Which makes the climax of the race more dramatic. I was hoping MF would use more of the pre-pod race build up and extended 2nd lap from the deleted scenes, but the finished version here is quite impressive. The new music is a lot better. Not as in your face as John Williams original music.

The only additions I frowned upon was Jar Jar's use of bad language. "Go you little bastard" and "Oh shit" don't belong in a Star Wars film. Not to be a prude. They are funny within this context and work as satire. But there's no way they would have ended up in an actual Star Wars film for kids. Lucas would die before letting any real profanity, other than "hell" and "damn" in one of these movies. MF doesn't changed much to the last act of the film. Which isn't surprising. Since it's got the most action. All in all, a very cool edit.


Again, this is a tougher film to change, because the script is a lot tighter than in Episode I. The new opening crawl here is more confusing than the one in AOTC. Over all, I was hoping MF would tighten the pace of the movie to more reflect the breakneck editing of Episode III. There's too many overylong arrivals and landings on planets for my taste. The stuff that was trimmed out of Ep III. You could easily cut 10 minutes out of AOTC just by eliminating all of the "Wow, look at ILM's scenery work" interludes.

I was hoping MF would eliminate some of the 100 "M'Lady" references to Padme throughout the film. I was hoping he'd include Padme's opening address to the Senate after the first assassination attempt, which contains some of Natalie's better acting in the film. As far as the cuts, I thought the first Zam/Jango meeting was cool. Sort of missed it. The cuts in the nightime chase are all smart. Wish you could have cut the entire "You know Master I couldn't find a speeder I like" exchange. And the godawful "This weapon is your life," Yes Master" scene outside the club. Missed Anakin saying "Who hired you? Tell us. Tell us now." I liked Hayden's delivery there.

Eliminating Jocasta Nu was smart. And replacing the Yoda/Obi-Wan/Mace scene with the Obi-Wan & Mace deleted scene was perfect. As far as the love scenes, I probably would have kept either the "first kiss" or picnic scene. Just to show the initial sparks between Padme and Anakin. I really like the scenes with Padme's family though. Wish there were more. It gives Padme's funeral procession in Episode III a lot more emotional impact. Should have cut the fruit eating scene. The fireplace scene is actually bearable now. Best edit of the whole film.

I like how you divided up the Obi-Wan asteroid chase and arrival on Geonosis. I thought it would have been cool though to show Obi-Wan's ship on the back of the asteroid and then cut to the next scene on Tatooine. Then come back and have Obi-Wan say "R4, we've waited long enough." I liked the changes to Dooku's character. Thought it would have been cool to re-insert some of the deleted scenes with Dooku & Padme. The last 40 minutes of "Clones" is pretty tightly edited in the theatrical film. So it's tough to subtract or change anything.

IMO, "Attack" is just as bad or worse than "The Phantom Menace." Ep II looks too much like a video game. At least "TPM" has some excitement and unpredictablility to it.

Magnolia Fan, are you going to do an edit of Episode III when it comes out in November on DVD? Some suggestions on things to cut: Jar Jar's "excuse me" line. That Obi-Wan/Anakin scene on the "outer rim sieges." 3PO showing up out of the blue during the Padme/Anakin silent exchange sequence. Bail Organa and Lucas's kid confronting the clones at the temple. Things to reinsert; The first meeting between Padme & Obi-Wan in her apartment. And the generator room sequence (if they are included on the DVD as deleted scenes).

funniest Star Wars parody films
Hi I'm new here. Really like this fantastic forum. I've become a huge fan of viewing the Magnolia Fan edits, Star Wars pre-SE discs and the Deleted Magic project.

I was wondering what everyone's favorite Star Wars parody is? I've always thought "George Lucas in Love," "Troops" and "Thumb Wars" were classics. And "Hardware Wars" and "Spaceballs" have a certain charm, even if they're hopelessly dated in the 70's and 80's. I've always liked the "South Park" episode where Cartman & the gang try to stop George Lucas and Steven Spielberg from remaking "Raiders of the Lost Arc." And the final lightsaber duel in "Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back" has its moments.

