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KENOBI: A STAR WARS STORY [The Radical "Help Me Obi-Wan Kenobi" Cut]

Yeah this is supposed to be an angrier, unrefined Vader, and Kylo’s entire shtick is being a Vader wannabe. Any similarities aren’t a big deal imo (I didn’t notice any though).

As for Obi-Wan and Vader’s last goodbye conversation - I’m not sure that requires any tweaking at all in terms of dialogue. It’s pretty close to solid, and Ewan & Hayden deliver some great lines. It’s already self-evident why Obi-Wan can’t follow through with killing Vader even after what seeing he’s become. It’d be too on the nose to include a flashback of Anakin to try to justify it.

EDIT: I was looking at the main post and the “Alternate Vader Sensing Kenobi” fix. Is there a chance this could be enhanced further? We have enough footage for it. I feel if I showed this scene to someone who’s never seen the show, they’d be confused why a bald man appeared in the middle of Leia’s fall.

But I like the concept of Vader detecting Obi-Wan across the galaxy. It’d be interesting to see whether the scene order can be tweaked.

  1. Leia rescued and says “You really are a jedi” and they leave (cut Obi-Wan’s reply line to linger on Leia’s last line)
  2. THEN reuse Mustafar castle establishing shot, background audio of bacta tank breather that sounds almost like Vader breathing
  3. Reveal Anakin waking up, maybe background audio echo of Leia saying “a Jedi”
  4. Back to Daiyu
KENOBI: A STAR WARS STORY [The Radical "Help Me Obi-Wan Kenobi" Cut]

Anjohan said:




I’m not totally pleased as of yet and I will need to re-watch it when my brain has had a break, but take a look and give pro’s and con’s and feedback. Also I’m not sure how you guys feel about the Piano Theme getting a second chance, but I think it fits for the ending. I could also just leave the scene alone. I like the duel tho’.

Going to bed now. Nighty-nighty!

The broken helmet scene feels…odd with the piano theme. Too sad during what is essentially a horror scene, and strangely uplifting when Anakin is screaming.

Definitely liking the new duel music though.

Edit: I took some time to forget about the original music and I rewatched the piano clip. I think I may have been a little harsh on the music change, because it’s not bad.

But I do wish the slow piano kept playing for longer - at least until Vader stops screaming, and then the orchestra can kick in once Kenobi’s in space thinking about Leia.

KENOBI: A STAR WARS STORY [The Radical "Help Me Obi-Wan Kenobi" Cut]

Finished Part 6. Imo it would benefit from a little more Qui-Gon.

The rumored plot leaks claimed that when Obi-Wan is about to lose his 2nd duel to Vader, he would suddenly hear Qui-Gon’s voice in his head, motivating and coaching him to defeat Vader. It would be a wonderful payoff to his prayers in Parts 1-3 and is just a cool idea in general. But it didn’t exactly turn out that way.

It’d be cool if in the scene where Obi-Wan is trapped under the rubble getting overwhelmed by the angry voice of Anakin/Vader…he’d suddenly hear the calm, encouraging voice of master Qui-Gon. And that could be one of the motivations for Obi-Wan finding his Force strength to defeat Vader (though the flashes of his remembering Leia/Luke don’t need to be deleted).

The rubble scene, Obi-Wan’s floating rocks scene, and Obi-Wan destroying Vader’s suit - all of those scenes could potentially benefit from inserting Liam Neeson’s voiceovers at the right moments as the ‘Force ghost in his head.’ But the dialogue would have to be recycled from TPM, TCW, and perhaps even other non-SW Neeson media. In Batman Begins, Neeson’s mentor character has a pretty appropriate quote for Part 6 where he says “You have learned to bury your guilt…confront it. Face the truth.”

KENOBI: A STAR WARS STORY [The Radical "Help Me Obi-Wan Kenobi" Cut]

leftshoe18 said:

Phase3 said:

Anjohan said:

Would people like to see the Anakin & Obi-Wan sparring sequence as a whole in the beginning of the film, as a memory when Obi-Wan is dreaming, before later showing up again in the way it is presented in EP 5 (apart from cuts and trims)?

