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The Clone Wars: Refocused [COMPLETE] + Subtitles for season one!

So far this is really good, but I’m only 5 episodes in. A couple of things I would personally change:

  • I absolutely hate the art style of the 2003 miniseries, and while introducing Ventress makes sense, I don’t consider it essential. Although, seeing Anakin get knighted was alright and is kinda essential-ish, but not really because barely anything actually happened (at least, in this fan edit - I haven’t seen the entire 2003 miniseries originals).
  • However, I do consider the Tales of the Jedi episodes about Count Dooku essential/vital. They basically explain the origins of Dooku, why he changed, and the reason why he switched sides, and most importantly, the failings of the Republic and the Jedi prior to the Clone Wars, from the perspective of those outside of the center, which you don’t really see a lot of. It gives necessary background for the entire prequel series, including the Clone Wars. In fact, it also shows how the Clones were started in the first place, which gives it even more relevance to TCW, imo.
  • For the above two reasons, I would switch the current prelude out for the TotJ Count Dooku episodes 😄
  • Removing the Domino Squadron’s retaking of the test where they succeeded and graduated was a little confusing because it’s necessary to explain why they went to Rishi in the first place, but perhaps this was put in a different place, idk.
  • I’m sad to see that a lot of Mortis was removed. I loved the entire storyline and think it’s essential for the universe as a whole. I find it hard to understand that people wouldn’t like the mysticism when all of Star Wars is about mysticism.

The three most memorable storylines from TCW when I first watched it were the Domino Squadron stuff, Mortis, and The Cosmic Force. I would consider them the best episodes of TCW in general.