Of course, the cynical view would be that the best parodies ever of Star Wars have been the 78 Holiday Special, parts of "Return of the Jedi," and all of "The Phantom Menace," but that's too easy. I think it would be great if they made a "Scary Movie" type parody of the Star Wars prequels in the next few years. Although Lucas would probaby sue the crap out of them.

It would be cool for fans to list there favorite Star Wars humor. Or even unintentionally humorous moments like Luke, 3PO and R2 on the Muppet Show, the stormtrooper hitting his head in "A New Hope" or Yoda saying, Good relations with the Wookies, I have" in Episode III.

connecting the OT to the prequels (parody)

In order to tie together all six of the Star Wars films, creator George Lucas has decided to make further changes to the original trilogy. Using modern technology, Lucas has altered dialogue, inserted characters and drastically changed the tone of these classic films. Here’s a list of some of the changes planned for each episode:


A new opening crawl will be used…

It is a period of civil… War! The Seperatist
rebel alliance has achieved their first victory
against the Galactic Federation.

During the battle, the rebels managed to steal
the secret plans to the Geonosian Droid Control
Ship. 18 years in the making, this “Death Star”
has enough firepower to destroy a planet.

Meanwhile, Princess Leia Organa Amidala
Skywalker is heading towards her home planet of
Alderaan. While Luke Skywalker is busy fixing
broken moisture vaporators on Tatooine…

NEW SCENES and CHANGES to existing scenes:

CUT TO: Darth Vader on board his Star Destroyer pursuing the Tantive IV.
COMMANDER: Lord Vader, we have the rebel cruiser in our tractor beam.
VADER: Hey look it’s Tatooine! I grew up there you know.
COMMANDER: Yes my Lord.
VADER: Maybe if there’s time we can go down and kill some sand people.

CUT TO: The Tantive IV. Darth Vader enters.
VADER: Yippee! I love riding on a starship.
PRINCESS LEIA: Darth Vader. Only you could be so bold.
VADER: Wait. You look sort of familiar. In fact you're the spitting image of....
LEIA: I don't know what you're talking about.
VADER: I sense something. A closeness I’ve not felt since…

CUT TO: The droids land on Tatooine.
C3PO: What a desolate place this is.
R2: Bleep-beep!
3PO: What do you mean we’ve been here before?
R2: Beep!
3PO: I was created here? Oh my!

CUT TO: The Lars homesteaad. Owen Lars purchases some droids.
3PO: Hello, I am C…
OWEN: 3PO? What are you doing back here?
3PO: I beg your pardon sir but who are you?
OWEN: I’m Owen Lars. You lived with me for 10 years. Remember?
R2: Beep-bleep!
OWEN: What do you mean I haven’t aged well?

CUT TO: Owen talks to his nephew Luke Skywalker.
OWEN: Luke, take these two over to the garage. I want to have them cleaned up before dinner.
LUKE: But I was going in to Mos Espa to watch the pod races.
R2: Bleep-beep!
LUKE: I look just like… Anakin Skywalker? Who’s that?
OWEN: Oh shit! (shocked) And have the astro droid’s memory erased.

CUT TO: 3PO and R2 with Luke in the Lars garage.
THREEPIO: As a matter of fact, I'm not even sure which planet I'm on.
R2: Bleep-beep!
3PO: Tatooine?
LUKE: Yeah, he’s right. You’re really smart R2.
(A hologram of Princess Leia appears).
LEIA: (h.o). Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope.
LUKE Who is she? She’s beautiful… but in a creepy kind of way.

CUT TO: Luke is having dinner with Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru.
OWEN: That old man's just a crazy old wizard.
LUKE: Obi-Wan knew my Father?
OWEN: We told you before. You didn’t have a father.
BERU: I carried you, I gave birth to you. I can’t explain what happened.
LUKE: (stunnned) What?
BERU: (starts laughing) Just kidding.
OWEN: Yeah, (laughs). A virgin birth? Imagine something so silly.