The reason I ask is because introducing it as a happy memory, for instance BEFORE the bad memories/flashback nightmare sequence, could start the film with a kind of realization that those happy times are definitively over, and also have Anakin’s death (sort of) kind of looming even harder over the overall film. Not to mention it is impactful to have the seeds of Anakin’s arrogance re-planted before “EP 5 happens”.

The downside and the counter-arguement is of course that the viewer might feel less impacted by the flashback, and perhaps the film starts on one too many of them.

Share your views - I would be very interested to hear them.

I’d love to see the AOTC flashback portrayed as Obi-Wan’s dream in the beginning, instead of the re-used footage from the three prequel films. Flashbacks in the fifth episode (and I’d argue that flashbacks being used at all) are wholly unnecessary, and to me breaks the flow of the story.

Obi-Wan’s dream sequence seems to be an excuse to use more footage from the prequels (filler footage). It even shows Anakin in situations that Obi-Wan wasn’t even physically present for (namely young Anakin in the Naboo Starfighter).
You wouldn’t even need to use the entire AOTC flashback as a dream sequence, you’d need just enough footage to illustrate Anakin’s anger and need for victory.

I like this because it also presents it as Obi-Wan reflecting on his training of Anakin. Like he’s fixated on finding the flaws in his approach that led to his fall.

Those flashbacks are essential to the Jabiim section of the present day plot, for better and for worse (mostly for better). Delete those flashbacks and what are we left with on Jabiim - a very Made-for-Television Star Wars battle plus the Reva stuff. Those flashbacks add to Obi-Wan and Vader’s rivalry on Jabiim and create a much needed narrative anticipation/build-up to their present day showdown in Part 6.

Today I rewatched Parts 3 & 5 back to back because I was skeptical about deleting Part 4 from the plot, but now I’ve seen it’s actually a significant improvement. Vader now appears relentless about hunting Obi-Wan since he doesn’t inexplicably disappear for almost an entire episode.

There’s a lot more desperation and tension in Obi-Wan’s speech about being unable to fight the Empire head-on, because we just saw his ass get kicked 15 minutes earlier. The anguish in Ewan’s performance when Tala dies is more palpable because he hasn’t had any victory since Mapuzo: it’s just been loss after loss for him. The Empire comes off as stronger and unstoppable as well without the fortress hijinks.

Child of a Jedi (A Kenobi Movie Edit) [NOW AVAILABLE WP 1.1; Two Different Cuts]

I’m intrigued to see which Ep4 scenes you plan to integrate. Some of them have potential.

For example the small moment in Ep4 where Leia takes Obi-Wan’s hand. Compare it to the Ep5 scene of them escaping Vader on Roken’s crowded ship and I see the faint chance that moment could be spliced together with the Ep5 escape, inserted before Roken sits down to talk to Kenobi. The discrepancies in the slightly too empty seats around them could maybe be obscured, but the only issue would be Obi-Wan’s slight costume change.

Anyways I’m happy to see that there are at least two projects being worked on for this series, and I can’t wait to watch your edit as well.

KENOBI: A STAR WARS STORY [The Radical "Help Me Obi-Wan Kenobi" Cut]

I’ll argue against the inclusion. If the entire sequence as a whole is shown at the beginning, then the Ep5 flashbacks feel mostly redundant because the viewer already saw that sequence in its totality. If the film already establishes that Obi-Wan and Anakin were friends and that Anakin is aggressive early on, why show it all over again but cut up?

Maybe the flashbacks in the Jabiim section could be significantly trimmed to their most essential elements. “How do you know, Obi-Wan?” -> 5 seconds of Obi-Wan and Anakin smiling at each other. “He will start his siege” -> 10 seconds of Anakin going aggro on Obi-Wan. But at that point it would be cutting down arguably the most compelling scenes of that part of the story as well as the audience novelty of seeing a brand new Anakin and Obi-Wan prequel scene. So I’d argue there are too many drawbacks.

If it must be included at the start, the best alternative imo would be to just tease it in short clips - like 3 seconds of Obi-Wan and Anakin sparring on Coruscant, 3 seconds of Mustafar duel, 3 seconds of Coruscant smiling at each other, 3 seconds of Sith Anakin screaming at him - basically interspersing a couple brief snippets in between the prequel flashbacks. Then later the viewer gets to see the sparring flashback in its entirety when it’s directly relevant to the plot.