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The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974) Mango Edition V4 AVAILABLE NOW VIA PM

There’s been discussion on blu-ray.com about the mono audio on the Second Sight UHD but also the other UHD releases. I’m trying to determine what the original theatrical mono mix is supposed to sound like from anyone who has a scan of an original print, here’s a couple of quotes.

“looks like SS’s mono track is missing Sally’s initial grunts/screams as she gets her hair caught in the vines. They ARE present on Dark Sky’s mono track though.”

“Chapter 10 around 53 minutes 50 second mark. More like a moan than a grunt.”

“Dark Sky’s BD’s mono track had an extra looped scream from Sally during the climax when she’s on the truck. Not sure if there were anymore. I believe it was actually a downmix instead of the actual mono track.”

Some confusion for sure. It’d be nice to know what sources all 3 UHD releases used for their mono track. Some suspect fold-downs for at least one of them but it could be that there were both additional sound effects and effects taken away in those scenes for home video or maybe there were changes made to later theatrical reprints?

Anyone have any info about this?