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The Best DVD-R's
for everything related to burning the perfect disc see: CDFreaks.com some seriously in depth reviews on drives and pages full of media dissections.

although the previous posters have been correct in recommending certain brands over other brands/manufacturers. the secret to getting the best burn possible is finding the type of media your drive likes best. be it dvd-r or +r and which batches from which manufacturers.

to find this out you can either go by what other ppl suggest who have the same drive or do some scanning urself. apps like Kprobe for the lite-on drives allow u to scan a disc after its been burnt and check for different types of read errors. as for longevity...dunno...guess we'll all find out in a decade or so. its really hard to say but giving urself the best burn possible with the least errors is definitely going to help you in the long run.

so if ur serious then i suggest hitting those forums and reading through all the sticky threads and then diving into the subforums on your particular drive and getting some more specific information.

good luck
Ok. The OUT Covers for the UK- WHY!?
nope not a sticker...its part of the "artwork" on the slick. the only thing you can do is reprint a new slick with some art off the internet. the article mentions that some companies are making double sided slicks so that they conform to the ratings regulations...but then you can take em out and flip em around to get the unaltered artwork when you get home. thats how ALL companies should do it IMHO...that or stickers. but in this case...neither....sucks be to us....
Printing out DVD Labels
i can vouch for the label printing on the Canon Pixima IP3000. unfortunately you americans miss out on the disc tray which is a shame as it works a treat. very professional looking results.

ive been keen to try out some of these glossy white blanks but they are incredibly expensive when you can get a 50 spindle of the matte white variety for about 17$au. will be intrested in the spray tutorial as a solution for all the stuff ive already printed.

no one has mentioned this LightScribe technology yet. you actually burn your disc...then flip it over and the laser burns images into the other side. no color of course and its new and requires special media so expensive i assume. intresting idea though.