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Big Trouble In Little China (John Carpenter, 1986) – 35mm Scan opportunity (a WIP)

LucasGodzilla said:

So a bit of news, I have been talking with a few associates about their rates on scanning lately and an interesting development came out of it that’ll help this preservation for sure. We’ve managed to work out a bit of a compromise where the scanning fees and rate will go by a reel by reel basis. Meaning, with the current amount of funding pledged to the pot, we have enough to cover the rental fee of the print as well as the scanning of the first reel. Our hopes are that once that first reel gets scanned, it’ll entice more folks to help out and chip in to see the scan reach eventual completion.

So anyways, with that said, I am currently contacting those who’ve pledged to collect funds to send over to the scanner and whatnot.

Hopefully now we’ll be able to see some real progress with this. And on a further upside with this forum in particular, with the first reel scanned, hopefully it’d help anyone’s ventures into regrading one of the HD masters to the print colors.

What do you think the status is on the project with the amount you currently have?