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The Mask (1994) - 35mm preservation opportunity (a WIP)

Thank you crissrudd4554!

So, we did an estimate calculation on total cost of based on the scanner’s pricing, and it seems like it’s over-funded, so thanks everyone that pledged! Here’s the breakdown in USD:

$349 (PRINT+SHIPPING) - Paid 6/28

$850 (TOTAL) which is 79% of the pledges we have so far.

Since this will be a donors-only release, I’m going to keep pledges open until the scanner recieves the print, then I will start collecting the donations at 79% of what was pledged (or less if we get more pledges).

I’ll start with small donations ($25 and under)… If small donors want to donate the full amount pledged, that would be appreciated and will be subtracted proportionally from the bigger donors’ pledges, but there will be no obligation to donate more than the percentage it ends up being for any donor! Does that seem fair to everyone?

The Mask (1994) - 35mm preservation opportunity (a WIP)

Thank you Jonno and FunkySi! Added your pledges to main post.

Update: Print has been purchased for $510.28 AU ($159.28 for print, $351 for shipping) and will get sent straight to the scanner. Once the scanner recieves it and we have an estimate for total price of this project, I will update the post again, but it looks like it should be fully funded or close, we might even be able to buy a hard drive for the scan if everyone is okay with that.

The Mask (1994) - 35mm preservation opportunity (a WIP)

Thanks everyone who pledged so far!

Some slightly bad news… It was brought to our attention that there is a magenta spot burned into some of the scenes on this print. It’s visible in some of the images in the main post.

Just wanted to bring this to everyone’s attention in case you want to withdraw your pledge, I’d understand. But I’m still going to try to win this and get it scanned. I think the spot can be made less severe in post.

Bidding ends tomorrow morning and I’ll update the post with the final price.

The Mask (1994) - 35mm preservation opportunity (a WIP)

Update 7/12/2020: This project is fully funded and no longer accepting pledges. Everyone who pledged will recieve a PM with instructions to donate.

Added some unexpected costs to breakdown below, but we’re still overfunded so that’s good…Scanner has recieved the print and is preparing it for scanning now.

Update 6/28/2020: Print has been purchased for $510.28 AU ($159.28 for print, $351 for shipping) and will get sent straight to the scanner. Once the scanner recieves it and we have an estimate for total price of this project, I will update the post again, but it looks like it should be fully funded or close, we might even be able to buy a hard drive for the scan if everyone is okay with that.

So, we did an estimate calculation on total cost of based on the scanner’s pricing, and it seems like it’s over-funded, so thanks everyone that pledged! Here’s the breakdown in USD:

$365.53 (PRINT+SHIPPING) - Paid 6/28
$184 (HARD DRIVE) - Paid 7/9
$71.86 (CUSTOMS FEE) - Paid 7/3

$1022.39 (TOTAL) which is 89% of the pledges we have so far.

Since this will be a donors-only release, I’m going to keep pledges open until the scanner recieves the print, then I will start collecting the donations at 89% of what was pledged (or less if we get more pledges).

I’ll start with small donations ($25 and under)… If small donors want to donate the full amount pledged, that would be appreciated and will be subtracted proportionally from the bigger donors’ pledges, but there will be no obligation to donate more than the percentage it ends up being for any donor! Does that seem fair to everyone?

Hi Everyone,

There’s an opportunity to buy and scan and preserve a beautiful open matte 35mm copy of The Mask - one of my favorites growing up! I decided to open this up to donors with some encouragement from TomArrow 😃

I’ll take pledges now and collect the money when once we figure out how much the project will cost total. The print is on auction on eBay so final cost is unclear. But I should be able to win it and have it shipped straight to the scanner.

Current pledges $1150/1022.39:

Me - 350 USD
Tom Arrow - 200 EUR
Other - 100 USD
FilmD00d - 10 USD
Soupdrinker0 - 30 USD
SpookyDollhouse - 15 USD
sebkarlbjork - 15 USD
3Maters - 10 USD
Jerclayv2 - 5 USD
TServo2049 - 245+ USD
ZachR - 10 USD
Avatar_Emil_Borg - 10 USD
SpacemanDoug - 15 USD
Jonno - 10 USD
FunkySi - 10 USD
Crissrudd4554 - 15 USD
Freedomland - 15 USD
Anonymous - 25 USD
Parzival91 - 15 USD
kchrules - 20 USD

Also - how does everyone here feel about donating using crypto, like Bitcoin or Ethereum? I’m not a huge fan of PayPal, but I’ll use it if necessary.

This is my first project here, and I’m excited to see this print preserved!

Adding some images from the print so you can see how good this looks:

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Hey everyone!

I joined this site last year just looking for the despecialized Star Wars films, which were awesome. But I keep coming back because I loved seeing preservation of other properties, specially the 35mm scan preservations.

Would love to help out with more of these projects where I can!