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***The Custom DVD Cover Request Thread***

Forgot to mention earlier, I would also like a dvd cover in the style of the 2004 Prequel Trilogy dvd covers also but edited for the fan-made webseries Star Wars: A Clone Apart.

I have some JPG pictures files of the trooper characters and of poster too both from the webseries if anyone can use them for editing the cover, for either front, back, or both. I’d greatly appreciate this alot.

***The Custom DVD Cover Request Thread***

Hey. So there’s a patreon user called Star Wars Fan Animations and he’s in the final stages of finishing a Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire feature length fan-film that is based on not just the game but also the book and the comics, along with the game version of the story too. So I thought it’d be awesome and handy to have a dvd cover based on the 2004 Prequel Trilogy covers but have it for Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire since a couple of his patreon donation higher tiers allows him to give out that fan-film of his on dvd to his patreon members who subscribes to the one of those two tier levels and i’m one of his higher tier members too in fact.

in case I can’t find anyone else to do this dvd cover, there’s a member in the thread on here who makes dvd covers based on the 2004 Prequel Trilogy covers but he’s kinda backed up because of college and he said he’s not sure if he’s doing any covers for fan-films like the one I’m mentioning. So can someone in this thread too do a dvd cover for Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire?

I also have a PSD template file i downloaded from MEGA from that other thread for anyone that can help me with this cover, and i got a PNG format picture file downloaded too which may come useful when someone is able to edit this specific cover for me if any one of u can,hopefully. so on that note let me know if any if u can have me send u the picture via attachment to u through email.

Thank you!

Star Wars 2004 DVD-inspired Covers (ONGOING)

hihocustom said:

[corymcg94 said:]
Let ne know when u can. Thnx 😊

Hello, Sorry late reply, I’ll continue this custom DVD project in upcoming July. I’m still thinking if I make covers for fan films. I have Forces of Destiny season 1 and bad batch season 2 but it still unfinished.

no worries about the fan-film covers, another member on the Discord for this website was able to do them for me. but I am still looking forward to the other covers that are planned.

Star Wars 2004 DVD-inspired Covers (ONGOING)

hihocustom said:

corymcg94 said:
Any more updates? Perhaps, covers for Bad Batch Season 2, Visions Season 2, Ahsoka Season 1, and maybe even Forces of Destiny ?

ill make it soon, Im just busy on college

Hey 👋 no rush, I’m just wondering if u read my replies about a custom Shadows of the Empire DVD cover for me especially, and the other members since I need a cover of it for the upcoming fan-film by Star Wars Fan Animations. Also, I have a PNG format picture that may come useful when u finally are able to edit this specific cover for me if u can which i sure hope. Can I send the picture via attachment to u through email?
Let ne know when u can. Thnx 😊

Star Wars 2004 DVD-inspired Covers (ONGOING)

corymcg94 said:

hihocustom said:

corymcg94 said:
Any more updates? Perhaps, covers for Bad Batch Season 2, Visions Season 2, Ahsoka Season 1, and maybe even Forces of Destiny ?

ill make it soon, Im just busy on college

It’s all good, just wondered.
Thank you!

Also, there’s a patreon user called Star Wars Fan Animations and he’s in the final stages of finishing a Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire feature length fan-film that is based on not just the game but also the book and the comics too. So I thought it’d be awesome to have a dvd cover for that since a couple of his patreon donation higher tiers allows him to give out that fan-film of his on blu-ray or dvd to his patreon members and i’m one of his higher tier members too.

So can u do a dvd cover for Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire, and I’d also like covers for the Star Wars: Forces of Destiny animated shorts series, and Young Jedi Adventures.