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Rogue One * <em>Spoilers</em> * Thread

To whoever said the musical score was terrible (I’m on my phone atm and it’s a pita to look back and quote) I mostly agree, /except/ when the rebels can’t escape. They get blocked, the scene switches to Vader watching the space battle, and the music changes almost to an all-is-lost moment. It fits really well imo.

There was however a moment in rebel base where the music starts to build up like an epic speech is coming then, nothing. That took me out of the moment.

And to all those dissing Vader -

The entire castle scene was unnecessary. The choke pun actually wasn’t so bad to me, but the entire scene was like, why?

However I think the final lightsaber scene was phenomenal.

In A New Hope we hear talk of Vader being ruthless and is to be feared, but we only ever see him in a slow fight with his elderly mentor.
I’ve always tried to believe Vader’s kind of toying with his old master here, having a chat while this old man tries. Meanwhile it’s always been clear obi-wan never intended to win the fight, and even confuses Vader when he disappears.
The entire galaxy fears Vader in ANH and we’ve never really seen why. Sure the Jedis know what Anakin did, but not everyone else.

To me the final scene in RO gives him that unstoppable reputation.
Not to mention it underscores the urgency and importance of the mission as they frantically try to save the data and he tries to capture it.

– all that said –

No, I don’t want a Vader movie. We know enough about Vader. I don’t really want a Fett or Solo movie either, but I guess oh well on that last one.

Rogue One * <em>Spoilers</em> * Thread

Just saw Rogue One for the second time and I really love this movie. By far the best SW since the originals. Not to say I disliked TFA, but come on, Starkiller base?

Anyway, Rogue One…

The story worked for me -

Dad works on Deathstar, girl is hidden, rebels find her, rebels use her to get to dad.
Girl finds out truth about dad which inspires her to fight again (after being left by Saw).
Jedha blows up. Guardians of the Whills join the squad.
Meanwhile, Cassian kills friend, for the cause, is ordered to kill dad, but doesn’t because dad was clearly up to something.
Rebels say the Scarif plan is too risky, Cassian and friends go anyway to make all their hard decisions worth it.
Everyone pays the ultimate sacrifice.

The few things that did irk me -

-Saw’s death, a badass extremist just giving up.
-I think they said “hope” too much. Probably just me.
-The Ponda Baba cameo, just the last stare… the bump and single line was enough.
-The C3PO and R2D2 cameo, out of place in a dramatic moment, should’ve just been a background shot of them getting on a shuttle.

The things that surprised me -

-CG Tarkin - I thought he looked great. Maybe the first scene with him you think “oh what? wait isnt he dead? oh yea, thats CG.” But being main to the story, he pops up more and you forget. He looks real. Didn’t bother me at all, but I loved seeing him. He had to be. He’s the Grand Moff.
-After Tarkin, CG Leia wasn’t so much of a surprise (the suprise was them ending on the Tantive IV), but she’s worth a mention, and again, I think she looked great.

The things I loved -

-K2’s Death. Fan-fuckin-tastic. I probably felt the most on his death than any other. He got the death Saw deserved. (But seeing as Saw’s character wasn’t built well/didnt get much screen time, it wouldn’t have been as heartfelt)
-The music as the Star Destroyer blocks the rebel escape - Man, that hits hard. Perfect, perfect, score.
-Darth Vader’s hallway. Nuff said.

Info: Recommended Editions of Disney Animated (and Partially Animated) Features

Has anything happened with The Lion King?

I know it was mentioned on page 1, but 35 pages is a lot to wade through… I also found an old post for it specifically, but nothing of substance.

That was one of my favorite movies as a kid and I was kinda broken-hearted when I heard it’d been altered/censored in re-releases.

I’m not even sure of the actual changes myself, but I believe some things removed were: a dust cloud when the lions ‘get it on’, the “sex”/“sfx” written in stars, while a couple of the death scenes were altered… Not to mention reanimation and (i believe) added characters/songs.

