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THE STAR WARS SAGA - 1080P AVCHD DVD-9 for PS3 & Blu-Ray players - Episodes 1, 4 & 5 available now

Finally grabbed Ep 1. The compression artifacts seem extra bad in this one :(. It almost looks like dvd! Shame, as the colour correction is great. I can never decide which versions to watch, the original german broadcasts are miles ahead quality wise but the german crawls are damn annoying!

Wookie Groomer's 1080p Star Wars Saga project (Released)
PaulisDead2221 said:
chris1712 said:

Great news that your coming back to up the bar again. Hopefully these new releases will appear just after my exams finish, and I can really relax with some glorious HD star wars :p.

When you say Blu-Ray format, are we talking full 50gb (or thereabouts) m2ts h264 releases? Amazing. I'll end up mkv'ing them myself due to storage constraints, but regardless I really can't wait.


Keep up the good work! Be sure to post the NZB when they're done :p.


EDIT: I notice in the empire samples currently up on usenet, the AR is incorrect? Well, by that I mean its a 16:9 encode with black bars to make a 2.20:1 letterbox. I assume this will be fixed in the final release? No point encoding that extra res, waste of bandwidth surely? And it could be a pain for those with anamorphic projector setups.

Blu-ray standards are 16:9.  If this were a basic internet release then the letterboxing should be cut, but it's not.  Incorrectly letterboxed Blu-rays will appear stretched vertically on the screen.

Well I was not aware of that! Seems a bit silly to me nowadays!


Wookie Groomer's 1080p Star Wars Saga project (Released)

Great news that your coming back to up the bar again. Hopefully these new releases will appear just after my exams finish, and I can really relax with some glorious HD star wars :p.

When you say Blu-Ray format, are we talking full 50gb (or thereabouts) m2ts h264 releases? Amazing. I'll end up mkv'ing them myself due to storage constraints, but regardless I really can't wait.


Keep up the good work! Be sure to post the NZB when they're done :p.


EDIT: I notice in the empire samples currently up on usenet, the AR is incorrect? Well, by that I mean its a 16:9 encode with black bars to make a 2.20:1 letterbox. I assume this will be fixed in the final release? No point encoding that extra res, waste of bandwidth surely? And it could be a pain for those with anamorphic projector setups.

THE STAR WARS SAGA - 1080P AVCHD DVD-9 for PS3 & Blu-Ray players - Episodes 1, 4 & 5 available now
adywan said:
Wideload said:
chris1712 said:

Any news on the 14gb higher bitrate mkv versions? I don't really have a use for AVCHD releases and would rather a nice big mkv file for my htpc. The sample posted a couple pages back is awesome!


Will it be for both ANH and ESB:R? When can we expect them Adywan?



 Hi Adywan,

I was wondering about this too the other day.  I know you did have problems with your upload limits imposed by your ISP, which were delaying this.

i've decided just to stick to what the project was originally which was AVCHD's so i'm not going to bother with mkv high bitrate releases. I've just got too much on at the moment to be doing several versions for each movie.  if the rest of the saga ever gets completed is anyone's guess at the moment


Fair enough, is there an easy way to convert the AVCHD's to an mkv? I'm quite happy to do that at my end obviously, I just find a mkv a more convienient container (Although i Do have a PS3).


Can't wait for ROTJ. I'm sure, as soon as its done its going to be prompting a lot of Star Wars marathons around the globe :p.