CUT TO: Luke is attacked by sand people. Obi-Wan rescues him. He sees R2-D2 hiding.
BEN: Hello there! Come here my little friend.
R2: Bleep-beep!
BEN: (shocked) R2-D2? I can’t believe it. Long time no see.
R2: Beep!
BEN: What do you mean I haven’t aged well?

CUT TO: Luke talks with Obi-Wan.
LUKE: I guess the droid does belong to you.
BEN: I don’t seem to remember ever owning a droid.
R2: Beep-bleep!
LUKE: He's wondering if someone had your memory erased too.
BEN: No, it’s just old age.
LUKE: We better get out of here before more sand people arrive.
OBI-WAN: Sand people? I thought your father killed them off 30 years ago.

CUT TO: Obi-Wan’s home. He and Luke talk.
LUKE: No, my father didn't fight in the wars. He was a navigator on a spice freighter.
BEN: That's what your uncle told you. He didn't hold with your father's ideals. Thought he should have stayed here and not gotten
(Qui Gon Jinn’s voice is heard)
QUI GON: (v.o.) That’s not exactly true Obi-Wan.
LUKE: Who’s that?
BEN: Oh, it’s just my former Master. Pay him no mind. If you ignore him he’ll go away.
LUKE: You fought in the Clone Wars?
BEN: Yes, I was once a Jedi Knight the same as your father.
R2: Bleep-beep!
LUKE: You fought in the clone wars too R2?
BEN: And so did 3PO.
LUKE: I wish I’d known him.
BEN: He was the best pod racer in the galaxy, and quite the ladies man. Which reminds me, I have something here for you. Your father wanted you to have this when you were old enough, but your uncle wouldn't allow it.
QUI GON: (v.o.) That’s not true either.
BEN: Quiet!
LUKE: How did my father die?
BEN: A young Jedi named Darth Vader, who was a pupil of mine until he turned to evil, helped the Empire hunt down and destroy the Jedi
Knights. He betrayed and murdered your father. Now the Jedi are all but extinct.
QUI-GON: (coughs) Bull shit.
LUKE: Huh?
BEN: Forget about it. Vader was seduced by the dark side of the Force.
LUKE: What’s the Force?
BEN: The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by a microscopic lifeform called midichlorians.
LUKE: I don't understand.
BEN: Midichlorians reside within all living cells and we are in symbionts with them. Without the midichlorians life could not exist. When you quiet your mind you’ll hear them...
(Luke has fallen asleep).

CUT TO: Obi-Wan decides to play R2’s taped message.
BEN: Now, let's see if we can't figure out what you are, my little friend. And where you come from.
QUI-GON: (v.o.) Obi-Wan, you know what he is and where he comes from.
BEN: Shhhh.
LEIA: (on hologram) General Kenobi, years ago you kind of served my father Jimmy Smits in the Clone Wars. Now he begs you to help him. The taxation of trade routes along the Alderaan system are in dispute.
LUKE: The what?
LEIA: Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi. You’re my only hope.
LUKE: Man, she’s hot!
BEN: Be mindful of your thoughts Luke, they betray you.
QUI-GON: (v.o) Tell him about the Jedi “no nookie” rule. Especially with one’s sister.
BEN: You must learn the ways of the Force.
LUKE I don’t know. That midichlorian shit gives me a headache.

CUT TO: The Death Star. The military commanders meet with Governor Tarkin and Darth Vader.
COMMANDER: This battle station is now the ultimate power in the universe. The Geonosians were good for something.
VADER: The biggest problem in the universe is that no one cares for each other.
TARKIN: We will soon crush the rebellion with one swift stroke.
VADER: I miss Padme.
COMMANDER: Your sad devotion to that ancient love affair is pathetic Lord Vader.
VADER: (starts crying) I hate you!

CUT TO: The Death Star detention corridor where the princess is being held. Darth Vader enters.
VADER: Are you an angel?
LEIA: The Imperial Senate will not sit still for this.
VADER: I don’t like the sand. It’s coarse and irritating and it gets everywhere.
LEIA: What?
VADER: From the moment I met you a minute hasn't gone by when I haven't thought of you. And now
that I'm with you again, I'm in agony. The closer I get to you, the worse it gets. I can't breathe. You are in my v