Who Framed Roger Rabbit? - uncensored HDTV airing(s) (Released)

I am still looking. Apparently, I’m too coo’ for da Blu ;P

Looking for the mkv, but if you have the same thing already, just disc-ready, that works too.

Since I know direct downloads and stuff like Mega aren’t allowed here coughin publiccough, I’ll just offer up some TD or IPT invites if anyone wants to help the cause.

Who Framed Roger Rabbit? - uncensored HDTV airing(s) (Released)

Never saw the Rescuers gag… (Just looked it up though)

I have noticed single frame gags before though. Unfortunately, I have to think of the Fight Club penis. If you don’t see that schlong you’re blind.

Note: I keep finding compressed bs of what I assume to be this release. Sticking with my censored Blu-ray.

Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI - Grindhouse 35mm LPP (Released)

Well it’s good to know some are open to outside collaboration from a newbie.

I’ve been talking to the eBay seller to confirm a few things and just thought y’all might be interested in seeing some other frame shots. http://jmp.sh/3PhPeJp http://jmp.sh/z789aOW http://jmp.sh/Ewoe69g http://jmp.sh/XbHL46G http://jmp.sh/P593Gnl

I’m still on the fence about the purchase, but it’s hard to say no to owning the film.

Who Framed Roger Rabbit? - uncensored HDTV airing(s) (Released)

Dek Rollins said:

The spleen is no longer welcoming to film projects that are unrelated to Star Wars, unfortunately. It just creates problems for us unfortunate enough to be without a way into the big Blu.

Well that sucks. Though, I do slightly recall scrolling through the site and seeing that…

Screw da Blu! Ya’ll need to use TD, IPT, or even Speed 😛 I kid, I kid.

This movie means about as much to me as Star Wars. I’ll find it.

Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI - Grindhouse 35mm LPP (Released)

Wazzles said:

That’s essentially the same type of print used for Grindhouse, so save your money. The LPP currently scanned has a lot of potential for restoration, and has even been scanned in 4k for most if not all of it.

You misunderstand. I wouldn’t buy the print solely for this sites preservation projects. It would just be a neat thing to own.

I am aware this is the same type of print used in this grindhouse, I wouldn’t try combining it with an IB Tech and calling it original. I can only assume their copies aren’t perfect (nor the one on eBay). Combining the eBay one with the others already available could improve the overall quality.

What I am wondering is if it would be at all helpful to the current projects and whether or not I would receive help if I tried to restore/preserve it or even combine it with current releases (i.e. cleaning, swap scans, etc.)

Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI - Grindhouse 35mm LPP (Released)

So I’ve pretty much fallen in love with the 35mm editions. The raw, originality of the prints can be felt.

A few questions for Harmy and others involved:

  1. Do you guys have the current resources (prints) to improve this release to or passed ‘silver screen’ quality?

  2. I’m very tempted to purchase this ROTJ print http://goo.gl/1aQPcR - Do you think it could prove helpful for a proper 1080/4k restoration?

I doubt I’d be able to get it properly scanned right off the bat, and if I’m alone on this, I doubt I’ll be able to do much restoration and the print would likely just be another collectors items for me. I would like to share resources to improve the public copies of the OOT.

  1. That being said, if I do purchase it, would anyone actually want scans to work with?
Who Framed Roger Rabbit? - uncensored HDTV airing(s) (Released)

smack said:

suntech said:

smack said:

I’m also interested in a link to the uncensored Version of WFRR. Would really like to see the 25 gb mkv version in english…

Go to (What is the color the Sky)-torrents dot (what a basketball goes through that is attached to the hoop)
it is there you will find what you seek.

Thanks for the hint 😉 But I’m not registered there and they don’t take new members 😦

I’m stuck in the same boat as well.

This is one movie that’ll make my top 10 list every time.

I’d love to see this make its way back to the spleen where I can partake and help seed.

PS: While I am very new here I am quite impressed with the quality and commitment of all you when it comes to restoring and preserving these classic films. Thank you all.